Pretty sure we've made games with an easy mode without having to change level design before, and still had a fairly challenging game. The easy mode could simply provide them with something like more checkpoints, less punishment for playing recklessly, etc. You're making an assumption and running with it. We don't know what they'll do to provide an easier playstyle. Chances are, the Devs BIGGEST concern is making sure that they don't change anything that will ruin the play experience their fans fell in love with.Korten12 said:OMG! I am literally about to rip out my hair, the ignorance in this thread is just amazing. Dark Souls isn't hard because the enemies have too high health or do too much damage, it's not because you do too little damage nor is it difficult because of too low health.
It's difficult because of LEVEL FUCKING DESIGN. In Dark Souls the levels are crafted to be difficult, but possible, in easy mode they would have to change this to be, not difficult and possible. In Dark Souls there are parts where even with more health and damage, it would still be brutually difficult because it has careful placing of enemies spots, traps, and overall just where things are placed.
They would have to redesign all enemies and levels to be easy enough for a casual player to do it. Trying to then apply that to the normal mode it would be way to easy. What allows the quality of the levels to be as good as they're is that they don't have to worry about designing it for multiple difficulties. Games with multiple difficulties usually don't have levels that are built for any specific difficulty but built for ALL difficulties.
That's what makes Dark Soul's unique, it's built from the ground up to be hard, so it's all possible, and difficult at the same time. Enemies don't have a lot of health (some do, but mostly optional enemies), but are placed in the right spots to make it difficult.
The Souls series rewards CAREFUL PLAY and not Reckless play. Apparently people don't understand this and think it's all about Health and Damage when it's not. Bosses usually don't even have that much health, but they all have staredgy's on how to easily beat them.
So yes, Easy Mode would dumb it down by making the levels having to account for both difficulties. Same for bosses and enemies.
This is why fans of the Dark Souls series don't want multiple difficulties because it WOULD suffer.
You can't just assume what changes will be implemented and use that as a basis for your argument.