Jimquisition: How Sony Can Make it Up To You


New member
Nov 4, 2009
This was uh...
Okay not gonna bother with this series in the future I guess. Oh well.

Crude, 'bit of mis-information, irrelevant...


New member
Jan 8, 2010
Nupraptor said:
WaaghPowa said:
what people still need to remember is that people were jerks enough to breach it in the first place.
Sony removed the "Other OS" option with no choice of leaving it in for those who wanted it. They drew 1st blood against people they should have know not to mess with.
actually pirates and hackers drew first blood George announced last year that he had found the access he needed to break ps3 wide open and that was using the other OS option Sony then removed it.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
TOMBA! How the hell did I forget about that beauty of a game, I'd kill to have it...So I guess that'd be nice to have but doesn't make up for everything.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Okay, so... Sony should bring back two games you like? And stop with the firmware updates?

Granted, you could make a case for that last argument. ...But you didn't. It wasn't really an argument. It was a proposition, amidst unrelated facts.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
WilliamRLBaker said:
Nupraptor said:
WaaghPowa said:
what people still need to remember is that people were jerks enough to breach it in the first place.
Sony removed the "Other OS" option with no choice of leaving it in for those who wanted it. They drew 1st blood against people they should have know not to mess with.
actually pirates and hackers drew first blood George announced last year that he had found the access he needed to break ps3 wide open and that was using the other OS option Sony then removed it.
Doesn't change the fact they removed a feature from the console [1 which I know was a deciding factor for some people on weither to buy a PS3 or 360] and in doing so annoyed people you don't want to annoy when it comes to computing things.


Leaf on the wind
Feb 20, 2011
Draconalis said:
NinjaDeathSlap said:
I want Medieval 3 more than I want to become part of the mile high club... with Kiera Knightley... and Gemma Arterton... at the same time!
Good luck fitting all of you into the 1x1 that constitutes an airplane bathroom.
Not to worry. Chances are if this were to ever come true i'd be rich enough to have a private jet with my own king size bed

Treaos Serrare

New member
Aug 19, 2009
I'd prefer they just make PSN+ the standard(minus having to pay for what amounts to access to something you have to fucking pay for anyway)

If they want to keep the firmware bullshit up how about adding the ability to choose from more than 12 colors for a theme, its a petty gripe but I hate that I cant have a simplistic theme without having to download it from a third party.

in terms of games,they brought a lot of good PSone games to the shop but it took them forever
they need to bust out some awesome games to make this good
FFIX as well as FFVI even without graphical updates would be welcomed

PS2 Backward compatibility is a goddamn must! seriously this shit cannot be that hard, dudes in their moms basement make emulators that run those games like a dream on crappy computers; the PS3 is supposed to be some high powered beast.


New member
Mar 5, 2011
This show is meh. It's not funny, it's boring, and it feels like he's trying too hard. Plus, the audio.

And if I'd had a PSN account, they'd have to a hell of alot more than that to get me back.


New member
May 3, 2011
I'm pleasantly surprised this episode was soooooooooooo much better. I actually found myself chuckling, his delivery was good, the video quality was better and the material was timely and not offensive. I'm willing to give the show another chance at this point.


New member
Mar 23, 2011
mjc0961 said:
Drakos.Amatras said:
Wouldn't something practical and universal like "custom online avatars allowed for everybody" be at least sensible?
I fail to see how avatars would be practical. Either you mean the little PNG icon next to everyone's name on your friends list, in which case it's just a little PNG icon that doesn't do anything so it's not important in the first place. In fact, I think that'd be a slap in the face really. "We're sorry about all the downtime, so here's the ability to upload a small image file that nobody is going to look at for more than a few seconds. Enjoy."
Yes, it's the PSN avatar I'm talking about. That was only a random example, though it would be pretty neat to have it on PSN. Of course, it doesn't have to be the only compensation; in fact, it really shouldn't be. There are higher priorities, like some basic built-in security program with the next firmware (ignoring the cost issue for a moment for the sake of example).

mjc0961 said:
Or you mean giving PS3 users a version of Nintendo's Miis and Microsoft's Avatars, in which case they already don't do anything important on the Wii and 360, so how would they be practical on PS3?
Hey, you know what? That's a good idea too!

Overall, I know the avatars are not that high on the list of practical changes to PSN. But seeing as how PSN is, in a sense, a console-based online game community forum, this will certainly add to its appeal. Especially if Sony plans to keep it running for a long time. (Plus, trying to make different avatars would be a small fun in itself.)

P.S: What I was saying earlier was that Jim's videos stated only one possible good change out of three he presented; a system change should be prioritized at this point, I'm saying.


New member
Nov 18, 2008
Good points:
- More topical
- Opening self-referential joke
- Fine-tuned opening titles
- A promising ghost of an argument for the 3rd way.

Bad points:
- The description seems oddly seasonal
- The first 2 ways Sony can make it up to us are strangely random...intentionally?
- The swearing is still pretty unnecessary, save it up for something that really annoys you. Using it all the time means it loses effect.

I'll stick around to see what you have to say next week.


New member
Dec 23, 2009
I hate the firmware updates too, but I think this is the one time I actually want one. For one thing, seeing that little green bar would mean PSN is back. Two, if a company decides to rebuild the entirety of their online service yet doesn't release a firmware update for it, then I have to think they're doing something really, really wrong.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
Yeah those firmware update can go f*** themselves.

Replace Tomba with Earthbound (I don't care if it was Nintedo, I just wanna play the damn game without an emulater! ANy consle will do!) and all is forgiven by me.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Princess Megatron said:
I don't know how the self-aggrandizing isn't thoroughly obviously false. I mean, I simply can't understand how *anyone* is taking that seriously. It's so blatant and out there.
Who's taking it seriously? Just because an act is not subtle doesn't make it good satire.

We (royal) know he's putting on this self-congratulatory mannerism. It's just not entertaining. It doesn't add anything to whatever he's trying to say. And he isn't really saying anything. At the end of the day, it's a chubby dude acting pompous in front a camera without saying or doing anything of substance.

I'm left wondering why this video series is here.