Look. Here's the thing, and this thought came to me after another article earlier in the month on here about some billionaire and his kickstarter.
You are giving up your money for someone to make something that they are going to sell to you for a profit. A profit you will not share.
Do you know what investing is? It means you put money in and you get that money, plus some more for fronting it, on the backend if the project is successful and you lose it all if it flops.
Here, you lose your money and get none back even if the project is successful. And if you WANT the product, you get to give more money, to buy it, like every other person who didn't fund it.
This is stupidity.
Now - BEFORE the flames!! - if it's a human interest you have, if you're funding someone's surgery or you're out to help the little guy get one thing done so they might make it on the map and you are just moved in your heart to put money out for something you feel for - FINE. That's called charity though. Charity is great. Investment is okay, it's good for some and it's a powerful force that drives economic growth and personal wealth sure.
Paying people to make a profit and you receive nothing (and for the record, a t-shirt, a sticker, a special note somewhere in the credits is pretty close to nothing compared to a profit share - might be neat, but it's not a return on your investment) is just getting taken advantage of and you are volunteering for it. Please stop. For your own sake, for all our sakes.
You are giving up your money for someone to make something that they are going to sell to you for a profit. A profit you will not share.
Do you know what investing is? It means you put money in and you get that money, plus some more for fronting it, on the backend if the project is successful and you lose it all if it flops.
Here, you lose your money and get none back even if the project is successful. And if you WANT the product, you get to give more money, to buy it, like every other person who didn't fund it.
This is stupidity.
Now - BEFORE the flames!! - if it's a human interest you have, if you're funding someone's surgery or you're out to help the little guy get one thing done so they might make it on the map and you are just moved in your heart to put money out for something you feel for - FINE. That's called charity though. Charity is great. Investment is okay, it's good for some and it's a powerful force that drives economic growth and personal wealth sure.
Paying people to make a profit and you receive nothing (and for the record, a t-shirt, a sticker, a special note somewhere in the credits is pretty close to nothing compared to a profit share - might be neat, but it's not a return on your investment) is just getting taken advantage of and you are volunteering for it. Please stop. For your own sake, for all our sakes.