Jimquisition: Emotions, Polygons, and Ellen Page


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
I don't care how many polys the characters in next gen games have, or how sophisticated the motion capture software is that they use. If they can't get the damn cloth on the clothes to move like actual cloth, the characters are still going to look like awkward action figures dressed in those rubber clothes made for Polly Pockets.


New member
Apr 6, 2004
The issue Cage has is twofold and neither hasn't been touched yet. The first is that it's not emotions he's talking about but expressions while the latter can convey the former, they are not interchangeable. If Cage would understand that he would be halfway there and his comments would be more accurate and less stupid sounding.

The second is the belief that the modern game industry as refined expressing emotions to the point where the only way to go is with higher fidelity. To that I say not only is it inaccurate but the modern gaming market has actually regressed in that concept, if at least in the big budget market if not in general. A game like Heavy Rain and Fahrenheit would simply be regarded as a forgettable flash in the pan 15-20 years ago because back then character expressions were a core part of the narrative in most top tier games. With the top tier games currently rarely showing very little face time in general and what is shown is largely neutral, all the higher fidelity would bring is more detail of just how the characters don't care about anything.

The characters need to have emotions before they can be expressed, and all that needs to happen before your try to refine it with higher fidelity.


New member
May 8, 2011
There's no possible way to connect to the character if the character has only 3000 polygons.
See? Not enough polygons. Nope. I don't feel anything.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
Rex Dark said:
Is it just me or does that face look somewhat like another face I know?

So that's what this graphics race is actually about! Digitally recreating the first Doctor! Okay, that's a crazy conspiracy I can get behind.

The Deadpool

New member
Dec 28, 2007
wackelpudding said:
Also, there's only so much gaming put into Quantic Dreams' games, oftentimes it's just glorified QTEs to advance the cutscenes.
That really doesn't bother people as much as you'd imagine. Waking Dead has less gaming than Heavy Rain and Walking Dead was critically and publically acclaimed, while Heavy Rain's reaction ranged from "ewwwww" to "meh, it's okay."

Walking Dead just had more... dare I say EMOTION than any game David Cage has made so far?


New member
Oct 11, 2010
well damn, can honestly say I aint really a fan of Jim's stuff, but that was beautiful.

so yeah, david cage needs to do one, the arrogant talentless tosspot.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
hahahah, fun episode... that reminds me... what was done back in 1997...

oh yeah, that's right... this:

What is cage really making other than some pretty very expensive point in click adventure games? Just assume play this again (or any one of dozens of point n' clicks) than slog threw another Cage "emotion" fest.

The only thing this guy has proven is that he does very little with a lot...

If only this scene had more polygons!!! (Shakes fist at universe!) MoooRRRRRR PoLyGoNs!!!


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Legion said:
Hmm, I liked the subject matter, and it was a good parody, but I think it'd have worked better if perhaps the David Cage mockery was done for maybe the first minute or so, then the rest as normal.

It was good, I just felt the joke was wearing a little thin by the end.
Yeah, I get that it's a parody, but it's spread a little thin and it lacks the usual punch. He's certainly made a great parody, but as an episode of the Jimquisition it doesn't hold up to the normal standard. Well done, just not very funny.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Funny how I cared for the little blocks from Thomas Was Alone more than for any of the Quantic Dream's characters.

Never understood why some people are so assured that perfect realism is the only way to go for video games. You can do so much stuff with animation, why would you want to just recreate our boring world instead?


New member
Jan 18, 2013
zebon said:
Needed less David Cage impression and more discussing why his views are delusional.
I feel the same, although I did find the impression funny.

I liked Indigo Prophecy, though it would have been nice if the entire third act hadn't been cut. And I imagine I'll play Heavy Rain when I acquire a PS3. I like Cage and think he often has good ideas but the implementation of them isn't always so hot.

As far as graphics are concerned, the level of detail in games now is just fine by me. I don't need, or even want photorealistic.


New member
Jan 11, 2013
I never payed attention to Heavy Rain and that guy so I really lack the context for the video, but I think I can quite imagine what this guy said now. Was still funny even though I lacked the context, so this shows what a great comedian jim has become... the end was especially funny >.<


New member
May 17, 2010
Is it wrong that I had to replay the part where he was making fun of the old man face because I was too busy admiring the graphics to listen to him?

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Matthi205 said:
They don't and they can't. Just tesselating something to an incredible point will not make it better (even if that just seems to be Cage's idea). On more than one occasion I've seen high-poly models completely wasted because they weren't aligned correctly so that the seams showed.
Doing good visual design (like Gearbox with Borderlands 2) helps a lot though.
I was taking the piss, but if you want to be all serious and stuff, the gaming community tends to want the shiniest turd, and people ***** and moan about how BLT's visuals "hurt my eyes."


New member
Apr 18, 2009
Vitagen said:
As someone who's never played any of David Cage's work, is his writing really that bad, or does he just get an exceptionally bad rep because he thinks he's some sort of transcendent genius but in reality isn't?
The writing's usually adequate, sometimes poor. Same as all videogame writing, since there is actually no good videogame writing, and never has been. Sure, it's maybe overall worse than Walking Dead for instance, but Walking Dead's writing also had frequent moments of facepalm-worthy shittiness, as well as entire conversations that felt painfully unnecessary (especially in the final episode, which could have been about half as long without sacrificing anything, and had some horribly fake dialogue, like in that whole scene where they are trying to break through the wooden wall in the attic). All in all, it's ok, for videogame writing.

Anton Chekhov once wrote, and I'm paraphrasing, that the only way to write a great story is to first write a shitty one, then rewrite it by removing half of it, and then repeat that process several times. This is not a concept that seems to apply to videogame writing, so we can't expect anything really good any time soon.

Fat Hippo

Prepare to be Gnomed
May 29, 2009
Jim is just jealous because David Cage got to meet Ellen Page.

And suck Willem Dafoes dick.


New member
Jan 8, 2012

And now after this brief show of panic, I return to a regular mode of writing.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. I liked the last little short film David Cage directed(robolady wanting to live).

Sure hope there's a game in the next product he's putting out. Not sure I want to deal with a QTE bonanza.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Okay, actually watched the video in question that this was parodying, and I have to say... David Cage is actually right.

I mean, he leaves alot of room for people to make a strawman out of him, but he's right. The advantage of having technology is that you now have the power to, if you so choose, emulate emotion on a character's face without resorting to exaggeration. This is excellent for breaking down another wall in immersion. It wasn't stated, nor implied that better graphigz and moar poligonz equalz moar emotun, just that they give the developers more power to create it. It's well established that if you want to convey emotion, you need to give your audience a reason to have feelings for what you create, usually in that they can relate to it somehow. Cage never said that you can now skip that entire process of creating believable characters and employing drama into your work due to the better super graphics polygons emotion.

The focal point of that presentation, however, WAS the graphical capabilities of the PS4, and the argument was that graphics r gud, which is true, but they're not a necessity. It sounds to me like Cage was just excited that, hey, they got this new tool, and now, suddenly, they can start broadcasting in color versus black and white.

And yeah, developers will pervert it. But do you know what? I have a hunch that, among those list of developers that do so, going straight for moar polygonz (omg) and nothing else, Quantic Dream will not be on that list.