Just When You Thought They Couldn't Go Any Lower...


New member
Aug 19, 2012
Even though these guys are utter human peices of trash, I do not think they are on the KKK level of evil. They aren't going out and torturing people or burning religous symbols (though I guess you could consider the protests the same level as the burnings, but my first point still stands)

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
These people get away with these pickets in the same society that has well established laws against 'celebratory acts' (read: dancing) at memorial sites.

Think about that for a while.


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
Substitute Troll said:
Shouldn't they be imprisoned for this? I mean I know there's freedom of speech but even that has it's limits.
See, this is what confuses me, I thought freedom of speech didn't extend to hate speech? If even the KKK think they're arseholes why has the government never shut them down?


New member
Jul 6, 2010
Darks63 said:
canadamus_prime said:
They're Trolls that operate IRL, why do we keep paying attention to them?
Because people seem to never learn when it comes to these guys, although if people did stop reacting to these ppl i believe that the WBC would resort to violence to get their attention fix.
Ignoring them will definitely not get rid of them. Seeing as they are already protesting at murdered children's funerals, which really isn't any better than resorting to violence, it seems they are a little more than proactive in getting attention.

Maybe they've got beef with freedom of speech. Someday, somebody with power is going to revoke that right because of assholes like WBC ruining it for everyone. If it escalates enough, even the people would vote it out.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
rob_simple said:
Substitute Troll said:
Shouldn't they be imprisoned for this? I mean I know there's freedom of speech but even that has it's limits.
See, this is what confuses me, I thought freedom of speech didn't extend to hate speech? If even the KKK think they're arseholes why has the government never shut them down?
I hope they learn that freedom of speech dosen't mean freedom from consequence.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
rob_simple said:
Substitute Troll said:
Shouldn't they be imprisoned for this? I mean I know there's freedom of speech but even that has it's limits.
See, this is what confuses me, I thought freedom of speech didn't extend to hate speech? If even the KKK think they're arseholes why has the government never shut them down?
Because their leader also happens to be a lawyer or something along those lines. I'm not stating that as fact I'm just saying that would be my guess.


New member
Apr 1, 2011
poiumty said:
JamesStone said:
All that talk about stick and stones is bullshit. There is something called psychological trauma, and that's what WBC is causing their victims. When an entire organization is commited to do actions which cause harm to others, that organization doesn't have the right to exist (that is, to be recognized as such. I don't say kill them all, I say arrest them if they pull this shit again). I don't know about the US, but here in Portugal, you can sue people who insult you and these people can go to jail. Now tell me, if words truly don't hurt, why do these laws exist?
This back-and-forth is boring me. You've made your case. I still remain of the opinion that being offended is too subjective to be presented as law, and while I don't agree with WBC, I support their right to exist under current laws. Picketing a funeral from across the street is too remote an issue to be considered as inducing psychological trauma. You'd have to go there in person and expose yourself to everything, in which case it's your own damn fault.
The back and forth is boring you? Across the street is too remote an issue? I'm sorry but people like you are not the bastions of logic you think you are. If you really believe it isn't a problem to have people insulting you and your children for something you had nothing to do with than go join the WBC, I really can't see any difference between you and them. If it's so boring then why did you even take the time to comment in this thread? If you take the time to comment, then you should have the time to respond and defend your point. Psychological trauma is a very real thing, and it hurts a lot. That's why people commit suicide or why rape victims feel dirty in their own skin. People like you can only learn that this is WRONG if it happens to you.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Bhaalspawn said:
From what I've read, there are plans to keep them as far away from any funerals as possible... and the idea of "non-violence" has been completely chucked aside. I also hear the KKK is going to be keeping them away from these funerals.

Damn, that's humanity coming together.

Westboro Baptist Church: Making people of differing ideologies come together in a mutual desire to slaughter the Westboro Baptist Church.
Oh my god, could this have always been thier plan? To act as a scapegoat for the whole world to unite against?


Bah, who am I kidding? You'd need half a brain for that. Let's just call it a happy coincidence.


Elite Member
Aug 8, 2010
FrozenCones said:
rob_simple said:
Substitute Troll said:
Shouldn't they be imprisoned for this? I mean I know there's freedom of speech but even that has it's limits.
See, this is what confuses me, I thought freedom of speech didn't extend to hate speech? If even the KKK think they're arseholes why has the government never shut them down?
I hope they learn that freedom of speech dosen't mean freedom from consequence.
I generally thought that by twenty-five I'd be past the stage of wishing physical harm on other people, but I think anyone who decides to picket the funerals of soldiers and children deserves a free visit to one of Jigsaw's playrooms.
Jan 27, 2011
Dude, it's WBC.

They aren't a real church. They're just professional attention whores who have zero limits.

Deny them hits, views and attention and they will keep upping the ante until eventually they will do somethign truly stupid and illegal, and get busted.


New member
Nov 23, 2008
I'm all for freedom of expression within the confines of not harming others.

But these guys gather in their little communities and push the fear of hell and hatred of all things abnorm on their kids too. That's I think about the point my little middle finger jack in the box popped open. I see that as harm. I see that as ruthlessly shaping children into quasi-religious-soldiers. Which needs stamping out.

They don't even realize how terrifyingly demonic they look from our point of view... They see themselves as some kind of conglomerate of judgmental angels when really they all look crazed and maniacal for the most part if someone even blurts out the word 'God'. And spew their hatred.

Even if I believed in God or Jesus or Allah or any higher deity, these fuckers wouldn't be fit to lick the dust from his sandles. At least the major religions have for the most part figured out that scaring the (not so much anymore) ignorant masses with hell and torture isn't going to fly as well as offering everlasting peace and love (even though that last part needs alot of work from most of their representatives as far as who GETS that love)

Fuckin Wackos man, what you gonna do.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
TheVampwizimp said:
Yeah, yeah, they're bad people. We know. This needs to start being ignored, you know they want you to be outraged. Just write them off, they are not even worth the words I am typing right now.
They feed off it, even. That's how they stay in business. They provoke people and sue. It's pretty much legal trolling, and people give it to them. If we stopped right now, we could starve them in a year.


New member
Jul 17, 2010
ah, dave grohl's awesome. like, he lives his entire life basically like a ten year old does and is one of those guys that you can just admire for his commitment to music.

... oh, yeah, those guys. they suck. I dont understand what releasing personal information is going to do, since if i remember correctly they get a good chunk of money from lawsuits against people that tread on their liberties and do stuff thats generally sue able. but i could be wrong on it.

i dont know. I dont like the people, but they have their rights. and the line of "well lets just take away their rights" is hard to do, because then its a legal precedent and then that just devolves into even worse arguments that people can point back to and say "well, we did it to them, dont you think thats reason enough for these people?" I know i've meet one of them personally and we had... disagreements.

So thats all I can say. Hate the people, but they have their rights. it only gets worse the more attention you give them. and the worse thing is if you take action against them, physical action of any kind, you're the one who gets fucked for it. So theres really nothing you can do, at least not unless you wnat to pay a punishment for it.