Jimquisition: The Best Looking Game of This Generation


New member
Nov 9, 2009
Nice touch with the Wind Waker music there at the end. Funny thing is, earlier today I was talking to a friend of mine about video games (as we are prone to doing) and we both agreed that Wind Waker is to us a perfect game. Some games may share that pedestal with the King of Red Lions and Company, but no game has surpassed it yet. Not to us, anyway!


New member
Aug 17, 2009
Jimothy Sterling said:
trollpwner said:
Jimothy Sterling said:
Why do people think I am in some sort of arms race with Extra Credits?
They are intellectuals speaking on the gaming industry. So are you. Comparison is natural and inevitable, whether you like it or not. Ditto for Yahtzee.
Comparison, sure, but this idea that I'm in some sort of race with them makes no sense. You do realize this topic has no deadline, right? It's not like I entered into some Phineas Fogg style wager with Extra Credits to see who could do a graphics episode first. You're acting like I'm "late" to a discussion as if there was a sell-by date on it, which is relatively demented.
It's the internet, sadly. There's a deranged subset of people who think everyone is in as much of rush to shout FIRST!!! on any little thing as they are.


New member
Jan 16, 2010
Jim is terrible at coming up with titles for his videos. He starts off by talking about Viva-Pinata and why it is so great looking and then he goes off rambling about the broader picture which is fine but the title implies that he is going to talk about a specific game. I did something like this for a history paper in my freshman year of college and got a B- because i kept going into broader topics, doing this makes your content more confusing for the viewer. A better title would have been "Graphics of today's generation" or "The element of a game that makes it look timeless" both titles are much more broad and they allow you to cover much more without sounding like a mess. This isn't the first time Jim's done this, most of the titles he comes up with sound so dumb. It's not that I hate Jim he's got some good stuff to say but his titles are rubbish. I agree with what he said in the video but most of the stuff discussed is already well known and has been previously covered by MovieBob in his Game-overthinker series and Extra-Credits.

Keep at it Jim just have someone else come up with your titles.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
All of my love.

This does seem suspiciously similar to a comment I made in a thread about Epic Games where I said that Minecraft looks better than Gears of War.

Where games like Bastian, Tales of Vesperia and even Mirror's Edge will still look good in 10 years.

When the ability to render seemingly infinite polygons is commonplace in game development game developers will actually have to start putting thought into art direction. I can not wait for that day.


New member
Feb 24, 2011
CaptainOctopus said:
One of the best mix of aesthetics and tech I've seen lately are from Trine 2 and The Witcher 2.
The witcher 2 is insanely pretty, as well as being frustratingly hard at time, finally completed it today best game I've played in a while.


New member
Nov 23, 2009
Rocky Horror huh? Ok I'll give you that.
Personally I would say The Nightmare Before Christmas is my personal "best looking" blu-ray.
Not only is Christmas town colourful and contrasts with Halloween Town's Black, White and Orange.
But with the HD upgrade you can also get a better feel for the textures of the puppets and really makes it pop out. I will admit though HD is a double edged sword and just makes the wires holding the bats more visible.
I'm probably biased though being a Burtonite


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I couldn't agree more. Brighter is always better, in my opinion. This is why a lot of old NES titles, or even some games that started tapping into the power of the PC such as Doom, still stand up: they may be pixelated and whatnot, but bright colors are always appealing.

Also, not to get too off subject, but is XIII any good? It looks interesting, and I've always found David Duchovny to be amusing for some reason.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
all fine and true but unfortunately for us pc gamers we cant really play these games like viva pinata or killer 7. but gameplay is still more important to me then graphics. im not saying im ignoring it, i do like a good looking game, but it doesnt have to be all the time colorful.

"blades of time" is visually really good looking (on the pc at least). sure not the best looking graphics out there but it is colorful (especially the jungle level and sky island), the levels dont really look the same and the gameplay works really well with M&K. never had any of these problems as mentioned in your review. made some research and it turns out that the pc version is better then the console version.

also in the assassins creed games, i always love climbing up the towers and look around because it looks just jaw dropping beautiful. all the details in the city and the clothing of the people is just astonishing.

bulletstorm also looks amazing. not as colorful of course but visually still amazing looking.

the same i can say about "dear esther". the cave level, for e.g, is just jaw dropping. the "source" engine is still my favorite engine of all time, followed by the unreal engine.

but in the end, it really depends what the game is aiming for. as long it looks good, and can create the atmosphere it should, its already a success to me. it doesnt have to be colorful to look amazing.
yes, XIII is a good game, loved it my self but i dont need every game looking like this.


New member
Nov 29, 2011
I'm actually surprised he didn't pick Journey as the best looking game. I really can't think of any other games that have better visual presentation.

Fortunately fighting games haven't given up color. Even Mortal Kombat has a bigger color palette than most fps games. So... everyone play fighting games and look at the pretty colors and polished graphics.


New member
Oct 11, 2008
Jimothy Sterling said:
Why do people think I am in some sort of arms race with Extra Credits?

We cover similar topics. Overlap is inevitable, and I don't really watch their show regularly so I don't know what they cover. In any case, just because one series may have touched on a topic that doesn't automatically disqualify every other series in the world from covering it too.

Seriously, this whole, "oh mah gawd Extra Credits did this" thing is just ... weird.
It's like the "Simpsons Did It" episode of South Park.

So, I kinda of agree, I guess, but also kind of disagree.

I definitely think that Wind Waker looked amazing back then and a better looking Zelda game didn't come out until Skyward Sword, but for a lot of it... for example, I think that the original Halo looked better than Viva Pinata. But that's 100% a matter of personal aesthetic taste. Have you checked out Combat Evolved Anniversary? You might like that. Much more vibrant, colorful, and varied.

I'll always remember the original moment Battlefield 3 blew my mind, but games that look good for just being "colorful" aren't really a big blip on my radar. Guess I've gotten kinda technical when rating graphics lately, though. Probably part of it.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
I'm surprised that when you were talking about cel shading that TF2 didn't get a mention. Granted, it's still technically part of this generation of gaming, but it's actually older than I care to think about, especially in a media where chances are anything you buy will have been made obsolete by new advances within two months of you buying it.

On a related note, there needs to be more multiplayer shooters where the environments are mostly browns and grays (and some yellows), while the characters and objective points are much more vibrant colors like bright red or blue. My one big complaint about shooters as someone who isn't very good at them is that in most games I die more often because I literally can't FIND my opponent against the backdrop. (It's the main reason why I don't snipe in shooters. That and because sniping is for jerks who like contributing next to nothing in objective-based gameplay and feed on the rage of their opponents.)


New member
Feb 4, 2011
trollpwner said:
Oh, COME ON Jim. You may not be the sharpest knife in the draw, but normally you aren't beaten to what you're saying by extra credits by *this* much. http://www.penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/graphics-vs.-aesthetics

See that? Season 2, episode 16. Over 50 weeks ago. 50 weeks! Almost a year. Ab-surd. *sigh* Oh well. Guess the actual content wasn't bad though. Even if extra credits did do it better.

EDIT: look at this! Yahtzee managed this in 2009 http://www.escapistmagazine.com/articles/view/columns/extra-punctuation/6372-The-Conduit

Not saying Jim's point isn't relevant, but this really is leaving it late.
I'm getting bad flashbacks from my tgwtg.com days from reading that


New member
Jun 30, 2011
Awww. Jim you missed the perfect opportunity at the end of the video to give a velociraptor screech.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
What about Crysis 2? I thought everyone agreed it was (or at least was close to) the best looking game on consoles this generation, and it's pretty damn colourful.

Also the technology and power of PC gaming rigs means games like The Witcher 2 or StarCraft 2 on max settings are mega-colourful while the console version has less dynamic lighting and shading and is subsequently a bit bleaker. I was just wondering why PC games weren't even mentioned.