Jimquisition: Accountability


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
The escapist servers went down? Was it an attack or just a normal failure?


New member
Feb 20, 2011
I agree on a lot of points he made here, but used-games and pirating are obviously not a good thing. With used games, I don't mean you selling a game you don't want anymore over ebay or something like that, but GameStop.

Gamestop is making millions and millions of dollars by ripping both consumers and developers off. I am wondering why developers still do business with this company. They are good for no one, but the shareholders of GameStop.

DRM to stop pirating is generally a bad thing. It only affects the paying customers since it is not rare that pirates actually get their game before it is even out in retail-stores. The DLC solution is a terrible one. The joy I could draw from Dragon Age Origins was greatly diminished by the two hours I had to spend creating online accounts, searching forums for trouble guides and talking with Bioware Employees. Every time I started the game I first had to dive into several directories on my pc to allow the game to load the DLC. If I forgot to do this, I wouldn't be able to play on my character since it had DLC save-files.

If you want to force people to register online you better have some advantages tied to it and make sure it isn't much of a hassle. Good examples of this would be SC2, allowing you to enter your account anywhere on the world and continue playing the campaign on entirely different PC's as long as it has SC2 installed. The blocking of LAN was a dick-move though.


Karma Haunts You
Jan 5, 2011
Valid points once again, all these haters are giving you power as well. Just keep on making excellent videos with good points, also, I really want to kiss you.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Goddamn it. I really want to hate you Jim. I really do. I want to hate this overblown, poorly acted, bullshit persona of yours, but I can't. But you are quite the intelligent chap pie. I still hate you, but I can't ignore the truth of your message. Well said.