Jimquisition: When Piracy Becomes Theft


New member
Dec 26, 2008
I would vote for Jim Sterling, but he is not eligible since he wasn't born in the US (I believe). Though that was almost inspiring me to quickly fill out my form for an absentee ballot for my state's upcoming primary.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
1. Hey, don't look at me- I bought World of Goo. (And it was worth every penny. Seriously. Pick it up if you haven't yet. The soundtrack alone is worth what they're asking.)

2. Presumably Jim was born in the UK, so he can't be legally elected president. If we're talking more of an "armed-insurrection-dictator-for-life" kind of thing, well, let me know.

3. Am I the only one who finds it ironic that the second episode talking about piracy is the episode where the jimquisition stopped stealing borrowing video from Fallout...?

Brian Hendershot

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Crono1973 said:
Brian Hendershot said:
I think people are missing the point of this video. You should pay something to humble indie devs at the very least because they respect you. They take out all the DRM, give the proceeds to charity and in the process are losing money. At the very least you are giving money to charity and getting some sweet games in the process.

And let's get off the topic of if it is theft or piracy. That's missing the point. Whatever you are doing, in the case of the humble indie devs, is just wrong.

Plus...it's only like a penny..come on...
Guilt trips don't work with text, you need TONE to successfully apply a guilt trip.
Perhaps you are right. Maybe I should try the Elcor approach.

Angry Tone. I think people are missing the point of this video. Passionately, you should pay something to humble indie devs at the very least because they respect you. They take out all the DRM, give the proceeds to charity and in the process are losing money. At the very least you are giving money to charity and getting some sweet games in the process.

And let's get off the topic of if it is theft or piracy. That's missing the point. Whatever you are doing, in the case of the humble indie devs, is just wrong.

Exasperated, Plus...it's only like a penny..come on...

Jimothy Sterling

New member
Apr 18, 2011
This video is not a serious "is piracy theft?" discussion. Those believing so may have slightly veered away from the intended point I was making and may have not quite gotten the sardonic part of it.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
Naeras said:
Crono1973 said:
Sorry No, Indie devs are not special and copyright infringement doesn't become theft when it involves an Indie developer.

In fact, I place a lower value on Indie games because most are ugly, simplistic and repetitive. I don't pirate them though, I watch them on YouTube and decide to skip them. I guess this show was required though, given the anti-piracy stance of the escapist.
The point here is that indie games a) generally don't cost anything at all and b) often times the money doesn't go to the official publisher money pile, but to the developer. Also they don't screw me over by making me install spyware on my computer in order to let me play the game, unlike said publishers. That's why it's infuriating to see how cheap people are. It's like pirating an ice cream sandwich, if that had been possible.

It doesn't really change the argument for whether or not it's "copyright infringement" or "theft", indeed. But if I got told one guy pirated Bastion and another guy pirated a Ubisoft title, I know which of them I'd call out as the bigger douchebag.
You can't pirate an ice cream sandwich, you can steal one and that's theft. Pirating software is not theft, it's copyright infringement.

For those who are confused about copyright infringement vs theft. Copyright Infringment means that only certain entities have the RIGHT to make COPIES of something, usually the publisher. Others who do it are infringing on the copyright as they are not legally allowed to make copies (outside of a legal backup). No matter how people try to twist it, it just isn't the same as walking into Wal Mart and stuffing a 360 game into your pants.


New member
Jun 16, 2011
Scummy little toads ripping off humble developers that deserve money more than corrupt publishing conglomerates?!


*Bucky O' Hare fanfare*


Level 80 Legendary Postlord
Dec 4, 2007
They cracked the Humble Indy Bundle? How do you crack that which has no copy protection?


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Piracy is unacceptable regardless. Saying a big company deserves it and an independent company doesn't is pathetic. For starters all the big companies started off as independents.Its like reading comments written by retards. Either you are against it or for it, the size of the company isnt an issue. Its like saying rich people should be burgled more than poor people and making a law that allows it. Those that thing, somehow, pirates give a shit about independent gaming and thats why they pirates games from big companies as some kind of protest. Pirates dont give a shit. They want the game for free and they will download it for free. If your mum made a game with her life savings.....people would still download it for free.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Once again, I thought I was 100% done with extreme profanity as humor, but Jim Sterling proves that there's still a little bit toothpaste left to squeeze out of the tube if you're clever enough with your wordings. Seriously, I laughed out loud twice during this video.

As for the actual content of it. I'm having a little bit of a problem with what he's implying with this whole string of piracy videos. No question that pirating games from struggling indie developers that trust their customers is more despicable than pirating a AAA-game from a big publisher. But that doesn't in any way justify pirating a game from a major publisher. I know that's not what he's saying, but I can easily see some people justifying pirating with "they have more money than they can spend, they're not hurt by piracy". Which is not OK! It's kind of important for me to draw the line, "less bad" does not equal "not bad".


New member
Apr 8, 2009
Raggedstar said:
Wait...people torrent the humble bundle? Geeze, WHY? Why would anyone want to do that with a bundle that allows you to pay what you can? That's pretty low indeed.
Probably doesn't help that they host official torrents for downloading the games in the bundle. (Used it once for the Linux version of Shank. Like Hell I was going to download 2 gigs the old fashioned way.) Also, they probably don't check the IP addresses of all the downloads, since the honor system dictates that all those separate downloads are just the same guy from different computers rather than pirates.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
SonOfVoorhees said:
Crono1973 said:
If I steal your bike, then you lose a bike. That's theft.
If you copy one of your games, you lose nothing. See the difference?
Erm that bike wasnt for sale so its theft. A game is for sale, legally. So what is that? Also a difference between a friend letting another friend copy a game and the internet to download for free. Big different.

Ok, you make a picture to sell. Ten people walk in, photocopy it and walk out. Is that theft, after all you still got the original copy. Just admit you dont want to pay for stuff.
Whether the bike/game is for sale is not relevant at all. No difference if you obtain the copy from a friend or online. Your picture example is interesting, I have no answer.

Your last sentence is bullshit, you shouldn't go around calling people pirates just because they have a different view than you.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
One thing I'd like to point out: ever since Jim added the chainsword to the intro, there's been two little hiccups in the audio where that segment was inserted. In this new intro, the hiccups are still there, and they're no longer in a place where it even makes sense for them to be there.

Can whoever's responsible for the intro please fix this? :)


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Acrisius said:
For example, pedophilia and burglary are both crimes, but pedophilia is much more shameful than burglary.
An shame has what to do with anything? lol. Stop coming up with idiotic reasons. Theft is theft, whether the person is rich or poor - thats how the law sees it. Look at the shame amount is just guilt and morals....not law.


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
I think this is the best way to explain how this works. Yes, it's been on the escapist before.

File sharing is kind of a dick move, so I learn to go without.


New member
Jun 12, 2009
What about games that devs refuse to release games in other countries? AAI2 is a upcoming example. People are making a english patch but its not going to be released till a certain time if Capcom still says no. Am I such a bad person for pirating a game that Capcom has no intention of releasing even after I told them I'd buy the game?

In my opinion, if a company refuses to or can't release a game in my country then its ok to pirate. Or if you cannot buy it in any store and if you do buy it, the dev sees none of the money unless its rereleased(AKA: Earthbound).


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
RaikuFA said:
What about games that devs refuse to release games in other countries? AAI2 is a upcoming example. People are making a english patch but its not going to be released till a certain time if Capcom still says no. Am I such a bad person for pirating a game that Capcom has no intention of releasing even after I told them I'd buy the game?

In my opinion, if a company refuses to or can't release a game in my country then its ok to pirate. Or if you cannot buy it in any store and if you do buy it, the dev sees none of the money unless its rereleased(AKA: Earthbound).
I wouldn't condemn anyone who pirated The Last Story in North America, I would ask them how good it is.