JRPGS vs Western RPGs. What's your preference?


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Well, I'd rather play FF7 than Two Worlds, but I'd rather play Oblivion as opposed to FF13.

Why should I take only the best and worst of one side when I can experience the best of both worlds?


New member
Jul 19, 2011
I like both pretty well. RPGs are my favorite genre I really do not care where they come from as long as they are good games.


New member
Jun 10, 2011
Another thing I have to say about JRPGs, is that for the most part, many of them have less replay value than a lot of Western RPGs. Did I say all JRPGs have this problem? NO! In fact, Disgaea, one of my favorite videogame series of all time, has a crazy amount of content to go back to, for a STRATEGY RPG. Games like Disgaea/Demons Souls/Chrono Trigger to name a few, I have fond memories of going back to play again and again. Even Final Fantasy XIII had extra content for after you beat the game, but really... that was one of the worst big budget titles I had played in my entire life, so I didn't see a reason to play it past there... (Why should anyone be told to wait 20+ hours for the game to get good?)

When I think of Western RPGs, almost all of them are made for the user to go back through the game a second or third time, taking a different route so you can flesh out the story more, grind your way to some awesome gear, or even changing the outcome of your character's ending. Being able to see more about the world through your own character's eyes, that you invested your sweet time in, was a plus for me, where as for JRPGs, I always felt detached from the protagonist. Being able to change their destiny was just the tip of the iceberg. And this can also be said for a few JRPGs, though there are much fewer in number.

But hey, different strokes for different folks I guess.


New member
Jun 10, 2011
While like both WRPGs and JRPGs, I tend to lean more towards JRPGs. I think the reason for that is that before this generation of consoles, there weren't that many WRPGs on consoles. I also think that I like the aesthetic and the focus on having a "battle system".


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
GreatTeacherCAW said:
JRPGs for me. All my favorite RPGs are JRPGs, and my list of western RPGs that I like is a lot slimmer.
This. But I do like WRPGs. But my list of favorites tend to be full of JRPGs. Maybe it is the fact that they will go balls out insane with the setting, where WRPGs are Tolkienesque, cyberpunk, or space oriented.


New member
Jun 16, 2011
It depends.

I play Western RPGs if I want to actively engage in a fantasy world and I play Eastern RPGs if I want to interact with a story.

The only thing that I dislike about Eastern are how cliche so many of them are. I hate having bratty half-pints as a party member, and I hate having emotional unbalanced teenagers as the world saving heroes.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
That One Guy Named X said:
Pretty straightforward. What kind of RPG's do you prefer? Why? The possibilities are endless!
Would western RPG include Oblivion, Fallout, Bioshock and Deus Ex?

Would Japanese RPG include Final Fantasy Xiii, Eternal Sonata and Star Ocean?

Take a guess.


New member
Oct 2, 2011
While there are many more Western RPGs I like there are also many JRPGs I like, games like final fantasy 6 and 9 are amazing. The tipping point that wins JRPGs in my mind is Earthbound which is my favorite game. I will admit though Western RPGs are usually better


New member
Sep 1, 2011
jRPGs. I'm an addict of cutesy designs and I don't like a big burly meatheat as my main character. Furthermore, I like slashing things and casting magic on them instead of shooting them, and I like character interaction more than exploring. That is, I like playing games with characters I like, and I like seeing them interact a lot and in certain ways.

Also, I'm a person motivated by nostalgia and, naturally, the thing that my favourite video games are in. I grew up on jRPGs, not wRPGs. Playing certain jRPGs were life changing experiences for me. I'm talking going out and playing pretend with your friends age impactive. When you got into something at the age you were still going out and playing pretend and it was normal because you're 7 years old, that's a big deal.

And that means my childhood was filled with things like Pokemon, Chrono Trigger, and so forth. By the time I had got a half decent computer at around 11, I had become an anime addict with the help of Toonami and Japanese video games. And I was using it to emulate games like Seiken Densetsu 3, Sailor Moon games, Tenchi Muyo games, and so forth. This was on a dial up connection, waiting and waiting for a single mp3 from a game I liked or a rom of a beloved game I adored to finish downloading. No forum addiction like I have now, just leeching roms, emulators, and even sometimes mp3s whenever I could manage to take up the phone line. And sometimes spending hours browsing anime web turnpike at a super slow rate.

That's what a computer was good for, for me. And while I might have had a mild interest in trying some wRPGs, as I had also grown up a bit on playing Magic the Gathering and Dungeons and Dragons with my cousin, it wasn't enough that I would have wanted to make the effort to go out and search for Ultima games when I was too busy playing and beating Chrono Trigger and Seiken Densetsu 3 for the 400th time and gawking over the fact I could ACTUALLY play awesome things like Chrono Trigger, when I was uninterested in computer games as a child, because all of the computer games I saw at Wal-mart looked completely uninteresting to me.

I was reared in the ways of the weeaboo. And to be honest, I just can't shake it. In fact, I think if I visited the child version of me, that person would slap me for turning into who I am now. Because I'm a lot less into myself and what I like and ignoring other people like I was as a child, and am always trying new things in order to look open minded that I don't actually that much enjoy.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
WRPGs. For the most part I can relate to the characters better, and I find the mechanics, story, design and direction of most JRPGs just to wierd for my liking.


New member
Apr 30, 2009
WRPGs, because it grew up with it's audience which now embraces the ideals of dark fantasy completely. I couldn't think a WRPG out that didn't felt like a dark fantasy game

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
As a rule, I prefer the western interpretation of the genre. While this is partly because I tend to dislike now JRPG's handle their narrative and character development and their heavy handed use of various themes, such things are not a deal breaker; instead, what keeps me from playing them in the first place is simply that I don't care for the mechanical systems and gameplay tropes in use in such games. I don't like the idea that I ought to have to grind to advance beyond a boss. I don't like that such games are often so steeped in rock-paper-scissors that my input in the outcome of combat is the result of choosing the most appropriate of three different skills or attacks. If you're going to give me all the time in the world with turn based combat, then give me something interesting to do with all that time.


New member
Aug 11, 2011
I personally prefer JRPGs. Most of the Final Fantasy's (with the exception of FF XIII of course) are in my personal top 10 games. WRPGs are fun I guess. I admit I have racked up over 100 hours on both Fallout 3 and Oblivion, but some WRPG fans are the biggest pricks. Especially hardcore Oblivion fans who won't give the light of day to a game that doesn't let you customize your characters face, nose, eyebrows, chin etc.


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
I tend to like JRPGs better for their stories/characters and I'm usually having fun with the combat. Though I have no love for random encounters,I can deal with them. WRPGs have shit for stories, every person is a smartass,I've never felt sympathetic towards anyone in any of them and the morality systems tend to suck.

I can make gross over generalizations(like those above) based on 2 or 3 games that are not representative of the whole genre too. In all honesty I have played very few WRPG's,Jade Empire being my favorite, and I enjoy them to some extent. However,I still stand by the fact that I've never felt connected to any character. I'm not saying every JRPG character is a winner but in general I like them better.