Ken Levine: The Future of Gaming Is In the PC


New member
Dec 18, 2009
faceless chick said:
Bluesclues said:
A) ffs you can stop now.that wasn't even my point yet you have to reply and report my every post. i get it, B) you're a pc fanboy that won't rest till he's proven to everyone his favorite gaming system is "teh awesome". and really, C) have you been reporting me for that one post non-stop? D) have you no better things to do than go start flamewars on the internet?
E) are you that desperate to see mods do your bidding so you can "prove" you were right by getting someone banned?

F) and no, games HAVE goen down the drain since the early 90s. it's not completely dead, yes, but it's not doing as well as it's used to. G) pc isn't THE gaming platform, it's A gaming platform. H) it's a serious downgrade and naming a few games I) (btw, go check out the wii/ps3/xbox games list too while you're at it) J) doesn't mean it's getting better, more like hanging on. K) i'm not a console fan, L) but people like you make me want to be one.
Let me begin by clearing up some of the many misconceptions you seem to have (corresponding with the letters I placed in your post in case you're confused):

A) Really? What was your point then? That you have no idea what you're talking about? I addressed every half-baked point you tried to make in your previous post, so I don't see what the issue is.

B) I can assure you I am no fanboy. I appreciate and respect all platforms and love all 6 of the current generations (that's the Wii, 360, PS3, PC, PSP, and DS in case you had to scratch your head there). But I'm also not a stupid fool. I am aware of the superiority the PC has over all consoles, new and old, and know enough to respect it first (something you seem to have a hard time doing). Anything a console can do a PC can and has done, usually better too.

C) Sweetheart, if you got reported, it wasn't my doing (it takes more than one report from one person for a mod to examine a post, FYI). Also, mods don't reprimand people without justification, which means if you were placed on probation, it's because you deserved it.

D) I'm starting to think you're talking to yourself in a mirror. I've started no flamewar. Who was it that came into this thread like the troll they are with "pc gaming is dead! All u gais gotz iz dem flash gaems!one1!11one"? Oh right. That was you.

E) I don't need the mods to prove my point when the best examples of PC games that you have are Bioshock and a handful of flash games. What do you think PC gamers play? Facebook games?

F) Ok, now you've lost me. Now you're saying games are going down? What does that have to do with PC gaming? Also, you do realize it's a matter of opinion, right? Some people believe games have deteriorated since the 90's, others believe they're the best they've ever been, and others still believe that they're about equal.

G) Once again you've missed the entire point of the article. Did you even read the last paragraph I wrote? No one is saying PC is THE gaming platform. The PC elitists who came to this thread might say that, but Ken Levine, who this article is about, NEVER says that. Unfortunately, people (much like you) who can't bother to take 5 minutes to read the entire article on Kotaku are unaware of that.

H) ROFL. I'm sorry, I just had to laugh at that last statement. A DOWNGRADE? Sweetie, you do realize, with the most minimal attention to the PC components, a PC will always be technologically superior to a console, right? A console is built with the same components to be used for X amount of time until the next generation console comes. A PC can be built the same way, only with components that will outperform a console...and if you're the type of person who needs top of the line components all the time, you're able to buy them with the money you save from the cheaper games and the fact that you don't have to pay an extra subscription to go online with your buddies (like what you have to do with XBL).

I) Ok, now I know you're just talking out of your ass and not actually reading anything that I posted. I DID check out the games for the Wii, the 360 and the PS3, I'm the one who told you to look at them. You should take a moment to actually listen to fact, go do it now, I'll wait.

...Did you notice anything? Like how there's about the same amount of games coming out for all 4 platforms, give or take a few? Did you also happen to notice that a lot of those games are coming out for 3 of those 4 platforms (again, going back to my Call of Duty: Black Ops example)?

J) -sigh- Again, I refer you to this:

-Forrest Gump voice- That's all I have to say about that. :l

K) -Yahtzee voice- Yes you are.

L) People like me? lol. Do you have an issue with people who refute your baseless and uneducated accusations with actual facts, without the flaming and trolling you try to bring in? Because if you do, you're going to have a hard time going through life. Much luck to you.


New member
Oct 15, 2009
Well, i would say that PC is a ultimate gaming platform, much better than any console can deliver (at least in FPS,Strategy games).

I am very much sure that i will never buy a console to play games, but on the other hand i think that quality of PC games has dropped quite a lot. Maybe its just me but when i think about pre 2000 era i can't think of a bad game i played. Nowdays it has come to mainly cloning whatever is bestselling at the moment, and even those games are mainly just ports of console games and i can feel that in gameplay. Even the games i worshiped as i was a kid (x-com, fallout, system shock,...) have mostly turned into something that only holds the same name, but has very little in common to the originals.

This is the main reason i fail to see why i would want to upgrade my 4 year old computer. It is good enough for me to play games that i like.

Also these DLC thingies... i just hate them. When i will buy a game i wanna have a complete game and not just a part of it. This is the main reason i buy games only when they are named something like ultimate, complete,...

Pricing also plays a major role in my choice of buying a game. Im not willing to pay 40? for a game when i see it going for 40$ in US shops + they always get a number of discounts and actions while we in Europe get none of those. If they want to sell me a game it better be a fair price or its "maybe next time".

And now to the DRM stuff, which has become a major pain in the ass for legite buyers only (or so it seems). Just recently i bought Dragon Age Ultimate, which should have all DLC included, but even after talking with EA support i still don't have all of them. I mean it really sux to be buying a game and then be jumping from forum to forum, reading what to do, talking to support, waiting and what not - compared to just clicking torrent and be playing a game within minutes after installing. I don't say its right but it sure is easier and not to mention cheaper. They really need to figure something out. For example Steam is a great DRM system, but im not buying much from them, because it don't like the terrible pricing for most of the games i want. Like i said - i would rather not play the game than pay double.

In any case, if they don't raise the quality of PC games i fail to see how this platform can succeed in terms of gaming....unless ofcourse younger population is really convinced they are playing better games every year. Well ok maybe in terms of graphics, but gameplay is just ages behind of what PC games could and should be.