You're encouraging people to run this publisher off the market. Is that really such a difference? I'm sure there's people working at the publisher who don't appreciate being called twats whose games are poison.Jimothy Sterling said:Once my show is me calling up individuals to call them whores, threatening to rape/murder them, or otherwise attempting to run them off the Internet, then what I do will be equitable to harassment.Thanatos2k said:Remember, insult a publisher with profanity laced tirades of criticism, and it's comedic justice.
Do it to an indie developer who makes bad games, and it's harassment.
I'm encouraging people to be aware of companies that put an incredible volume of shit on Steam. That is not the same as me trying to get individuals fired because I don't like them, or threatening to kill them. I'm repeating this difference because, well, there's literally no better way of arguing with you on this than repeating myself. There's no double standard here. You've taken two things that are not equitable in the slightest and pretended they're the same thing.Thanatos2k said:You're encouraging people to run this publisher off the market. Is that really such a difference? I'm sure there's people working at the publisher who don't appreciate being called twats whose games are poison.Jimothy Sterling said:Once my show is me calling up individuals to call them whores, threatening to rape/murder them, or otherwise attempting to run them off the Internet, then what I do will be equitable to harassment.Thanatos2k said:Remember, insult a publisher with profanity laced tirades of criticism, and it's comedic justice.
Do it to an indie developer who makes bad games, and it's harassment.
That's not to say they don't deserve it. They absolutely do. But then so does any individual developer who puts out bad games and does other shady business things. Sure death and rape threats cross the line, but if you didn't do any that and were any of us to post a tirade using that same kind of language against certain individuals who also deserve it we'd find our posts mysterious gone.
I just don't like the double standard. I did like the episode.
Jim you're better than this. You know that I never equated death and rape threats to what you did in this episode.Jimothy Sterling said:I'm encouraging people to be aware of companies that put an incredible volume of shit on Steam. That is not the same as me trying to get individuals fired because I don't like them, or threatening to kill them. I'm repeating this difference because, well, there's literally no better way of arguing with you on this than repeating myself. There's no double standard here. You've taken two things that are not equitable in the slightest and pretended they're the same thing.Thanatos2k said:You're encouraging people to run this publisher off the market. Is that really such a difference? I'm sure there's people working at the publisher who don't appreciate being called twats whose games are poison.Jimothy Sterling said:Once my show is me calling up individuals to call them whores, threatening to rape/murder them, or otherwise attempting to run them off the Internet, then what I do will be equitable to harassment.Thanatos2k said:Remember, insult a publisher with profanity laced tirades of criticism, and it's comedic justice.
Do it to an indie developer who makes bad games, and it's harassment.
That's not to say they don't deserve it. They absolutely do. But then so does any individual developer who puts out bad games and does other shady business things. Sure death and rape threats cross the line, but if you didn't do any that and were any of us to post a tirade using that same kind of language against certain individuals who also deserve it we'd find our posts mysterious gone.
I just don't like the double standard. I did like the episode.
I was not suggesting that *you* were deleting things - you're better about these kind of things than your bretheren. I was overjoyed that your name didn't show up on the GameJournoPros member list. I thank you for your continued support of free discussion.I've also never made posts "mysteriously" vanish from The Escapist forums, as I am not a mod. Any issues you might have with censorship on this board, I can tell you it's got nothing to do with me. In fact, with regards to certain forum threads around here, I was actually the one who advised they be kept open.
You KNOW that's not what I was doing.Equating Jimquisition to the stuff I've called the community out on is, ostensibly, saying my show is as bad as rape and death threats. Actually, that's *literally* what it is.
By very virtue of your comparison, it IS what you're doing. By claiming double standards in response to Jimquisition, you're suggesting that my video is contradicting my criticism, except my definition of harassment has never included critical, impersonal videos and posts. My criticism of harassment involves personal abuse and death threats.Thanatos2k said:Jim you're better than this. You know that I never equated death and rape threats to what you did in this episode.Jimothy Sterling said:I'm encouraging people to be aware of companies that put an incredible volume of shit on Steam. That is not the same as me trying to get individuals fired because I don't like them, or threatening to kill them. I'm repeating this difference because, well, there's literally no better way of arguing with you on this than repeating myself. There's no double standard here. You've taken two things that are not equitable in the slightest and pretended they're the same thing.Thanatos2k said:You're encouraging people to run this publisher off the market. Is that really such a difference? I'm sure there's people working at the publisher who don't appreciate being called twats whose games are poison.Jimothy Sterling said:Once my show is me calling up individuals to call them whores, threatening to rape/murder them, or otherwise attempting to run them off the Internet, then what I do will be equitable to harassment.Thanatos2k said:Remember, insult a publisher with profanity laced tirades of criticism, and it's comedic justice.
Do it to an indie developer who makes bad games, and it's harassment.
That's not to say they don't deserve it. They absolutely do. But then so does any individual developer who puts out bad games and does other shady business things. Sure death and rape threats cross the line, but if you didn't do any that and were any of us to post a tirade using that same kind of language against certain individuals who also deserve it we'd find our posts mysterious gone.
I just don't like the double standard. I did like the episode.
What I said is that a profanity laced criticism about an individual developer would be considered harassment - because that's already happened. It's happened here, it's happened on other sites. Such posts have been deleted and declared harassment, not by you but by many, many others. Criticism that contained no death threats. Criticism that contained no rape threats. We both know this to be true.
Wow, that's actually a pretty good comparison. However, I have heard rumors from the deep that LJN did produce a lone good game. Can the same be said of StratFirst?Atmos Duality said:So basically, this week's episode is dedicated to "Steam's LJN".
Disciples II: Dark ProphecyV da Mighty Taco said:Wow, that's actually a pretty good comparison. However, I have heard rumors from the deep that LJN did produce a lone good game. Can the same be said of StratFirst?Atmos Duality said:So basically, this week's episode is dedicated to "Steam's LJN".
I think I understand the disconnect - you thought I was referring purely to the Jimquisition and not "game news sites in general." The double standard I referred to is that it's fine for game journalists *in general* to bash companies until they're blue in the face, but refuse to do so for individuals (not to mention certain individuals), and refuse to let readers do the same.Jimothy Sterling said:By very virtue of your comparison, it IS what you're doing. By claiming double standards in response to Jimquisition, you're suggesting that my video is contradicting my criticism, except my definition of harassment has never included critical, impersonal videos and posts. My criticism of harassment involves personal abuse and death threats.
Using your own logic, for this to be a double standard, Jimquisition would HAVE to be the same as death and rape threats (ie, the things I *have* called out in the past). With regards to anything else, that's something to take up with the moderators, not me.
They don't count because they were middle-aged, white, cis male hetrosexuals most likely.Jimothy Sterling said:Edit: What's funny is I've also done profanity-laced tirades aimed at indie devs too. But of course, they don't count because of some reasons.
Dammit! I was going to say that! It came to me watching footage of that dreck that tried to be stealth-action game. Thank Jim for eviscerating these scam artists who try to pass themselves off as a "Publisher".Zachary Amaranth said:But the free market. People obviously want shit games, something something.
Howabout quality never, because I don't think "last" is accurate.1nfinite_Cros5 said:I have a better, alternate name for them: Quality Last.
Okay, I get you now. Sadly, my show has been criticized a few times for the exact same double standard it seemed you were accusing it of, hence why it really wasn't so strange for me to believe it. Having to explain the difference between two totally different things is, sadly, something I've become accustomed to.Thanatos2k said:I think I understand the disconnect - you thought I was referring purely to the Jimquisition and not "game news sites in general." The double standard I referred to is that it's fine for game journalists *in general* to bash companies until they're blue in the face, but refuse to do so for individuals (not to mention certain individuals), and refuse to let readers do the same.Jimothy Sterling said:By very virtue of your comparison, it IS what you're doing. By claiming double standards in response to Jimquisition, you're suggesting that my video is contradicting my criticism, except my definition of harassment has never included critical, impersonal videos and posts. My criticism of harassment involves personal abuse and death threats.
Using your own logic, for this to be a double standard, Jimquisition would HAVE to be the same as death and rape threats (ie, the things I *have* called out in the past). With regards to anything else, that's something to take up with the moderators, not me.
Fair enough. Thanks for the understanding. I may have been overly harsh.Jimothy Sterling said:Okay, I get you now. Sadly, my show has been criticized a few times for the exact same double standard it seemed you were accusing it of, hence why it really wasn't so strange for me to believe it. Having to explain the difference between two totally different things is, sadly, something I've become accustomed to.Thanatos2k said:I think I understand the disconnect - you thought I was referring purely to the Jimquisition and not "game news sites in general." The double standard I referred to is that it's fine for game journalists *in general* to bash companies until they're blue in the face, but refuse to do so for individuals (not to mention certain individuals), and refuse to let readers do the same.Jimothy Sterling said:By very virtue of your comparison, it IS what you're doing. By claiming double standards in response to Jimquisition, you're suggesting that my video is contradicting my criticism, except my definition of harassment has never included critical, impersonal videos and posts. My criticism of harassment involves personal abuse and death threats.
Using your own logic, for this to be a double standard, Jimquisition would HAVE to be the same as death and rape threats (ie, the things I *have* called out in the past). With regards to anything else, that's something to take up with the moderators, not me.![]()
I saw ye edit! >Dragoen said:Disciples II: Dark ProphecyV da Mighty Taco said:Wow, that's actually a pretty good comparison. However, I have heard rumors from the deep that LJN did produce a lone good game. Can the same be said of StratFirst?Atmos Duality said:So basically, this week's episode is dedicated to "Steam's LJN".
Hearts of Iron
Europa Universalis
Earth 2150: Lost Souls
Etherlords II
Galactic Civilizations
FlatOut 3: Chaos & Destruction
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood
Sudden Strike
Jagged Alliance series
O.R.B: Off-World Resource Base
Space Empires V
All incredible games, especially Disciples 2.
Sadly they seem to have fallen far since.
I am, after all, a master ninja. Like a fruit ninja, but without the fruit.Darth_Payn said:Dammit! I was going to say that! It came to me watching footage of that dreck that tried to be stealth-action game. Thank Jim for eviscerating these scam artists who try to pass themselves off as a "Publisher".
Yeah most of their great games are only known if your into Round based strategy games. So I only knew them as a publisher as some of my all time favorite games.V da Mighty Taco said:I saw ye edit! >Dragoen said:Disciples II: Dark ProphecyV da Mighty Taco said:Wow, that's actually a pretty good comparison. However, I have heard rumors from the deep that LJN did produce a lone good game. Can the same be said of StratFirst?Atmos Duality said:So basically, this week's episode is dedicated to "Steam's LJN".
Hearts of Iron
Europa Universalis
Earth 2150: Lost Souls
Etherlords II
Galactic Civilizations
FlatOut 3: Chaos & Destruction
Robin Hood: The Legend of Sherwood
Sudden Strike
Jagged Alliance series
O.R.B: Off-World Resource Base
Space Empires V
All incredible games, especially Disciples 2.
Sadly they seem to have fallen far since.
Serious note, that's interesting to hear. I think I've even heard of that Europa game before. It's crazy to see what's become of a company like that, and it leads to questions of how they ended up where they are now.
This kind of comparison is pretty weak, since companies and individuals are two completely different things.Thanatos2k said:The double standard I referred to is that it's fine for game journalists *in general* to bash companies until they're blue in the face, but refuse to do so for individuals (not to mention certain individuals), and refuse to let readers do the same.
Not according to the Supreme Court!Caostotale said:This kind of double standard is pretty weak, since companies and individuals are two completely different things.Thanatos2k said:The double standard I referred to is that it's fine for game journalists *in general* to bash companies until they're blue in the face, but refuse to do so for individuals (not to mention certain individuals), and refuse to let readers do the same.
typical steam apologists, if ea pulled the shit valve does everybody would scream bloody murdergirzwald said:How many of these are you going to make? Steam has some shit titles. Get over it already. Did you buy "War operations"? Because it seems like you did. Congratulations. You just supported the problem. Most of these games you've been bitching about, I never heard of till you brought them up. I guess that shows how much of an impact these games have. Don't like it? Don't buy it. Its that simple. If morons want to buy a game without seeing a demo or reading a review, then that's their problem. I so rarely get screwed by buying a shitty game, its a non problem. Do you whine when you buy a new food product and don't like it? No, you don't buy it again and move on.
So move on already. Without greenlight we wouldn't have the opportunity to find the gems amongst the crap.
I actually bought Vampire Rain really cheap for the Xbox and had a very fun gaming session with some friends making fun of the game and playing it by turns, it was worth the money.Zachary Amaranth said:But the free market. People obviously want shit games, something something.
Howabout quality never, because I don't think "last" is accurate.1nfinite_Cros5 said:I have a better, alternate name for them: Quality Last.