Jimquisition: Perfect Pasta Sauce


Cynical bastard
Dec 9, 2008
The big reason everything is getting distilled down into crap is because developers/artists don't have the power to make the games they want because they saw $$$$$ when EA, Ubisoft, and BlizzAck bought them all up. EA doles out the cash, EA calls the shots, not the developer.

Had all of these studios remained independent, we'd be have a different discussion.

alvaro barcenass

New member
Mar 28, 2013
I know of soldier of fortune double helix random missions that where made and it is something that's rogue like it always added a new flavor between shootout or stealth depending on your taste of gameplay i loved that.


New member
Dec 6, 2011
I've been saying this for years, and it's part of one of the game ideas I've been working on for a long while now (a game that, essentially, is Ultima 3 + Starflight, because there's not enough of either type of game coming out). Many of the genres I enjoy most are certainly not popular enough to warrant big or frequent releases, and many of the franchises I've enjoyed have been casual'd and altered to something unmistakeably foreign (FFXIII is a fantastic, if commonly cited, version of that... even if people think it'd good, it's very difficult to argue it provides the same challenges and rewards as earlier titles. The other three big ones are titles where the "main" feeling is relegated to the handheld games, and the newer, seemingly unrelated titles get the big budgets and the big releases: Castlevania, Sonic, and Legend of Zelda (To be fair, C:HD, Colours, and the announced LoZ4 are good starts to remedying these, and I'm aware of them, but, well, I still say it's too early to call)).

More and more, I find myself drawn to the PC-titles and indie games. In itself, I don't see this as a bad thing, but it's no longer the "Quality for quirk" tradeoff it once was, and I don't think enough people appreciate that yet, so I feel like this bullshit is detracting from superior games for no reason, but I can't think of a way to fix it.

Regardless, awesome ep, Jim, and it's given rhetoric to ideas I've had for a long while, so thank you for that.

Also, the word pasta is now meaningless, thanks.


New member
Nov 14, 2007
Jim is the kind of guy I'd punch in the face and then have a beer with.

... then I'd punch him again.

Thank god the Indie scene is becoming so strong and we see more varied options. Although most of them are just an inch deep.


New member
Oct 28, 2012
Jimothy Sterling said:
Perfect Pasta Sauce

This week, Jimquisition gives you a brief lesson in pasta sauce, and ties it into the misguided quest for perfection currently plaguing the so-called "AAA" title scene.

Watch Video
Every day I pray to Jim that game developers and hardware manufacturers some how get linked to the Jimquisition so Jim can firmly pull their pretentious heads out of their absurdly stupid asses.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
I.Muir said:
I know I would like more plat formers that are not Mario

I mean just look at how the killed Banjo Kazooie by turning into a racer and stating as much in game. They literally said they were broadening the demographic and assumed gamers nowadays just want to shoot things with some serious 4th wall breaking. DAMN YOU MICROSOFT I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO RARE!

I do understand, however, that it's not really a true Banjo-Kazooie game at all. The levels are bland, the characters are boring, the platforming (what little of it there was) was meh, etc.

HOWEVER, having said that, the vehicle building itself, the core of the game, is awesome and worthy of praise JUST by itself. It was an innovative gameplay mechanic that was really neat and flexible and it also provided some great but short-lived online fun and shenanigans. It was also cool to make and trade blueprints. It got to where the best ones were hoarded like holofoil, 1st edition Charizard cards on a school playground. Just that alone was worth the price of admission. I only wish one didn't have to slog through the boring single-player to get all the parts.

Anyway, in summary, was the single-player bad? Yeah but not unbearably so. Was the core of the gameplay good? You bet your ASS. To this day, I still build stuff.

BTW, if any Nuts and Bolts builders see this post, PM me for my gamertag if you want to swap blueprints. I got some pretty freaking sweet ones over the years...


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Arnoxthe1 said:
I.Muir said:
I know I would like more plat formers that are not Mario

I mean just look at how the killed Banjo Kazooie by turning into a racer and stating as much in game. They literally said they were broadening the demographic and assumed gamers nowadays just want to shoot things with some serious 4th wall breaking. DAMN YOU MICROSOFT I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR WHAT YOU DID TO RARE!

I do understand, however, that it's not really a true Banjo-Kazooie game at all. The levels are bland, the characters are boring, the platforming (what little of it there was) was meh, etc.

HOWEVER, having said that, the vehicle building itself, the core of the game, is awesome and worthy of praise JUST by itself. It was an innovative gameplay mechanic that was really neat and flexible and it also provided some great but short-lived online fun and shenanigans. It was also cool to make and trade blueprints. It got to where the best ones were hoarded like holofoil, 1st edition Charizard cards on a school playground. Just that alone was worth the price of admission. I only wish one didn't have to slog through the boring single-player to get all the parts.

Anyway, in summary, was the single-player bad? Yeah but not unbearably so. Was the core of the gameplay good? You bet your ASS. To this day, I still build stuff.

BTW, if any Nuts and Bolts builders see this post, PM me for my gamertag if you want to swap blueprints. I got some pretty freaking sweet ones over the years...
Those innovating game play mechanics have been around since Lego racers on the 64.

The over world of Banjo Threeie was obviously designed for something else, it really pales in comparison to things like the overworld from diddy kong racing.

Worst thing I ever bought from x box live, stuff those mystery eggs it had me collect in the previous games.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
Holy shit! I normally disagree with a few small points in Jim's videos, but this video... This video hit it out of the damned park! Jim is absolutely right, and made an excellent comparison. Though, I was hoping for a perfect pasta sauce recipe...

Eve Charm

New member
Aug 10, 2011
Eh I really hate how much nuts and bolts gets kicked around. God damn it I loved that game :p ya I said it. IT was a game marketed with notable characters that filled a niche audience, vehicle building games. As far as those types of games were the mechanics were pretty damn deep and you had a ton of freedom to make what ever you wanted to do what ever you wanted to do. The multi player with people that knew how to build was amazing. like soccer, who says don't put guns on your vehicle, or a cage to trap the ball, or jets to lift it the bit you were allowed to, or vacuums to push or pull the ball out or in, or more guns.

and for everyone that brings up banjo what about kameo damn it ;p as someone once said they wanted kameo 2, do people even know what it is? nope it was DOA. It was a launch title of about 10 games on the 360. Rare platformer that was retty good and no one talks about or remembers that ;p Thats why we don't have banjo 3, because a new If platformer that came out from like the king of 3d platformers sold like crap, and retro games and characters weren't cool back then and even cool when nuts and bolts came out ;p. It's like people just stumbled on it years later and says this isn't banjo and done.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
I.Muir said:
Those innovating game play mechanics have been around since Lego racers on the 64.

The over world of Banjo Threeie was obviously designed for something else, it really pales in comparison to things like the overworld from diddy kong racing.

Worst thing I ever bought from x box live, stuff those mystery eggs it had me collect in the previous games.
Can Lego Racer let you build a Mad Cat? How about a full VTOL? Ballistic Missile? Spring chair? Drill Machine? How about stuff that aren't even vehicles? I made a sweet chess board once just out of vehicle parts. Also, not that it was the games fault, but Lego Racers doesn't have any online capability.

Just because they were the first to do it doesn't mean they did it well.

Also, as I said, I know the single player sucks but that's not what I was praising anyway.

Eve Charm said:
Eh I really hate how much nuts and bolts gets kicked around. God damn it I loved that game :p ya I said it. IT was a game marketed with notable characters that filled a niche audience, vehicle building games. As far as those types of games were the mechanics were pretty damn deep and you had a ton of freedom to make what ever you wanted to do what ever you wanted to do. The multi player with people that knew how to build was amazing. like soccer, who says don't put guns on your vehicle, or a cage to trap the ball, or jets to lift it the bit you were allowed to, or vacuums to push or pull the ball out or in, or more guns.

and for everyone that brings up banjo what about kameo damn it ;p as someone once said they wanted kameo 2, do people even know what it is? nope it was DOA. It was a launch title of about 10 games on the 360. Rare platformer that was retty good and no one talks about or remembers that ;p Thats why we don't have banjo 3, because a new If platformer that came out from like the king of 3d platformers sold like crap, and retro games and characters weren't cool back then and even cool when nuts and bolts came out ;p. It's like people just stumbled on it years later and says this isn't banjo and done.
You still play? Do you have any good blueprints?

Sad to say, I am one of those who are guilty of ignoring Kameo. But it wasn't special. I also ignored Viva Pinata and even Perfect Dark Zero.

Hero in a half shell

It's not easy being green
Dec 30, 2009
ACE1918 said:
*Flight sims specializing in RTS and Tactics
I think simply "Flight sims" works on it's own as an untapped market, and what happened when someone decided to tap that market?


Customers have already paid the developers $8.7 million for a PC exclusive game that hasn't even been made yet.

I love the sound of your other untapped markets though, I'd love a FPS World War 1 game...


New member
Apr 29, 2009
While I completely agree with everything Jim had to say in this video and while I think that the analogy between the pasta sauce and the game industry was brilliant, I'm kinda disappointed that nothing was said about homemade pasta sauce.

See, my grandparents; being Italian as fuck; are always eager to preach the benefits of making one's pasta sauce by oneself. Typically speaking, homemade pasta sauce is freaking amazing and miles ahead of store-bought jars of pasta sauce. If you do it right, that is.

The real secret, however, is not in the recipe, it's in how long you let the sauce sit. Just leave it to simmer for a little longer than normal and then leave it in the fridge for a couple of days; by the time you get around to actually eating the sauce, everything in it has had time to marinate and the flavors sort of combine and coexist. Basically, if you don't rush the project and if you allow the final product time to "mature" you'll almost always be met with a result that is much better than if you'd just made the sauce and eaten it on the same day.

With games, it seems that far too many publishers are too eager to quickly throw their ingredients into a sort of half-cooked casserole and catapult it into the faces of their customers. If they took their time and allowed the developers the extra time and money to really experiment with different recipes and fine tune their products, the end result would no doubt be a much higher quality game and of course plenty of profit for the people releasing it.

Fuck, now I'm hungry.


Regular Member
Mar 9, 2012
Just to be sure: is Jim referring to the talk by Malcolm Gladwell titled 'Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce'?


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Great video, and I completely agree. These days I actively avoid "AAA" publishers and as a result have been playing some of the best games I've ever played (DayZ, Arma 3, Distant Worlds, Walking Dead, Chivalry, Torchlight II, Terraria (and soon to be Starbound) etc etc etc.

Even though these single-track publishers won't make my chunky sauce, I'll damn well find it elsewhere!


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I know I'm a bit late on this one, but I just want to say that this is probably my favorite episode of the Jimquisition.