Jimquisition: How Skyrim Proves The Industry Wrong


New member
Sep 23, 2010
Good episode but nothing we haven't heard. I like when you do episodes that are more unique and original.


New member
Mar 12, 2009
I thought jim just pointed out the obvious or rehashed things other people have said in a more ignorant over the top way, but I was wrong. He also manages to give bad examples for good points.

You act like call of duty doesn't have replay ability, or that the multi player makes games replay able in some instances, or games like assassin's creed added what everybody thought was going to be a horrendously idiotic mp into a great experience that let them experience the game in a new way. The most obvious though is assuming skyrim can unseat Call of duty... the games are aiming for mostly two different fucking audiences.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Vault101 said:
MB202 said:
jacobythehedgehog said:
MB202 said:
I've heard of Skyrim, if only because everyone won't shut up about it.
There is a reasons why people won't shut up about it. It is a brilliant game. Not to say it is just an amazing game none the less
Interesting... I WAS going to try it out, if only to play as one of those lizard people creatures... But since the game's in first-person, I don't see the point...
you never tried oblivoin or fallout 3?

first person is optional (I would never play game in first person unless i had too)
It is? Well, good, I don't like playing in third person.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
I've never wanted to punch someone in the face while simultaneously agreeing with them.


New member
Oct 30, 2010
This is true wrt Skyrim, but I'm not convinced it is particularly predictive. A bit like pointing to Harry Potter and saying "look, writing is easy."


New member
Jun 17, 2010
DressedInRags said:
leviadragon99 said:
Mmm-hmm, I've long been an advocate of single player over multiplayer.

On the respawning Dragons though, it can get a little annoying when I'm going about my buisiness and trying to turn in a quest in a major settlement when the third dragon in as many game days raids the same place...
You think that's bad? try handing all your questing gear over to your secret spy-mate and donning nought but dainty boots and a silken jacket in order to infiltrate a party full of mincing toffs.... only to have a dragon come crashing down, making the quest-giver go into cowardice mode (and incapable of speaking to you for some reason) while the person you just gave your fucking greatsword to is busy ignoring you and getting stuck in the scenery, leaving you to take down a dragon with your firsts.
And that's why I conjure my own weapons...

Right Hook

New member
May 29, 2011
Ah yes, fantastic points, Skyrim really is a game that deserves it success for these very reasons, it's why I've given the game my respect, it didn't completely sell itself out to make as much money as possible and by doing so it made plenty of money. Hopefully some of the industry will see that there is a more honorable path to success and follow in Skyrim's footsteps. Also we might have tons of COD clones now but maybe we'll see more games similar in some ways to Skyrim and seeing as the Fallout and Elder Scrolls games are probably my favorite series I wouldn't be completely opposed to that.


New member
Jun 8, 2010
Once again, Jim speaks the truth.
Preach on Jim, preach on!

When a wise person hears about the truth (Dao),
with diligence they are able to practice it;
When an average person hears about the truth (Dao),
some things they retain and others they lose;
When a fool hears about the truth (Dao),
he just laughs and laughs.


New member
Mar 17, 2010
The last Jimquisition I watched was only the second or third episode, and I hated it. The only reason I even looked at this video was because I checked the comment section quickly, and was genuinely surprised by all of the positive feedback.

Turns out he's actually pretty good now.



New member
Apr 29, 2010
And that is why, The Escapist ignored the earlier requests to boot you off the site. Thank God I never fully disagreed with you. Not yet anyways. But as all strong opinions go, we will, oh, we will. ' -'

Did like the last bit though. Brought some more human aspects to you.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Since everyone else has already beaten the vanilla "game developers will continue to be lazy clouts" thought to death, I'll make my completely identical point seem different with the use of an extended metaphor.

Jean Reno set a good example on how to be a badass French person. And aside from that epic five day beard that almost always looks the same, he made it seem easily achievable. Be relatively in shape, find something worth fighting for, and all that junk. So why aren't there any new French action heroes? Because they're content keeping the status quo. Perfectly fine selling cheeseburgers to American tourists rather than challenging themselves to be superior. And so it is in the video game industry, take shortcuts rather than risk failure.

As a side note, place your bets now on what fantasy creature you'll have to kill in Two Worlds III to gain the ability to shout things to death.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
@JimSterling : You're trying too hard. So hard... that you actually are funny. You big joker, you. ;)

OT : We have this saying around here. It goes more or less like this : "For poor ballerina, everything's a problem. Even hair on her ****". Gaming industry is yet another greedy moloch and all it cares about is money. Everything they try to convince us about is simply put marketing bullsh*t and aversion to risk and change. Nothing more.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
I'm liking you more and more Jim.

I can't count how many times in a day that I want to kick EA to the moon. They have some of the best studios in the entire industry, what do they do with them? Grind them up into pieces and screw themselves and the customers over time and time again.

Battlefield not getting Call of Duty Numbers? Copy Call of Duty's campaign word for word and add QTE's. Mass Effect or Dead Space not getting enough numbers? Add an "action mode" and/or multiplayer whether it makes sense or not. The Sims not making enough money anymore? Chop out thousands of dollars worth of content and sell it day one. Dragon Age not selling enough DLC? Have a man inside the game peddle his immersion crushing DLC. Steam making big dollars? Create your own spyware disguised as a digital distribution center. Dante's Inferno not interesting enough? Copy God of War and create artificial controversy to hype the game. Not enough preorders? Chop off entire characters and content for "bonus's". Want World of Warcraft's subscribers? Copy them and put it in the context of Star Wars. I can make a hell of a lot more paragraphs just from the last three years of EA.

I'm getting sick and tired of it. The EA executives have no damn confidence in their own games. They are pure cowards.

UsefulPlayer 1

New member
Feb 22, 2008
I kinda dont think that's fair to say. I mean Skyrim was a colossal game, like head and shoulders above any AAA game out these days. I think of it like GTA4 when that game first came out. I remember reading somewhere on this site that GTA4 should be the game of the year for the next 10 years or something like that. Skyrim is the same mega-achievement.

I mean when my copy of GTA4 broke, I went out and bought it fucking again. I'd do the same for Skyrim ten times over until the next game came out.

I don't realistically expect those other developers to release anything anywhere near the level of Skyrim. I mean if they were, well, it'd be fucking amazing. Rainbows and unicorns amazing.


New member
Aug 19, 2009
UsefulPlayer 1 said:
I kinda dont think that's fair to say. I mean Skyrim was a colossal game, like head and shoulders above any AAA game out these days.
That's the entire point.
It's a colossal game, despite having no online connectivity whatsoever.


The Purple Fairy
Dec 8, 2009
I hear more often players saying they need multiplayer than i hear the industry say so -_-