JK Rowling's new book - A detective novel about a trans serial killer murdering women

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
If you're sneakily trying to hint i should sell you all my cool harry potter stuff for cheapsies, well I'm afraid you're all outta luck! As the closest i got is a DVD of Fantastic Beasts and that was given to someone else way before Rowling starting publicly surfing the terfs. I got, umm...Knives Out? It's about privelidged white people in a massive house still? Wait no, you cant have that one, i still need it for...things.

That's not a bad pop-up card. I can see the appeal. Needs more horror though.
I just remembered I had wayy more harry potter stuff I almost forgot about.. MY LEGO! I have a ridiculous amount of harry potter lego. like 4 Hogwarts castles, Whomping willow, the bus, Diagon alley, Hagrids hut, Aragog ( the spider) and more.. My sister actually sent me those over the years. :D I send her stuff to use in her massive Halloween display, she isn't into lego like I am though.
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Terminal Blue

Elite Member
Feb 18, 2010
United Kingdom
Part of this I think is also that she feels there is a gender disparity in that these same cis/trans debates over identity don't seem to have the same intensity for men, perhaps indicating that men's identity in society still seems relatively secure and normalised.
Transmen have been almost invisible in film and media coverage of trans issues until a few years ago, at most. On the few occasions transmasc people were depicted in films and TV in the past, it was almost exclusively from a gay or lesbian perspective, reflecting the growing visibility of transmen in those communities. The portrayal of such characters is very seldom flattering, and generally presents transmen as deluded tomboys or lesbians who can't accept their own sexuality. Outside of gay and lesbian culture, however, the media focus on trans issues has generally ignored transmen completely.

A big part of that, I suspect, is that transmen don't register to heterosexuals as a "problem" in the way transwomen do. The idea that they might represent a sexual threat to straight women is mostly irrelevant because all men represent a sexual threat to straight women and because heterosexuals tend to view penetration by a penis as the only authentic form of sex. Conversely, transmen are not a threat to straight men. Straight men aren't typically sexually attracted to transmen, and if they are it's because they see those transmen as women whose masculinity is a facade or pretence.

Think of the inevitable scene in every "woman dresses like a man to do man stuff" movie where the main character, rather than explaining the situation like a normal person, dramatically exposes her boobs to her love interest. That scene isn't upsetting to straight men in the same way the Crying Game scenario is, is it?

So yeah, beyond the lack of visibility, transwomen are percieved as threatening in a way transmen are not (outside of gay and lesbian communities, at least, and gay and lesbian communities still tend to be vastly more accepting than mainstream cishet culture). It's not because their identities are more secure. JK Rowling herself has wheeled out the lesbian feminist line that transmen are women who have been brainwashed by patriarchal ideology, but the consequences of believing that are still less serious than believing that transwomen are men who dress as women to try and sneak into women's bathrooms and trick straight men into wanting to bang them.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
They used cars, but their cars could drive or fly. Their magic was much faster however. The time period didn't have internet or cellphones I don't think among the muggles.
Their magic was generally better than what Muggles had for the most part is why they didn't use them. They didn't have to worry about traffic:
Isn't that, like, the only car you ever get to see? Not everyone in this universe can do magic, right? Why isn't there an industry for magic induced, flying cars for the less magically inclined people to use? I mean, do these wizards just not have societal progress, where shit is just all around cleaner and not everyone is wearing robes? Not even clean robes, by the way.

My question is; Why can't the magic world not simply function and look like the normal world, but with magic? I mean, I think we can all agree that living in a modern infrastructure is vastly preferable to living in one from 200 years ago, right?

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Isn't that, like, the only car you ever get to see? Not everyone in this universe can do magic, right? Why isn't there an industry for magic induced, flying cars for the less magically inclined people to use? I mean, do these wizards just not have societal progress, where shit is just all around cleaner and not everyone is wearing robes? Not even clean robes, by the way.

My question is; Why can't the magic world not simply function and look like the normal world, but with magic? I mean, I think we can all agree that living in a modern infrastructure is vastly preferable to living in one from 200 years ago, right?
Yea the reason they don;t use them more often is when Ron and Harry used the car, Muggles ( non magic people) spotted them and then the ministry of magic had to go around erasing people's memories of the flying car. It is against wizarding law to do magic in front of muggles and expose their world. So if they all drove around in flying cars all the time, they would have to do a hell of a lot of erasing. It is faster and less noticeable to use apparition, the floo network, portkeys and flying on brooms.

I think they like their old castles and buildings and such as a preference of style. Arthur Weasley seemed entertained and collected muggle things like that but he was an outlier that other wizards thought was a bit odd as they saw muggle trinkets as cheap and beneath them.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Yea the reason they don;t use them more often is when Ron and Harry used the car, Muggles ( non magic people) spotted them and then the ministry of magic had to go around erasing people's memories of the flying car. It is against wizarding law to do magic in front of muggles and expose their world. So if they all drove around in flying cars all the time, they would have to do a hell of a lot of erasing. It is faster and less noticeable to use apparition, the floo network, portkeys and flying on brooms.
No, I mean in the magic world itself. Not everyone can do magic in that world, right? Not everyone can use apparition, or has portkeys, and flying on a broom is probably not great in all weather. You'd think these people living in this old-ass society would see the huge benefit in having covered vehicles for private use. Unless the books make it clear they're just stubborn.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
It's interesting how no matter what the current ideal or desire is espoused by women who claim to speak for all women (note that I'm not talking about anyone here, just general movements in the wide world) that it's always said to be the fault of all men even when what the men are doing is following what was previously espoused to be the feelings of all women.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
Transmen have been almost invisible in film and media coverage of trans issues until a few years ago, at most. On the few occasions transmasc people were depicted in films and TV in the past, it was almost exclusively from a gay or lesbian perspective, reflecting the growing visibility of transmen in those communities. The portrayal of such characters is very seldom flattering, and generally presents transmen as deluded tomboys or lesbians who can't accept their own sexuality. Outside of gay and lesbian culture, however, the media focus on trans issues has generally ignored transmen completely.

A big part of that, I suspect, is that transmen don't register to heterosexuals as a "problem" in the way transwomen do. The idea that they might represent a sexual threat to straight women is mostly irrelevant because all men represent a sexual threat to straight women and because heterosexuals tend to view penetration by a penis as the only authentic form of sex. Conversely, transmen are not a threat to straight men. Straight men aren't typically sexually attracted to transmen, and if they are it's because they see those transmen as women whose masculinity is a facade or pretence.

Think of the inevitable scene in every "woman dresses like a man to do man stuff" movie where the main character, rather than explaining the situation like a normal person, dramatically exposes her boobs to her love interest. That scene isn't upsetting to straight men in the same way the Crying Game scenario is, is it?

So yeah, beyond the lack of visibility, transwomen are percieved as threatening in a way transmen are not (outside of gay and lesbian communities, at least, and gay and lesbian communities still tend to be vastly more accepting than mainstream cishet culture). It's not because their identities are more secure. JK Rowling herself has wheeled out the lesbian feminist line that transmen are women who have been brainwashed by patriarchal ideology, but the consequences of believing that are still less serious than believing that transwomen are men who dress as women to try and sneak into women's bathrooms and trick straight men into wanting to bang them.
Yea I think the whole thing with Rowling and thinking Transmen or Transwomen are somehow broken and need to be fixed is due to the whole her still thinking it is a mental disorder from what she was taught when that was widely accepted. I also think that she does still hold a great deal of resentment and distrust of men due to her previous physical and sexual abuse as well as the sexism she experienced in many aspects of her life. You even calling her JK now is because they made her hide her identity as a woman. From a biologically sexed female, having a biologically sexed male, regardless of gender, then dictating what your own identity means and dismissing a huge part of what it means to be a woman as being not important is not going to be accepted well. While I disagree that trans are broken or need to be fixed, I see her point about dismissing what it means to be a woman to a biologically sexed female. Trying to redefine that to now include penises doesn't really work for most women because that is also removing a huge part of our identity to be able to do so.

lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
No, I mean in the magic world itself. Not everyone can do magic in that world, right? Not everyone can use apparition, or has portkeys, and flying on a broom is probably not great in all weather. You'd think these people living in this old-ass society would see the huge benefit in having covered vehicles for private use. Unless the books make it clear they're just stubborn.
Everyone in the magic word can do magic. Muggles can't see the magic world. Wizards see using muggle objects as being beneath them, as wizards see themselves as superior to muggles. They have trains and the night bus as well as for ground transportation, though, Hagrid drove a motorcycle as well.. Yes, wizards are notoriously traditional and stubborn.
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lil devils x

🐐More Lego Goats Please!🐐
May 1, 2020
It's interesting how no matter what the current ideal or desire is espoused by women who claim to speak for all women (note that I'm not talking about anyone here, just general movements in the wide world) that it's always said to be the fault of all men even when what the men are doing is following what was previously espoused to be the feelings of all women.
I think you misunderstand it as " being the fault of all men" as it is not the " fault" but rather men benefit from the things that powerful men who imposed advantages for men. It isn't your fault if you just benefit from it. I think you may be confusing benefit and fault as being the same thing, They are not. I don't think any woman claims to speak for all women, but rather their POV of a female perspective in general, that some other women may agree with. Of course women do not have one voice, neither do men. I think you are taking what means one thing to mean another.
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Elite Member
Mar 31, 2015
So you're a celebrity who's been called out for having shitty opinions, do you:
A) Accept that you've hurt people, and learn to be a better person?
B) Double down in the most embarrassing way possible?

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
So you're a celebrity who's been called out for having shitty opinions, do you:
A) Accept that you've hurt people, and learn to be a better person?
B) Double down in the most embarrassing way possible?
I doubt the bottom has been reached in terms of doubling down.

Specter Von Baren

Annoying Green Gadfly
Aug 25, 2013
I don't know, send help!
So I've read a little more on this and apparently the "cross dressing" is a man using a burqa to disguise himself? Cause if that's true then....

................ Like really guys? THIS, is what everyone is mad about? Someone dressed in what is essentially ninja garb to disguise himself because the only thing is shows is your eyes?


Sep 6, 2013
Occupied Palestine
So I've read a little more on this and apparently the "cross dressing" is a man using a burqa to disguise himself? Cause if that's true then....

................ Like really guys? THIS, is what everyone is mad about? Someone dressed in what is essentially ninja garb to disguise himself because the only thing is shows is your eyes?
You've gotta keep the rage quota


Do everything and feel nothing
Mar 3, 2009
So I've read a little more on this and apparently the "cross dressing" is a man using a burqa to disguise himself? Cause if that's true then....

................ Like really guys?
If so, the Daily Telegraph deserves an award for champion trolling - it being a newspaper whose readership will tend to be even less friendly to trans people than J.K. Rowling.


Elite Member
Oct 22, 2016
Phew, Robbie Coltrane, a man born five years after the end of the Second World War, has stepped in to confirm that none of the people unhappy with JK Rowling could have won the war.

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~it ends here~
Apr 29, 2020
I just remembered I had wayy more harry potter stuff I almost forgot about.. MY LEGO! I have a ridiculous amount of harry potter lego. like 4 Hogwarts castles, Whomping willow, the bus, Diagon alley, Hagrids hut, Aragog ( the spider) and more.. My sister actually sent me those over the years. :D I send her stuff to use in her massive Halloween display, she isn't into lego like I am though.
They sound pretty cool. Lego is a wonderful toy, loved experimenting with my own growing up, but never had any of those types of sets...aren't they usually quite expensive though? Are you secretly rich? A stealth 1%er? This would not bode well for the inevitable socialist revolution if so!


Making lemons combustible again
Escapist +
Feb 9, 2008
A Barrel In the Marketplace
Phew, Robbie Coltrane, a man born five years after the end of the Second World War, has stepped in to confirm that none of the people unhappy with JK Rowling could have won the war.

Who the hell of Robbie Coltrane and why should we care?