Jimquisition: Defending Call of Duty


New member
Apr 1, 2011
did the air get sucked into the video, or am I just dying, I think this show got worse, the fucking makeup on this lips, acting to hard to be funny made me not be able to watch the thing, anyways, onto the issue?

I think the original 3 were the the best Call Of Duty's, but four just took challenge and fair skill out of the equation with several perks, thus making online just a roll of the die if I win or lose. I think call of duty didn't reinvigirate dry turds with Modern Warfare, as other games being released soon before or after the thing seemed to focus less on perks, more on guns, allowing for more weapons to see and use. Tf2 is popular as hell, and it introduced so many new weapons, crafting and much more that call of duty just lacks. Perks are fine but can break the game, but add more weapons and what not to the game, it might just win me back.
By the way, online sucks because everyone with a mic is a little kid under the age of 21.
Oh and i used to love the hell out of COD games back in the day, because the players were mature about what they were doing, and totally tried to be fair, if someone got a headshot, no one got mad and just said "good shot man, good shot." But now its "YOU HACKING MOTHER FUCKING TURD SHIT LICKING BALLS NERD FANBOY LOL, I SLEPT WITH YOUR MOM!" Tell me which one is a more caring community. Thanks for reading this, if you feel something needs changed in it, just write me and I'll see what I can do.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
jamesbrown said:
he makes a good point, COD has changed FPS forever, and with MW3 coming out, from what I can understand it will be an amazing story. MW2 and Black ops had good stories that I enjoyed replaying, but MW2 felt more like a transitional story in the series then a story to stand on its own merit. This website seems to have the most intelligent people in gaming working for them.
God I feel bad for re posting so early. But what story was there, I couldn't follow along because I thought I was going to fucking have my heart burst from so many bullets and bombs, don't spoil it, but what was the Gist of it, I seriously didn't understand it at all.


New member
Sep 18, 2009
the problem is see with the present COD is that, at least in the single player, nothing has changed over the past decade. blackops plays exactly like the old allied assault game, but with prettier and bigger explosions. In short they are all cookie cutter games. This is big problem because it's success has meant that a certain formulaic gaming experience is all that is needed to be successful. hense the five million clones, with very few people trying to push the envelope. in that sense Crysis and few others deserve a lot of recognition for at least trying.


New member
Nov 17, 2010
"Those artsy types who need a story with a message"
What a quote.

I just watch these videos because I am a filthy masochist.


New member
Apr 8, 2010
I'm starting to like this thing!
And I don't really know the subject too well- nobody ever accused me of loving COD and so being a bad person (and I like COD pretty much). But if you say there are evil people like this- oh well...
Oh, and the 5 seconds with a well to detailed picture of shit really wasn't necessary.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
mfeff said:
Thanks for this video, its a refreshing mouthwash from the shit sandwich that was "gun myth" over at extra credits. COD still sucks though... Battlefield 3 for life!!!! ;) (It's a gameplay/mechanic thing) you understand.
I have to ask, why do so many hate on Extra Credits for being Un-Professional, or Not fun, or for any other reason I can't think of, whats so bad about them, their informing, and doing it well. Then people go on to defend Jim as a hardcore critic, but truly is acting like a 19 year old, who thinks they know everything, anytime and anywhere.

Edit, I changed some things around, so it may be a better comment.

Emergent System

New member
Feb 27, 2010
What a pointless episode. Its entire message could probably be summed up just as elaborately in a sentence or two (whatever its message was actually supposed to be, I kinda lost track in between the strawmans and hyperbole).


Regular Member
Aug 25, 2010
Essentially my only problem is COD is another company will see this big juggernaut of a franchise and instantly want to emulate the success by taking their already established franchises and modify them to appeal to the COD demographics and in turn alienate their standing fanbase. Besides this I just do not like COD, if you like fine by me.


New member
Feb 17, 2010
Jim Sterling said:
Ok, after hating every previous episode I am glad i caved and watched this one to see what got everyone talking. As the odd over shoots at humor and the bad weirdness die down this series seems to be getting good. Now I may venture to guess that Mr.Sterling actually knows what he talks about enough to make listening worthwhile. Starting to come off more and more as a journalist doing an editorial and less like a drunken rant.
[Every one likes feed back right? I assume you like it to.]

OT: I had this discussion with friends many times. I loved Modern Warfare, but the sequels seemed to pale in comparison for me. The story was not as powerful and the gameplay and graphics were not greatly changed, I actually prefer the style of MW1 to any of the new ones it just looks more appealing.

My real issue with the series has been the crap they pulled on the PC Gamers. The server tends to be a cornerstone of community and by removing it they collapsed the community that tends to make games like COD so much fun. Yet pepole adapted and formed community through steam and websites instead, it worked out to some extent but the field changed, there is something to be said for being a regular on a server. When you go in and play with a group until the other regulars become friends and relationships build, that community is gone with the loss of servers.

My second, non-gameplay, related issue is the loss of mods. Its another unwitting attack upon the culture of PC gaming. Mods are a special little subset of the community that revives the game, long after its life span should be over, by adding new content and building new small communities of fans. Mods also have become a steeping stone for many indie devs now, they present the chance for someone to experiment with ideas or simply discover they enjoy creating content as much as playing it.

Yes my issues with COD are not related to the gameplay or the pepole who play it but to the choices that seem to be aimed at destroying something i hold very fondly, the PC Gaming community. They are valid reasons and are make or break for me.


New member
Apr 18, 2011
Jim Sterling said:
Defending Call of Duty

Very much how men and women of the military defend this nation's freedom overseas, Jim Sterling defends Call of Duty. In many ways, Sterling's cause is more righteous and noble than anything a soldier has ever, ever done.

Watch Video
Kudos, this was a great episode (don't know if you actually read these comments or not but still.) Very well formulated and presented. I am glad I stuck with it if this is what the rest of your episodes will be like


New member
Sep 18, 2009
Aprilgold said:
I have to ask, why does everyone hate on Extra Credits for being Un-Professional, or Not fun, or for any other shit reason I can't think of, whats so bad about them, their informing, and doing it well. Then people go on to defend Jim as a hardcore critic, but truly is acting like a 19 year old, who thinks they know everything, anytime and anywhere.
They've been my second favorite over here next to yahtzee. Far more mature that what jim sterling presents as criticism.

Asuka Soryu

New member
Jun 11, 2010
I find it funny to this date, this far in. People who don't like him and don't like his videos, continue to watch so they can come onto a thread and tell us of how "horrible" he is.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Still Life said:
Mantonio said:
It's not the fact that it's a huge thing ALONE that makes it shit. It's the fact that (like you said) because it is so big, so many other companies try to emulate it.
How do other companies 'emulating' the COD formula make Infinity Ward and Treyarch responsible for the lack of creativity and risk-taking in the FPS industry? How does it make COD shit, when they are some of the most polished shooters on the market?

Blame other developers for taking what has been shown to work time and time again.

Let me rephrase myself. I didn't mean the games themselves lack quality. I meant the reason that people hate them is because they're what others are trying to copy. I realise I should have phrased that better.

And while the blame doesn't all lie with them, true, they still deserve some flak. Because they're one of the companies that HAS the money and trust to truly innovate, but they don't. Thus reinforcing the 'Only games like CoD (as it is now) sell' idea among shareholders. If they bothered to try be a little more creative, I have no doubt that a lot more risks would be accepted by them.

Often alienating their original fans in the process and making a poorer product. Example: Bioware and Dragon Age 2.
How is DA2 anything like the COD franchise? Does it focus on the multiple player experience? Is it FPS with a short and intense six hour campaign?

This is exactly the kind of stick-up-the-ass elitist attitude Jim was describing.
Bioware specifically said that they wanted CoDs audience. They went after them, instead of sticking with the loyal fanbase they had built up. That, along with their excuse for a head writer saying this:

tl;dr People try and copy CoD, and ignore their main demographic and make a poorer product. True most of the blame lies with those developers for playing follow the leader, but CoD isn't exactly known for its innovation either.


New member
Sep 4, 2009
Holy shit i actually liked this episode :O although i really cant say much for the humour though, Jim seems to know what he's talking about, its just he cant seem to stop shoving in rather unfunny jokes..