JRPGS vs Western RPGs. What's your preference?


New member
May 8, 2011
Well, if a JRPG usually aren't good but in my opinion have a far greater potential to really taake the player through a spell-binding adventure, basically more potential which is almost always ruined whilst western RPG's basically don't budge much and a bit more bland and a bulk-buy kind of entertainment, not great but no heartbreak.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
Western because I just can't find JRPGs immerssive. They're just that bit TOO out there for my tastes.


New member
Jun 13, 2011
I play both I like RPGs in general as well as games that feature strong RPG elements, this console generation I suppose I have mainly been playing WRPGs but back in the PSX era it was mostly JRPGs.

There were still classic WRPGS around near the end of the PSX lifespan like Baldurs Gate 2 (which was one of the best rpgs of the era) and even now we still have brilliant JRPGs such as Xenoblade Chronicles (which is probably the best rpg this generation and one of the best of all time imo).

Everyone has their own criteria on what they are looking for in a game and then label it bad if it dosent meet their expectations. Both types try different paths and both have different goals in their design there have been plenty of both that have dissapointed me and plenty that I have enjoyed but I have hated and enjoyed more JRPGs than WRPGs simply because there seems to be a lot more of them, while in contrast the WRPG is generally in the care of a couple of developers.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
I judge every game individually,by it's own merits. I ignore who made it in favour of what it is. If the game is crap,then I only complete it once,for the sake of completionism. If games from the same developer are consistently bad,then I avoid their work,until I can see from videos and other media that they shaped up.

My criteria for a good RPG
-Good setting
-Good characterization
-Character development
-Good mechanics
-Good soundtrack
-Good plot

That's in no particular order of importance. They're all equally important. Example: What would you be thinking if something like the "Care Bear Countdown" was playing while you were fighting the general to the Emperor's army,who was renowned for his cunning,brutality,and genius? I'm guessing "WTF?"


New member
Jan 2, 2010
Western; I love having a hand in how my character looks, and upgrading equipment and having my character reflect that.

In Jrpg's, no matter how much you've upgraded by end-game, you'll be wearing the same fruity little outfit you started in. :p

Also the difference in storytelling. In FF and most other Japanese developed games like Metal Gear, the story is told in long-winded cutscenes that you just sit back and watch. Western games (mostly rpg's in this case) do so through dialogue/conversation, and for the most part, you actually have choices to make that impact things in some way.

Basically, I look for fun, replayable games to take up space on my hard drive, and Jrpg's are a bit lacking in the replay-ability department, what with linear (and often times convoluted) stories, and the utter lack of visual customization. On the flipside, in BioWare and Bethesda developed games, you can play through a variety of ways, either by way of your class and/or playing things good or evil in conversations... while Western stories may be a bit cliche' or dull at times, they're markedly easier to follow. :/

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009


I dont like to dance around before I kill someone and take a menu system to kill a rat...

My blade should strike the target...I should stand in victory...blood covered blade in hand over the body of my foe...

Also less angst...teens...pedobait...horrible clothes..and decent colored hair...

Iman Shumpert

New member
Oct 19, 2011
It seems like I am one of the only fans who respect Final Fantasy X. It shaped my world of gaming with countless hours laboured on it that got me into the other Final Fantasy games.
That being said, FFX did not deserve a HD remake before FF7, and Square Enix are just dicking us around at the moment. If they ever stop, I would prefer JRPG's again, however I am pretty content to not be violated by the Mass Effect Games.

Another thought, Imagine if FF13-2 is as linear as 13. I think people will bear arms against Square.


Elite Member
Dec 27, 2010
JRPGs are basically a kind of WRPG that went on a different path...

But I do like them, but I don't appreciate them as much as WRPGs.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
JRPGs are superior in my book. WRPGs can still be very good but they subscribe to just as many overused cliches as the JRPGs get flak for. Really the key isn't about how many cliches you use... It's how you use them.

Case in point: Tales of Symphonia. Starts out a seemingly cliche storm that from an initial synopsis would have your regular JRPG hater rolling their eyes. By the end? Near masterpiece.

WRGPs are still pretty good in their own right but I'll take (almost any) Final Fantasy or even better, any Tales game over any other RPG any day.


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
JRPGs, what can I say? Other than the Bioware guys, Western RPGs tend to not be good at the storytelling business.


New member
Sep 25, 2010
I've only played 3 RPGs, Mario and Luigi 3 is a lot of fun, I like Oblivion a lot and Chrono Trigger is a really good game. I'm not sure if Zelda counts because thats action adventure and Final Fantasy has never really interested me, except maybe Final Fantasy IV and VI.

Many RPGs never fully interest me until I play them. Like recently I sat down to play a Mass Effect 2 demo and sweet Jesus it was amazing.


New member
Jan 2, 2010
pg.shadowrunner said:
AppleShrapnel said:
Western; I love having a hand in how my character looks, and upgrading equipment and having my character reflect that.

In Jrpg's, no matter how much you've upgraded by end-game, you'll be wearing the same fruity little outfit you started in. :p

Also the difference in storytelling. In FF and most other Japanese developed games like Metal Gear, the story is told in long-winded cutscenes that you just sit back and watch. Western games (mostly rpg's in this case) do so through dialogue/conversation, and for the most part, you actually have choices to make that impact things in some way.

Basically, I look for fun, replayable games to take up space on my hard drive, and Jrpg's are a bit lacking in the replay-ability department, what with linear (and often times convoluted) stories, and the utter lack of visual customization. On the flipside, in BioWare and Bethesda developed games, you can play through a variety of ways, either by way of your class and/or playing things good or evil in conversations... while Western stories may be a bit cliche' or dull at times, they're markedly easier to follow. :/
Utter lack of visual customization? You don't seem to have played many JRPGs. :) And the best ones have a lot of optional content for those who want it, but they don't force you to complete it, which is nice.
Well no, I'll admit my Jrpg experience is almost completely restricted to FF, which I stopped caring for in FF8. Since then I've seen my brother play through solid sized chunks of the rest (although I did try my hand at the mmo titles, 11 and 14, both of which were kinda weird and non-standard... so I gave up on 'em :p). Said brother informed me that the likes of Demon's/Dark Souls are technically Jrpg's, and those I absolutely adore, and to a lesser degree, I liked Disgaea... although I've moved on from that after the first sequel, as well.

Most recent Jrpg's I've seen or heard about outside of FF all seem to have that quirky flair that I just don't care for anymore... I guess. :S

Perhaps the gamer part of my brain just prefers more traditional content; for example, just from a design standpoint, Jrpg characters feature some truly crazy and wild outfits (I'd say hairstyles, but they've become tamer since FF7 XD), whereas in say the Elder Scrolls universe, clothing and armour is pretty basic... save for the more exotic glass and daedric stuff.

Also... something else that just hit me, I'm almost exclusively a pc gamer, and the only Japanese/Asian/Korean developed games on my hard drive are the aforementioned FF mmo's and a smattering of grindy F2P mmo's I haven't played in years... I really should uninstall those. >.>

So perhaps if more Jrpg's were available for pc, I could expand my admittedly narrow view of the genre. :/

Legion IV

New member
Mar 30, 2010

Well written stories that have a distinct begging to end with interesting characters added as you progress. Game play innovations and the constant polish and always new things with huge end game content and re playability.

Ya JRPGS win this.

WRPGS are in a horrible state right now and i can not for the life of me understand since there enjoying massive sales, you'd think they'd take these sales and make better and more interesting games.

WRPGS are becoming void of imagination and personality.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Cenii said:
MUDs! Use your imagination people!
Hell yeah, MUDs. Anyone here play Gemstone III back in the day? Started out on GEnie and switched over to AOL. Its Gemstone IV now. Played that game for 11 years.

OT: I much prefer western style RPG's to JRPGs. That's not to say I don't like JRPGs. I consider FFVII a classic. Played 9 and 10...got to 10-2 and said no more. Havn't played a FF game since. Love ChronoTrigger and the Dragon Warrior/Quest series.

However, give me a good RPG like Elder Scrolls or Dragon Age or Baldur's Gate and I'll be lost for months.


New member
Feb 24, 2008
I haven't actually played a JRPG since Miracle Warriors (on the Sega Master System!). I did however have the chance to watch a friend playing FF XIII on he PS3 no too long ago. My overall impression was that--multi-million dollar cutscene cinematics notwithstanding--they haven't come very far in the intervening 25 years.

So yeah, Western RPGs all the way. Mass Effect series, DA:O, Fallout 3. I eat that shit up.