Jimquisition: When Piracy Becomes Theft

Jimothy Sterling

New member
Apr 18, 2011
When Piracy Becomes Theft

Piracy isn't theft, right? It's copyright infringement, yes? These statements aren't wrong, but they're not always correct. Not when we talk about a certain type of piracy that is most certainly theft, and deserves all the indignity that such a term implies. The just and fair Jim Sterling shall share the wisdom of his judgement.

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Elvish Ambassador
Nov 23, 2009
Love how you look more like an arrogant douche in real glases than sunglases. ( i mean that in the nicest possible way of course)


New member
Oct 31, 2011
Me Gusta new intro.I'm disgusted that people cracked the humble Indie bundle.I mean, come on, anyone with a working computer can cough up enough money for it.
Also, would buying a legal copy of a game that comes with a shitty on-line service that spies on you & you MUST have & then cracking it for it to work without said service be justified?


New member
Apr 8, 2009
You can't keep pedophilia out of anything you do, can you Jim?
rolfwesselius said:
I Love the new intro Jim.
did you make it yourself?
Check the credits. A fan sent it in.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Mm, I agree wholeheartedly and I thought you'd bring this up considering the points you avoided last week, it's one thing to reduce sales to big corporatiosn that can afford the loss and have been doing douchy things, but it's just a dick move to steal from people that really need the money that badly, don't charge a lot for their games, and maintain a good relationship with the consumer.

Hell, even larger companies can still need the money, so as long as they're the IP-creators and don't pull too many dick moves then it's still not allright to cut into the money that's going to fund their next game and keep the company afloat.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
I'd vote for Jim. Beats the bozos that usually run. Hopefully he can beat them with pieces of wood too.

I haven't downloaded a game for free in so long, I didn't realize they did that. I only ever "downloaded" big expensive titles or things that never actually got officially released.

It seems to be the difference between being Robin Hood or *random Republican Candidate of the week.*
Nobody with a computer is too poor to buy a $7 game.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
Yeah I was taken back when I read the article about people who pirated the indie bundle, I mean I buy everyone (just bought the on the road one today, and I buy indie royal bundles too) but who pirates games you get for a penny that's just cheap and pathetic. Now I admit I have backup's of video games, that I already own. I mean people called me a pirate or what ever, but every game on my DS/PSP I have a copy in my closet (that I bought, sometimes multiple copies of one game (Like Izuna 1 and 2)) sitting safely in a drawer so I don't lose or have a game stolen like before (Because I would lose my mind if someone stole my copy of Shantae or Dragon Quest 5 or any game I spent more then a year hunting for). But to pirate games that were more or less free....wow just wow.


New member
Mar 6, 2011
Ziggy said:
humbel indie bundle: DON'T PAY ONE CENT. they will lose money
Unfortunate but true. Just paying one cent is worse than pirating the game because paying them the one cent loses them money while pirating it doesn't.

Still a shit thing to do? Of course, but the lesser of two evils in the Humble Indie Bundle's case.

Though this just goes to show you that people will use any backwards ass logic they can get their hands on to validate piracy. Even if the games are good, cheap and DRM free they'll still come up with some BS excuse about why they NEED the game but can't be asked to pay for it.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
Wait...people torrent the humble bundle? Geeze, WHY? Why would anyone want to do that with a bundle that allows you to pay what you can? That's pretty low indeed.

Shame I'm not American. I could get behind your policies, Jim. Would rather have that than blanket bans like SOPA/PIPA/ACTA or whatever the hot topic is these days. Good luck on your quest to office.

(also loving the new intro)
Aug 1, 2010
Nice intro. Looks professional.

As much I as I think Piracy is a complex issue, I agree with this so much. Pirating anything that cheap ESPECIALLY if the profit goes straight to the devs, is just dickishness for the sake of being dickish.



New member
Nov 9, 2010
Qitz said:
Ziggy said:
humbel indie bundle: DON'T PAY ONE CENT. they will lose money
Unfortunate but true. Just paying one cent is worse than pirating the game because paying them the one cent loses them money while pirating it doesn't.

Still a shit thing to do? Of course, but the lesser of two evils in the Humble Indie Bundle's case.

Though this just goes to show you that people will use any backwards ass logic they can get their hands on to validate piracy. Even if the games are good, cheap and DRM free they'll still come up with some BS excuse about why they NEED the game but can't be asked to pay for it.
Agreed the point were you pirate a drm free and cheap game is just low, low, low. I mean if I want a game on PC and don't wanna fork the money for it I just wait for a steam sale, I wanted to play duke nukem (Such a bad game) so I just waited for it to hit 5 bucks (such a bad game >_>).

But a pirate saying he wants the humble/royal bundle and pirates it instead of paying the smallest amount needed (Which is at most 10 bucks for royal) that's just low.