Japanese Scientists Unveil Thinking, Learning Robot


New member
Apr 30, 2008
This is where the world ends and a big message pops up over the Galaxy wall. "LEVEL TWO"


Madness to my Methods
Feb 28, 2010
EverythingIncredible said:
"SOINN obtains information from other sources including the internet as well as other robot's experiences and knowledge. In this way, it gradually becomes smarter."

Yep. That's not a recipe for disaster.

I can imagine it now.

"What is fairness?"
It's gonna be worse when it finds sites like 4chan. I shudder when we have robots walking around reciting meme.....oh.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
The theory that this robot could learn from other robots over the Internet is fascinating. Right now I think this robot's capabilities are limited to specific environments (such as only being a butler for now; good luck teaching it programming). Still, this is an impressive step in AI research.

Abandon4093 said:
When does something because sentient enough for us to consider it equal? We will essentially introduce a non-human creature (artificial or not) in a human society with the ability to understand it. But it won't have the history and evolution of it's own culture to take from and contextualise. Try explaining why it can't have a girlfriend when it reads so much about them. Then try explaining why it's going to become obsolete in 3 years time, yet remain functional and aware for many years after that.
That is a very sad fate, and hopefully something humans will not discriminate toward robots in the future, if they ever become sentient. But, considering our history on social interactions, maybe we need something more than hope. -_-


New member
Apr 1, 2010
Well...That's..great. I'm just hoping when the robots start tearing humanity a new one I'll be an old man. That way at least I can die knowing that I lived a probably not as long as I want life but decent enough. Seriously a thinking robot that can get smarter over time and use the internet.I get that the robots to be feared wont be around for years and years to come but still. Is it some kind of prerequisite for being a scientist that you have never watched an end of the world/robots take over movie?


New member
Jul 27, 2011
Its times like these when I'm glad to have the japanese as our friends in the mutual pursuit of higher technology... while at the same time being seperated from them by 5000 miles of open ocean.


New member
Sep 17, 2010
Seriously? No offworld colonies, no space travel, no genetically engineered super soldiers but robots that can overthrow humanity, no problem. Man the future sucks.


New member
May 18, 2009
Abandon4093 said:
When does something because sentient enough for us to consider it equal? We will essentially introduce a non-human creature (artificial or not) in a human society with the ability to understand it. But it won't have the history and evolution of it's own culture to take from and contextualise. Try explaining why it can't have a girlfriend when it reads so much about them. Then try explaining why it's going to become obsolete in 3 years time, yet remain functional and aware for many years after that.

Making something more human when it is not human isn't a good idea. If this learning is limited to practical tasks and environmental interaction, then fine. But if artificial intelligence develops it's own true consciousness, it could spell a whole host of trouble.

Also... hivemind........ why?
I'd say emotion would be the deciding factor. And I don't see that magically happening like it does in the movies. A robot could replicate emotions if it learned what situation they'd apply and such, but it couldn't actually feel them.

As for the hivemind, I think that's the coolest part. This is definitely a huge step, but we've had somewhat adaptive AI being worked on for a while, none resulting in something quite like this but still. The hivemind thing means they can learn much faster. It would be horribly inefficient for every robot to have to learn the same things.

So yes, I am incredibly happy about this. It's made my night (well, morning really).


New member
May 21, 2010
Oh Japan, you kooky nuts.

Hey, wait a tick... I swear I've seen the robot bartender somewhere else...
<IMG SRC="http://26.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lcmim6MNVs1qaqou6o1_500.jpg" IMG>


Cyber Agent
Jan 29, 2011
have none of these scientists ever seen a single sci-fi film. this is just an end of the world level accident waitng to happen.


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
FallenPrism said:
Finally my wise and future-thinking investment in building an EMP-armed bunker below my apartment will pay off! I'll just go triple-check my inventory of bottled water and emergency rations.
Remember to aqquire one of those robots they are building in japan to serve you water while you wait for it to pass.

Mackie Stingray

New member
Feb 15, 2010
JamesBr said:
Fairness is a quality in which multiple groups are treated the same. It's not really a difficult concept, even for a computer. ... It becomes a matter of Copy->Pasting your actions on everyone involved in whatever action needs to be adjudicated for "fairness".
You're missing an important detail. While this would function for some scenarios, and is a good baseline, one must also judge whether the same action is equally harmful to all. Is a punch in the face to everybody fair when one such person has brittle bones, which increase his risky of dying from a punch in the face?


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
Whelp, time to build that bomb shelter and learn how to use every gun ever created. The Robot-Apocalypse is upon us.