Jupiter's Moon Has Enough Oxygen to Sustain Earth-Like Life

Korey Von Doom

New member
May 18, 2008
Kiutu said:
KoreyGM said:
Kiutu said:
Foggy_Fishburne said:
Wow. Feels strange, we might not be alone :p
We might have been some other life-bearing planet's Jupiter. Suck it Christianity.
I'm offended that you believe all people who believe in god believe there is no possible way there is life somewhere else, I believe its impossible there isn't. I also believe in evolution to a certain extent. Hell my grandfather believes that the Garden of Eden is actually on Mars and the four angels that guard its borders destroyed the mars rover that tried to cross into it. Yea we're pretty crazy but not everyone is a bible bond crazy. I see the bible as more of a guide than a book of rules. That said, it saddens me to know I probably won't see alien life in my life time.
Im offended you are putting words in my mouth. I never said all who believe in God. I really don't care what you believe in, and I wish everyone was like that, instead of making it a point to force everyone to care, since faith should be personal and religions should be abolished. I am merely refering to how according to Christianity, Time started not long before we existed.
No you weren't, you were trying to insult people. Even if time had started right before human got here it is possible that the moon (Europa) was created then.

Edit: About the not caring, if you didn't care what I believed in then you wouldn't have said that, Obviously you care enough to try and say we are wrong. Also not responding anymore after this since your just trying to piss people off.

A Weary Exile

New member
Aug 24, 2009
That's awesome, we must colonize it now! That would be a cool setting for a game, an alien planet covered entirely in an ocean.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
hansari said:
messy said:
Although in theory we could colonise, take a fair while to get there though
Does the first human space colony really have to be called "Europa"?
Don't worry, when we Americans get there first we'll call it "New Americana".
[small]This is a joke. I repeat, this is a joke. Put your flamethrowers away.[/small]

Fanusc101 said:
Glefistus said:
1) Not much energy from the sun reaching them, so the life forms could only be chemoautotrophs or chemoheterotrophs.
Bio major, I presume?

OT: Pretty sweet, Europa seems a little cold for my tastes, however.
Yeah, you'd want to bundle up. Those 110 degree Kelvin summers are a little nippy.


New member
Sep 27, 2008
Ok, well, this thread attracted way more tight-asses than I'd of thought. I do not regret what I said, but since this wasnt a religion thread, I was saying it merely as a lame (and admittedly jerky) joke. Can't say you guys were wrong for going beyond the joke, but sometimes you dont need to pull an argument out of some comments. Oh well. I still hate Christianity, and most all religions, and in the end, what I said and what they do are much different.


New member
May 22, 2009
Souplex said:
If we start colonizing we will all be Europeans.
That honestly made me laugh and I'm European.

Anyway, cool new planet! Back-up soloution in case of global warming anyone?


New member
Aug 3, 2009
KoreyGM said:
Kiutu said:
Foggy_Fishburne said:
Wow. Feels strange, we might not be alone :p
We might have been some other life-bearing planet's Jupiter. Suck it Christianity.
I'm offended that you believe all people who believe in god believe there is no possible way there is life somewhere else, I believe its impossible there isn't. I also believe in evolution to a certain extent. Hell my grandfather believes that the Garden of Eden is actually on Mars and the four angels that guard its borders destroyed the mars rover that tried to cross into it. Yea we're pretty crazy but not everyone is a bible bond crazy. I see the bible as more of a guide than a book of rules. That said, it saddens me to know I probably won't see alien life in my life time.
Just remember one thing when you go around saying that their are no life forms anywhere else in space, life is constituted from cells, even the tiniest bacteria can be constituted as something that is "alive", remember that just because its not human doesnt mean it doesnt have its own way of "surviving" just like we "used" to have our own way,

Korey Von Doom

New member
May 18, 2008
raxer92 said:
KoreyGM said:
Kiutu said:
Foggy_Fishburne said:
Wow. Feels strange, we might not be alone :p
We might have been some other life-bearing planet's Jupiter. Suck it Christianity.
I'm offended that you believe all people who believe in god believe there is no possible way there is life somewhere else, I believe its impossible there isn't. I also believe in evolution to a certain extent. Hell my grandfather believes that the Garden of Eden is actually on Mars and the four angels that guard its borders destroyed the mars rover that tried to cross into it. Yea we're pretty crazy but not everyone is a bible bond crazy. I see the bible as more of a guide than a book of rules. That said, it saddens me to know I probably won't see alien life in my life time.
Just remember one thing when you go around saying that their are no life forms anywhere else in space, life is constituted from cells, even the tiniest bacteria can be constituted as something that is "alive", remember that just because its not human doesnt mean it doesnt have its own way of "surviving" just like we "used" to have our own way,
One thing I can remember is that you have no idea what your talking about, I never said there is no life anywhere else, I said "I believe its impossible there isn't.", how about you finish reading my comment next time.


New member
May 14, 2009
Guys if we messed up Earth, what makes you think were not going to mess up a moon. Use your heads. Take care of Earth first.


Level 2 Lumberjack
Jul 17, 2009
If there is actual life on Europa, then the life will be very different from our own. It will mostly be creatures that use Chemosynthesis or creatures that eat creatures that use Chemosynthesis. They will mostly be like fish, slugs, jellyfishes, and giant bacteria. They will have blubber or a blubber like material that's been contaminated with the Radiation from Jupiter, so eating them would be out of the question. In fact, we couldn't even drink the water on that planet because it'd be contaminated too. And for added fun, they'll all be blue, white, or clear.

Humans living there will be incredibly hard. Every house will need some form of incredible heat system. And a way to block out the radiation.


New member
May 13, 2010
All these worlds are yourse except Europa. Attempt no landings there.

We were warned!


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Whether we find life within the jovian system or not, I think we should consider Jupiter an enemy planet.