The response was actually kind of entertaining. It makes its point in a simplistic, yet accurate way that I can personally respect.
On the issue of the game itself, I've been meaning to post this for a few days now, but got totally side-tracked. Here's the thing; the rape fantasy exists. It's a fantasy shared by both sexes and practiced (consensually, of course) by couples who do role-playing (it's actually a relatively common one, last I checked). It's not my cup of tea either, but it's every bit a valid fantasy as any other sexual fantasy.
Considering that all games (and I mean ALL) exist to entertain by satisfying fantasies (whether this fantasy is about saving a princess by gulping mushrooms or being a professional soldier protecting the world from gun-totting lunatics), Rapelay had every right to exist like any other game.
I hadn't witnessed the hubab following its release (I didn't even know the game existed for a good long while), but I can assume that all the damning was partly due to a particular knee-jerk reaction that we all have when we hear of a sex-related crime (I suspect that's how "Law & Order: SVU" came to be) and partly because of the usual "It corrupts our kids" bullshit argument that we've heard so many times. And, yes, I guess handing this game to a sexless, horny 16-year-old boy, who's still struggling to figure out what sex is, puts you on a very tight rope I wouldn't want to walk on. But since the world isn't populated exclusively by horny teenagers and their overprotective mothers, throwing the game to the pits of Hell is a bit of an overreaction.