Kickstarter Video Project Attracts Misogynist Horde


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
I do not agree with her views, simply because I see the stereotypes used in regards to females nothing more than 'playing to the teenage male fantasy' as opposed to anything as extreme as sexism or misogynistic tendencies on behalf of the developer.

That said, there is absolutely no justification for the comments or behaviour shown by some of those commentators, I'd very much like them to have their anonymity taken away and have them opened up to public scrutiny, not that it'd ever happen.

Although one thing that needs to be pointed out: These comments do no say anything in regards to the 'gamer' community, you get bastards like this on youtube videos about pretty much any subject, it's not just limited to this 'culture'. It's more to do with anonymity on the web than anything else.


New member
Feb 12, 2009
so....these guys aren't donating their money but they're still pissed and bitching even though they're not going to watch it? Huh, what's that? Oh so that's what a troll is...


Inexplicably Awesome
Sep 27, 2008
People are getting far too angsty on this whole issue.

First, yes the article is feeding the trolls, who are in turn feeding this creature, who is going on about stereotypes while attempting to look as glamorous as she can, managing to stop just short of full blown hypocrisy. So I wouldn't want to give her anything.
Youtube is the ultimate in anonymous hateful one liners, some of which, I admit, do make me laugh, even though the sentiment they portray is archaic and sometimes sickening.
I would have ignored it, since they're obviously just morons who can't quite express their rage in an adequate manner fit for the drivel I have just watched that woman spew. Most of them won't have views anywhere close to these quotes.
There have been lots of articles on the subject she went for, and most are better constructed and less one sided. And now thanks to the over-defensiveness of certain people in the gaming community, she has a whole lot of publicity.


Keeper of the GWJ Holocron
Feb 21, 2010
Father Time said:
Well that was pointless.
There's not a ton of 3 dimensional characters especially when you factor in kids shows, comedies and horror movies like this chart does.
And it's got 50 or so tropes to catalog how women are represented.
So what?
You're missing the point. The point is that there aren't many strong female characters, since women are most often cast as the damsel in distress, the evil seductress, the cheery sidekick, etc.

Clearing the Eye

New member
Jun 6, 2012
Helmholtz Watson said:
JerrytheBullfrog said:
The article was crap, apparently rape culture doesn't have to have rape involved? Then it isn't rape culture!
It's about the sexualisation of women and the objectification of the female body, reducing them to a form and series of holes to stick parts into. By reducing women to items and sex objects, you take way their humanity and create a culture wherein the actual needs of female partners are ignored. Basically: men fuck women because it feels good and don't care about the girl, her feelings or if she enjoys it.

Which is all bullshit. But that's what they are trying to tell us.


New member
Sep 10, 2008
Clearing the Eye said:
Helmholtz Watson said:
JerrytheBullfrog said:
The article was crap, apparently rape culture doesn't have to have rape involved? Then it isn't rape culture!
It's about the sexualisation of women and the objectification of the female body, reducing them to a form and series of holes to stick parts into. By reducing women to items and sex objects, you take way their humanity and create a culture wherein the actual needs of female partners are ignored. Basically: men fuck women because it feels good and don't care about the girl, her feelings or if she enjoys it.

Which is all bullshit. But that's what they are trying to tell us.
It's only bullshit because you made the most reductio ad ridiculum kind of interpretation of the concept.
Objectification is only part of the issue. And just to be clear, at no point does real rape culture theorists propose that men are somehow inherently incapable of being sensitive to the feelings of their sexual partners.

Rape culture describes a societal tendency of trivialising matters pertaining rape, violence and sexualisation aimed at women and laying the blame of such incidents at the victim's feet.

You've been raped?
Tough luck, you shouldn't have worn that short skirt.

Someone threatened you with sexual violence?
Hey, it's just smack talk.

That guy wouldn't stop hitting on you even though you told him to stop?
Boys will be boys!

It's actually a power dynamic which is damaging to both men and women, if in a more substantiated way for the latter.
Women because they are put at the mercy of a culture which subconsciously claims them as possessions and causes them to live in a state of near-unwavering fear of assault, and men because those who perpetuate this culture are reduced to pawns of the kyriarchy.

On a related note, ironically enough, modern feminism believes that men are more than capable of transcending these institutionalised roles to which they are expected to adhere. Feminism actually acknowledges the agency of men, and their status as equals.
And yet feminism is accused of misandry.


New member
Jan 23, 2009
If she puts a video on youtube on a subject as frowned upon by it's community and 4chan i'm not surprised thats the answers she is gonna get.

Ultimately only the developers and publishers can change those tropes, but they will always pander to what brings them the most profit which happens to be grizzled bald space marines and skimpy clothed women with big tits.

If you don't like it you have little other possibilities than spending your money only on games which don't use those tropes.

Clearing the Eye

New member
Jun 6, 2012
LiquidGrape said:
You've been raped?
Tough luck, you shouldn't have worn that short skirt.

Someone threatened you with sexual violence?
Hey, it's just smack talk.

That guy wouldn't stop hitting on you even though you told him to stop?
Boys will be boys!
Mmm. Because all of those are so very common. Hell, I can think of at least... no one I've heard say that. P-lease. You want to cherry-pick a tiny fraction of attitudes and sterotype an entire culture? Alright, but don't get all bent out of shape should someone quote a few random extremists within the feminist movement and call the entire movement absurd. I can give you a few from some delightful individuals that describe any act of a man penetrating a woman to be rape. if you'd like.

But please, continue to throw around hot phrases and gross conjecture. It'll make it easier for the actual sexists to do the same in return.


Quiet, Odd Sort.
Jul 8, 2009
United Kingdom
Clearing the Eye said:
LiquidGrape said:
You've been raped?
Tough luck, you shouldn't have worn that short skirt.

Someone threatened you with sexual violence?
Hey, it's just smack talk.

That guy wouldn't stop hitting on you even though you told him to stop?
Boys will be boys!
Mmm. Because all of those are so very common. Hell, I can think of at least... no one I've heard say that. P-lease. You want to cherry-pick a tiny fraction of attitudes and sterotype an entire culture? Alright, but don't get all bent out of shape should someone quote a few random extremists within the feminist movement and call the entire movement absurd. I can give you a few from some delightful individuals that describe any act of a man penetrating a woman to be rape. if you'd like.

But please, continue to throw around hot phrases and gross conjecture. It'll make it easier for the actual sexists to do the same in return.
I've seen a lot of the disgusting and vile stuff spewed at female players in online games described as 'just smack talk' by male players, and that the recipients should 'toughen up'.


New member
Jul 27, 2011
While I could stand up for this project, the problem is her environment and look does not feel "in need." I see a lot of really really expensive things in this video and I'm wondering if this is just a rich spoiled person in search for a problem. We have in the first few seconds 3 brand new systems in near mint condition with extra controllers and expensive base charging systems. Nothing looks used, did she spend another several hundred on games too?

Why does she need our money?

Edit, did you see her setup in her studio? Those cameras, screens, lighting, and sound recording studio isn't cheap. She could have spent all that money on doing the video series instead of begging people for more.