Jimquisition: Videogames Are Not Movies, Get Over It

Duke Machine

New member
Aug 27, 2008
At about two minutes in I started to wonder when it was going to end, and that tells you pretty much what I thought of the video.

If he actually fleshed out an idea or two instead of the same thing over and over and over again it might be worth listening to, dunno about watching.

On another note this guy needs to relax, watch his mouth and get some real pictures, the fewer of male genitalia the better.


Good Dog. Best Friend.
Nov 19, 2009
StraightToHeck said:
I dunno about the Steven Spielberg of the gaming industry, but I believe we've found its Lewis Black
Loud, politically biased, and mostly unfunny? o_O

(Sorry, personally can't stand the guy. :p)


New member
Mar 2, 2011
A whole lot of a gas bagging about a relevant intertextual reference for what was a very intertextual game. Basically the guy said that music shouldn't make videos as that isn't music when it can add enjoyment to the piece when done well. I think by shoehorning games as just games you create just as big a problem as if you were to make a filmic game, or a musically driven game or a game in a surrealist art style. I'm sorry Jim but all media is a product of other media whether it likes it or not, it's all part of the human experience and it all seeks to capitalize for good or bad or what stimulates a human being. If a cut scene can excite someone by using cinematic techniques, if a game wants to include a short film to further the plot, go ahead as ultimately the game will be better for it.


New member
Nov 29, 2010
My new order:
Zero Punctuation
Extra Credits

The rest are teeth grittingly bad. Let's hope you can keep it up next monday!


New member
Mar 17, 2010
I say give him a chance, but this particular episode wasn't exactly great. We were simply staring at an unchanging guy lecture us for five minutes, while he talked about a topic that's neither new nor particularly interesting.

I think that this has potential, but it's going to have to go a long way to achieve it.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
RowdyRodimus said:
Ummm, I've been her over a year now. Unless that was directed to the person I quoted in which case I apologize for the misunderstanding there.
Ahh sorry I was looking at someone else's join date instead of yours. So yeah it was more directed at all the people that joined today.


New member
Jun 7, 2008
So, if I join the Publisher's Club, does this go away? I'd pay for that.

Okay, that was kind of inflammatory and I don't want to come off as a troll here, so let me justify my points a bit. I just don't see why this video exists. It doesn't seem to quite fit with the Escapist's usual fare at best, and seems to be redundant at worst - there's already a sweary British game commentator on this site, and he's a lot better at his job than Jim. We already have MovieBob doing his Big Picture thing for general geek culture commentary - and he knows a lot more about movies too. That's why his name's MovieBob.

It sounded bad, it looked worse, but I could overlook that if he was at least making some good points. As it is, all he was saying was stuff Yahtzee, the Extra Credits crew and probably even MovieBob have already said. We know games aren't movies, Jim. You're not saying anything new. Did anyone here feel their eyelids peel open for the first time before the truth of this glorious revelations? Didn't think so.

If this was funny, I'd be a lot kinder about it. If he'd dressed it up as a review, even, that'd somehow leave me feeling it was more justified to be on the Escapist. He could have even couched the point in some sort of entertainment - say, the way ENN or SAGS do - and it'd be more enjoyable. The point he's making isn't nuanced or detailed enough to really justify devoting a video of this length purely to it. He just restates his assertion, fumbling in places, over and over.

This is not culture commentary. This is a nutter shouting at trees in the park.

I could probably go on, but it's probably for the best I don't.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
Pointless, boring and through all rubbish, sorry mate. I don't understand why this is needed, when we have better shows doing the same thing.

Try actually raising some points next time instead of repeating 'because it's/you're/they're stupid'

Mix it up, put more movement or colour into your videos. Please don't just stand there, your delivery is painful. If you CAN'T change your delivery then drop it, write an article instead.

Be Careful! You screwed up the one line about Hideo Kojima and that distracted from the rest of the video.

Add some credibility to your argument by looking at both sides. Where were our comparisons? Our positive points? Our clarification of WHY people say the things they do?

I'll watch the next few and hope for improvements, but so far it's a 'meh' from me.


New member
Oct 14, 2007
MissPixxie said:
Pointless, boring and through all rubbish, sorry mate. I don't understand why this is needed, when we have better shows doing the same thing.

Try actually raising some points next time instead of repeating 'because it's/you're/they're stupid'

Mix it up, put more movement or colour into your videos. Please don't just stand there, your delivery is painful. If you CAN'T change your delivery then drop it, write an article instead.

Be Careful! You screwed up the one line about Hideo Kojima and that distracted from the rest of the video.

Add some credibility to your argument by looking at both sides. Where were our comparisons? Our positive points? Our clarification of WHY people say the things they do?

I'll watch the next few and hope for improvements, but so far it's a 'meh' from me.
I found his silly theatrics annoying, but he was spot on on the rest save for some little bit of needed depth.

As for the "credibility" bit, c'mon--really? Comparisons abound. But why should he give them to you? You already know them, or have heard about them.

The guy is only giving his oppinion, not giving a dissertation.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
unabomberman said:
MissPixxie said:
I found his silly theatrics annoying, but he was spot on on the rest save for some little bit of needed depth.

As for the "credibility" bit, c'mon--really? Comparisons abound. But why should he give them to you? You already know them, or have heard about them.

The guy is only giving his oppinion, not giving a dissertation.
Because I don't know who he is, neither will a lot of people from around here. If he's got a show, I want to know what qualifies him to talk about the industry, I don't want to hear some bumbling idiots opinion. In order to give your opinion to the masses it should at least have some grounding.

Sure, I know what he's talking about, but he's not adressing ME, as I know the argument. He's ranting at the people making the mistakes, and perhaps they DON'T know the comparisons. They're more likey to walk away than to listen, then nothing gets learned.


New member
Jul 17, 2008
Did anyone else think "Oh my god, the Rev Rants are back and Anthony is Jim!"?

Funny thing about this is that I actually agreed with pretty much everything he said for a change when usually that only happens when he's talking about Dynasty Warriors games...

Speaking of which, do something about Dynasty Warriors games!


New member
May 5, 2010
hey look, it's Ricky Gervais trying to be Charlie Brooker.

Exactly how relevant do you think this rant is? Especially when it's aimed at the members of a damned Gaming Website. We already know this, it has been covered in bigger and better ways.

Also, silence is a good thing, that was a near solid block of you making noises and throwing your hands around.


New member
Jan 28, 2009
Nice, but not great. Then again, it is only the first episode. Let's give the guy some time to get into some sort of pace.

Oh, well.

Asparagus Brown

New member
Sep 1, 2008
Fronzel said:
I thought that when people say they want the "Citizen Kane of video games", they just meant they wanted a video game that was really good. Like what Citizen Kane was to movies, this desired game would be for video games. I don't think a equivalence of the two media is implied.

It's clearer if you use an analogy with less similar terms; what we want is the fillet mignon of video games.
Actually, I thought the reference was implying a video game that raises the medium by creating within it a credible artistic achievement, as Citizen Kane is often credited as doing for films.

Either way, he's missed the point.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
Wodan said:
Hmmm... Decently put argument... Somewhat interesting and novel orator... I am intrigued to see more of what this series and what Jim can offer.
hahahaha do you actually talk like that?