Jimquisition: Review Embargoes And Why They're Okay Sometimes


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Ragsnstitches said:
hentropy said:
Somewhat offtopic Jim, but Destiny has been using a quote from The Escapist in their TV commercial- I read your review and I didn't see that quote from your review at least, was there another article or review that came from? I'm sorry if this has already been answered, but I just thought about asking about it now.
Can't say if the issue was answered, but the line is:

"Masterful Game-Making - The Escapist"

And no, it isn't in the review at all. It's in a preview by Greg Tito... specifically the title:


Note that the Article was published in JUNE 2013.

For those wondering, here's the Trailer, note that it's a pre-order trailer from 2014:

The guilty quote is literally the first thing that appears.
Just goes to show you how meaningless those quotes are in these kinds of trailers. I am sure movie TV ads do this shit all the time.


New member
Jul 29, 2008
Embargos have always bugged me especially when it's a game that I'm on the fence about. What's even worse prebuying a digital game and learning it's crap before you play it. But jim makes a point about embargos, while a reviewer can break it to warn the public, which we would all be grateful for, he/she would be blacklisted by the industry and basically be commiting suicide.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Not to bring #GamerGate into this, because Jim doesn't want to comment on that anymore, but doesn't the idea you're offering Jim kinda' reinforce what the protesters mean? The gist of embargoes, as I understood it, was 'trust us, we're not corrupt' and that's about it. I mean yes you did say no favors for reviews, but again, we're only taking your word for it. Now I do trust YOU specifically not to, but the industry as a whole? Are we supposed to look at the obvious backdoor dealing here, review copies, free games/consoles, private time with producers, etc...and just shrug and say 'doh well, that's how it goes."
Isn't the whole idea of 'self-regulating journalism' one of the problems the #GamerGate crowd is pushing against?


Mar 3, 2013
Gizmo1990 said:
This is a bit off topic but it is something I have wanted to know for a while now. What the hell happened between Jim and Konami?
He made this video http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/jimquisition/5524-Konami and Konami got pissed and blacklisted him.


New member
Sep 29, 2009
I never seen the controversy over review embargo, mostly because it's too easy for press to turn it back on the corporations.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
Silentpony said:
Now I do trust YOU specifically not to, but the industry as a whole? Are we supposed to look at the obvious backdoor dealing here, review copies, free games/consoles, private time with producers, etc...and just shrug and say 'doh well, that's how it goes."
Isn't the whole idea of 'self-regulating journalism' one of the problems the #GamerGate crowd is pushing against?
I'm sorry, but review copies are absolutely necessary, how else are sites like The Escapist supposed to get a decent review out for a game's release date (at the very latest) if the publisher doesn't send them a copy before then? It's no different to film critics like MovieBob going to free press screenings of movies a week or two in advance. It's all part of the process, and it is mutually beneficial for all parties involved (developers, publishers, reviewers and the audience) to keep that process going. And the same really applies to games consoles.


Your sinner, in secret
Jun 24, 2013
Ragsnstitches said:
hentropy said:
Somewhat offtopic Jim, but Destiny has been using a quote from The Escapist in their TV commercial- I read your review and I didn't see that quote from your review at least, was there another article or review that came from? I'm sorry if this has already been answered, but I just thought about asking about it now.
Can't say if the issue was answered, but the line is:

"Masterful Game-Making - The Escapist"

And no, it isn't in the review at all. It's in a preview by Greg Tito... specifically the title:


Note that the Article was published in JUNE 2013.

For those wondering, here's the Trailer, note that it's a pre-order trailer from 2014:

The guilty quote is literally the first thing that appears.
Well I'll be, Activision, a little desperate for good things to be said about your game?

I've also seen a The Escapist quote used for a Slender: The Arrival advert on the 360, I wonder where that actually came from.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
If i paid attention to review scores i would have missed out on a few good games. Just buy the games that take your interest.


New member
Jul 8, 2008
I still find review embargoes a bit disagreeable.

Reviews, as they are on this and many other sites, are still consumer oriented and as such already serve as marketing for the reviewed game. Embargoes, as they're defended here, only seem to be the stifling of that (marketing) information...for further marketing reasons.

With the current flow of game releases these days, I'm also of the mind that if you're not hearing about a game (or forgetting about a game you've read an early or natural review for) , it's probably either not big or it's not to your tastes.

Sleepy Sol

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Jman1236 said:
Embargos have always bugged me especially when it's a game that I'm on the fence about. What's even worse prebuying a digital game and learning it's crap before you play it. But jim makes a point about embargos, while a reviewer can break it to warn the public, which we would all be grateful for, he/she would be blacklisted by the industry and basically be commiting suicide.
The problem is the blacklisting. Not the act of choosing to post a review before a publisher's 'embargo' ends.

So do we just go ahead and take it, or try to change it?

Publishers exerting control over an industry they should have no business manipulating is not something we should just shrug at. But at the same time, I'm not sure what can be done when the problem is already highly widespread.

"Keep the public from realizing potential flaws in our game until they already have it" is not and should not be a legitimate marketing strategy.


New member
May 9, 2010
01.24 I?m very disappointed Jim, Guo Jia is a much better strategist than Zhuge Liang, his death is pretty much the only thing stopping cao cao from taking over china, and his weapon is a cue stick that shoots magic pool balls at enemies. #I stand with Guo Jia

I don?t really have a issue with review embargoes, as long as the embargo is lifted before the game is released, or at least lifted on the actual release day.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Solaire of Astora said:
Jman1236 said:
Embargos have always bugged me especially when it's a game that I'm on the fence about. What's even worse prebuying a digital game and learning it's crap before you play it. But jim makes a point about embargos, while a reviewer can break it to warn the public, which we would all be grateful for, he/she would be blacklisted by the industry and basically be commiting suicide.
The problem is the blacklisting. Not the act of choosing to post a review before a publisher's 'embargo' ends.

So do we just go ahead and take it, or try to change it?

Publishers exerting control over an industry they should have no business manipulating is not something we should just shrug at. But at the same time, I'm not sure what can be done when the problem is already highly widespread.

"Keep the public from realizing potential flaws in our game until they already have it" is not and should not be a legitimate marketing strategy.
...Or you could wait for the review.

Outlets like the Escapist need developers more than developers need the Escapist. Without the Escapist's, developers still have content to peddle. Without developers' support; the Escapist doesn't.

If the attitude is 'don't buy in to the marketing machine'...then...don't. Don't pre-order anything and don't buy anything until you've seen a review. Worst case scenario: you buy the game the day after launch.


New member
Jan 1, 2011
Guys, I can't seem to see any videos. All I can see is the Escapist ad running over and over again.


New member
Sep 27, 2013
Heh, I had a fly on my screen that Jim was staring at. Then I swatted it and he looked away.

For no reason at all that made my day.

Sleepy Sol

New member
Feb 15, 2011
senordesol said:
...Or you could wait for the review.

Outlets like the Escapist need developers more than developers need the Escapist. Without the Escapist's, developers still have content to peddle. Without developers' support; the Escapist doesn't.

If the attitude is 'don't buy in to the marketing machine'...then...don't. Don't pre-order anything and don't buy anything until you've seen a review. Worst case scenario: you buy the game the day after launch.
I definitely understand that, but the fact that publishers and developers have so much influence just gets under my skin a little. Maybe too much, I admit.

The idea of an embargo really isn't terrible, but when most big publishers use it, I can't ever believe that it's for a good reason.

I've sort of fallen out of the triple-A hype machine that sometimes pervades gaming these days, so I mostly just purchase niche or RPG titles that I know will be at least good based on their pedigree. And I'm guilty of sometimes preordering these games, but they don't get the same absolutely stupid amount of marketing hype buildup.


New member
Nov 16, 2011
For a consumer. How to stop wasting money on shitty games (almost all of the time) and how to be immune from launch day review embargoes. Stop pre-ordering games, and wait for a review whenever it comes out.

Your problems are now solved. You're welcome.


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
... I'm not going to lie, it's really comforting to have good ol' Jim back and not harassed-by-gamergate-stuff Jim like we had for the past couple weeks.


New member
Aug 12, 2013
Unfortunately Destiny just showed us why they're abused.

A review embargo should never, EVER be on or after the release date, because it shows complete insecurity in your product and a desire to fleece people who preordered it before they find out the truth.

Like what just happened with Destiny.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Kmadden2004 said:
Silentpony said:
I'm sorry, but review copies are absolutely necessary, how else are sites like The Escapist supposed to get a decent review out for a game's release date (at the very latest) if the publisher doesn't send them a copy before then? It's no different to film critics like MovieBob going to free press screenings of movies a week or two in advance. It's all part of the process, and it is mutually beneficial for all parties involved (developers, publishers, reviewers and the audience) to keep that process going. And the same really applies to games consoles.
Maybe? I dunno...wasn't there a problem with the review copies of Watch_Dogs running better than the commercial copies? I mean if I was making a game, I'd make damn sure the critics got a better copy of the game than the standard one.
Also I'm still not sold on free games and consoles. I mean the biggest question all gamers ask of a game 'is it worth buying?'. And how would a critic who doesn't pay for anything ever be able to judge that?! Yes, their opinion isn't tainted by the knowledge this game was an investment, but for everyone else? Hell yeah its important!
Does GTA V have better character development than the Witcher II? Oh who the hell cares!
Are they worth buying? With real money that I have to work for? That's should be the most important factor for a game, not if the water reflects light or if the gameplay feels repetitive.
I can tell you this too; if I got shit for free, I'd give it a kinder review. If Toyota and Ford gave me free cars and asked me to write a review, I couldn't distance myself from the fact I didn't pay $40,000 for it. The nitpicks don't matter!


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Solaire of Astora said:
I definitely understand that, but the fact that publishers and developers have so much influence just gets under my skin a little. Maybe too much, I admit.
Unfortunately publishers/developers have absolutely no obligation to provide any early access to anyone if they don't want to. If the press wants in on the action they will have to play ball. I don't like it either, but short of choosing not to play ball with them (and sending them a message in doing so) there's nothing that can be done about it.