Jimquisition: Defending Call of Duty


New member
Sep 13, 2008
I like how story "likers" complain about the narrative, guess fast paced action is dead...


New member
Nov 9, 2010
I agree with the point made in the video that "not all COD players are swearing teenagers", however, I disagree with the idea that one genre is neseseraly more skilled or takes a higher degreed of intilect, for example a solid strategic game can bring in aspects of intilect that COD just can't, for this reason I dislike COD personally. Sufice to say ,as a man that finds all such games dull, COD is a shining gem.

P.S. I apologise for my spelling, I say this in case any tuppence a ride Yanky with no idea of the fineries of sub-national borders decides to pounce on this issue again.

P.P.S. I am a Dyslexic, By the way.

P.P.P.S. A note to the Fish and Aquatic Mammals retail sector, I have no problem with the fish.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
The problem is with pacing to quote a certain fellow of high regards in these parts "your-not-just-knocking-them-over-like-skittles". My point being, fast paced is good but with no contrast it is redundant and weightless. If for example the game slowly progressed to a point of fast paced climax it would feel far greater that a continues maximum output.

You see that paragraph came to a clear weighty ending, whereas . . .


That short paragraph comes to no conclusion and is meaningless.


Magnificent Retard
Dec 27, 2010
Because Call of Duty really needs defending, it only being one of the bestselling videogame franchises in history *faceplam*

Also, Black Ops was "wonderfully paced"? What is this man smoking?


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Look I like Call of Duty, I am actually quite a competitive gamer and enjoy the community that surrounds the competitive aspects of the series.

I've said before, something doesn't need to be original to be good, it's a solid formula, like a sport that is being refined and if you don't like soccer you probably wont like it because they made a slight alteration to rule.

Perhaps you'll still kick the ball with a few friends, but you wouldn't call yourself a soccer player.

On that analogy, I do still believe you can have too much of a good thing, if everything on T.V was a soccer match no matter how much I enjoyed soccer, I'd get over watching soccer.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
I was a huge fan of MW1. Then came mw2 without dedicated servers, with the most stupid perk system (Running around at 300 mph knifing everyone is NOT a "combat simulator"!), and a retard story in the sp. It basically brought the entire series down. Most people who aren't fan of the series agrees on this point, and thus tend to assume that the people who are actual fans, must be retards to actually stick with it. Needless to say, I wont queing up to buy MW3.

This video on the other hand, could have brought up some good points. Instead it just tears down on everyone who isn't a fan of the series, with made up arguments that no one has ever made (wtf? has no one in the entire history of gaming said the didn't like MW2 because its not art?).
While other shows that has had rocky starts on this site has grown on me to become my favorite shows (Looking at you, Moviebob!), this one just keeps disappointing me every time I try to watch it.


New member
Jan 16, 2011
As a message to blind haters of games they've never tried, I think this rings clear. However, to hard critics on the series who have hours and hours of online experience with COD, this is totally off target. COD's problem is the same as George Lucas, Blizzard, Portal, DragonAge, and anyone else who took a good idea and made it great: becoming an empire. Greed, commercialism, marketing, and hype at the expense of true innovation - and not technological innovation, I mean CORE innovation. Scrapping the old to make something genuinely fresh, and not just redone. What basic mechanics that made COD top the charts are now distinctly buried under a weak four to six hour campaign, cinematic wow factors, grinding achievements, flash and smoke, and new weapon skins that people pay 60 dollars for every few years to own. COD is becoming the MLB, NBA, FIFA, and NFL series of endless games that improve very little by adding more flash.

Rafael Dera

New member
Aug 24, 2010
In case you
Trig0n said:
Does anybody know the name of the song playing during the intro and credits? I didn't see its name mentioned anywhere.

On Topic though: I don't have a problem with COD as a game. But I just don't play live much because of those very vocal children, wich makes the game really not worth buying considering how the campaign isn't worth 60 dollars alone. I don't want anti-sematic drivel spouted at me every time I stab a guy.

Though I do have friends who are completely lovely people and play COD, though they agree with me about the screaming children.
In case you haven't found out by now, the song is by 'drill queen' called 'born depressed'.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
There is nothing wrong with trying to defend something you like and that's what Jim is trying to do here. I wonder why so many people get upset over one man's opinion. Oh wait, I am still on the Escapist, right ?

The sole problem is see with the franchise (this far and since I haven't bought BLOPS) is the duration of the SP campaign. They better fix this with MW3. They had 2 years to do that.

Plus, anyone who can even fucking remember Tombi from the PSOne days is ok in my book. I still hated those railroad levels, though.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
its not he fact the game is popular why i hate it (halo and BF fan boy here)
its the fact by the time MW2 came out and i played it did i realize how i much they were trying too hard at impressing us using the lowest common denominator.
the engine or graphics haven't been improved above re skinning
the story is either too stupid to shut off my suspension of disbelief or has down right obvious plot holes
the gameplay gets tedious after a while and doesn't really change up that much and doesn't even provide those odd death laughs enough to keep me from that hypnosis cause by a lack of juxtaposition
the story characters are unlikable in that we dont know who they are and they don't carry any personality.
the sound design is absolutely annoying in that they all sound like squeaky toys
the multiplayer is the same in that its spray and pray and it doesn't allow for smart team work outside of "RUSH THY ASS!!"

now granted games i do like are guilty of a few of these, but they aren't guilty of ALL of them and usually have something that honestly keeps me playing and lets me have fun.


New member
Nov 4, 2009
I am liking this guy more and more. He speaks to highly of himself which is not needed but his views are spot on.


New member
Feb 8, 2008
Mantonio said:
It's not the fact that it's a huge thing ALONE that makes it shit. It's the fact that (like you said) because it is so big, so many other companies try to emulate it. Often alienating their original fans in the process and making a poorer product. Example: Bioware and Dragon Age 2.

It's like a videogame version of the Shoe Event Horizon.

Also, it is true that swearing teenagers are not the biggest part of CoDs audience. Unfortunately they are the loudest though.

Also, Jim, have I mentioned that with that outfit and flag behind you, you remind me of Norsefire from V for Vendetta?
excellent hitchhiker's reference, sir.


New member
May 19, 2011
I just don't go for realistic shooters. Or realistic games, for that matter (I really like Borderlands, Viewtiful Joe, Team Fortress 2, Jet Grind Radio, etc.). Now, I'm not saying Call of Duty is bad. I just don't go for it. I believe I can say "it's not my thing" and not have my face lit on fire.


New member
Apr 7, 2011
I'm not too keen on Shooters, mainly cause the point of it seems to be "shoot everything, do nothing else". While that might not be true of the story mode, the multiplayer seems to focus only on that. It's essencially that the system I'd have to work with is about as deep as a layer of rain on top of the road. And while the simplicity may be an up point for some, it's not for me. Which is why the only shooter I'd play is Fallout or some other one where there's RPG elements that are acctually seen in pressance.

Also a side note, while some or a majority of COD players may be okay people; there is the fact that the people who are the... not so savery types and... not so intelectual types... seem to be drawn to shooters exclusively (as far as I know). As of course no one seems to find them elsewhere. That may be bias from gamer media, but I have met a whole group of people who played ONLY COD who seem to be an entire group of 'hicks'. The kind of people who only like sport, dirty jokes, food, and barely anything else. Sort of an empty personality that spans the unsavory types far beyond COD.

However, although the 'Hicks' are only attracted to that type of game, I would like to point out they are not the only people the games attract. One friend of mine who is a music fan, actor, guitarist, interested in politics and more; he plays COD occasionally, although he's not much of a gamer. Quite often we debate politics, theoreticals, ethics, and the future of technology. Yes, a nice guy.

It's a good time to state my position. A complex neutral.


New member
Apr 14, 2010
The things I don't like about COD are the community and the speed at which one dies. I find the game to be too realistic to my liking. I primarily enjoy games with shields and the like because of my deep roots as a star trek fan. I have never thought that three shots should drop a guy. The community completely turned me off from wanting to play online. I played maybe five matches. I had trouble getting kills and my team mates complained fairly often. I just wanted to play the game calmly but everyone was going with the "WTF that guy's a F**king F*g!" I later heard some white guy on my team call someone the N word. Seriously. Not cool. What's the point of playing a game when everyone gets aggressive and angry at every single bit of user error. As for your comment about everyone going around looking for the Rocket Launcher, Jim, I really enjoy Halo, but I do not ever play the regular game types. SWAT is by far my favourite(Yeah, I said I like shields).


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Having played MW2 and BlOps, Yeah, I pretty much agree with everything that Jim said.

I do however hate CoD, but for completely different reasons.

There's aim assist (y'know that thing that I think is the most unintuitive thing that the games industry has ever created) that you can't turn off. (Okay, I willing to admit that this is something that other people don't have a problem with, but I still can't get over it and hate the whole series from 4 onward because of it)
Other than that, the idea of killstreaks is a horribly flawed idea to me because it means that the team that starts winning is going to keep winning and there's almost nothing the losing team can do, so they might as well just leave the game and try again.
The spawn system is absolutely awful, I've even had times where I spawned directly behind a guy and I mean RIGHT behind him, and I've had the same happen to me.
The level design for the maps can be really bad in some spots, like that one two-level building in skidrow, or the entirety of rust.
Some weapons are overpowered, like the famas in BlOps or... well take your pick in MW2. I mean, how can I run around with nothing but a knife and routinely be at the top of the scoreboard? Is everyone else a drooling retard? Or is commando really overpowered?
Then there's the lack of dedicated servers. None in MW2 was pushing it. None in BlOps was REALLY pushing it and now there's not going to be any in MW3!? Yeah, sorry boys but quite simply: Fuck that noise.


New member
Mar 28, 2011
I don't neccecarily "like" CoD, but thats not BECAUSE it's CoD. I just don't care for those types of games. Just like Halo or Modern Warfare don't interest much either; I don't think they're bad games, i just didn't care for them personnally


New member
Mar 25, 2011
I bought Black Ops last year and had a really good time with the multiplayer. But the singleplayer didn't really do it for me because the story is kinda like a B-movie that takes itself way to seriously. The zombie cut-scene at the end really made up for that though.

Then there is also the fact that I prefer my FPS SP to be more of the old school kinda like quake or Duke Nukem 3D.

Either way, I always found it kinda stupid that people act like snobs over videogames that people buy just because they want to play virtual dodge-ball with guns. I do enjoy some of the pretentious and quirky titles of the industry, though.

People just need to learn to relax.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
I agree with allot of what he says. Although I don't want a new cod every year I still enjoy the series to this day.