Kid Icarus: Uprising and Hurt Nintendo Fans

Yahtzee Croshaw

New member
Aug 8, 2007
Kid Icarus: Uprising and Hurt Nintendo Fans

A man with a hat like Yahtzee can't have biases.

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New member
Feb 25, 2009
Cue the 5000 hate comments.

But yeah, I am always surprised how much you have to address this, but then I see comments after every Nintendo game review you do and I am reminded why.


New member
Jun 18, 2008
I always find it amusing when someone has a go at someone else for an opinion. There's times when I agree and times when I disagree with things Yahtzee says, but frankly I couldn't care less if he trashes a game I like (Brawl being the big one), he's entitled to his opinion after all. It's not like his words will suddenly make you hate a game you used to love, he's not a Psychic, after all. If he is, then god help us, if he can be assed.

As for Kid Icarus Uprising, from what I've heard it was originally a Wii game. It probably would have been better off left on the Wii rather then forced into using stylus controls before they had the chance to develop the extra control stick. Even then, I think it's a fun enough game.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Lulz. Opinions are opinions. I enjoy games Yahtzee doesn't like but that doesn't mean the I'm going to automatically claim that he has a bias against them. That being said, when is he going to review Asura's Wrath or, for that matter, Donkey Kong Country Returns?


New member
Sep 19, 2009
It's buyer's remorse, pure and simple. In the back of their mind, they realize that they're not getting the experience they've signed on for, but God forbid anyone says that their purchase was a mistake, because then they might have to admit it or realize their standards have lowered, and what a blow that would do to their cred.

Personally, I've been a soft touch when it comes to a gaming experience, in that I can usually find the fun in it regardless of the flaws. This of course, would not make me a very good critic. So, I am enjoying KI:U for its tongue-and-cheek approach and lovely vistas and colors, but that's about it, so far.

Mr Somewhere

New member
Mar 9, 2011
Ah here we go again. It has to be said, however, I haven't had any problems with the controls. Not even when I play for an hour or two, or more. I can see why it would be a problem for some. I guess I should count my blessings that I have a pair of dainty Irish/European hands.


Imaginary Friend
Apr 19, 2010
Yahtzee Croshaw said:
Kid Icarus: Uprising and Hurt Nintendo Fans

A man with a hat like Yahtzee can't have biases.

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Oh, no... you've engaged them. I think that basically amounts to a suicide with its own built-in cremation services. Rest assured: there will be flames.

I know I've had my share of buyer's remorse with certain things, so I can understand (though not agree with or excuse) why people would try to alleviate that guilt by sticking up for the company behind the product I regret buying.

I don't see what you're doing as an attack on Nintendo anyway. They're trying new stuff. Trial and error always produces a much higher ratio of error, and the only way forward is to grapple with that. Call it an error and move forward.

Failing to call out the error is pointless -- what, do they think Nintendo's going to get its feelings hurt? If your dog craps on the carpet, you don't cover it with a paper towel and pat the dog on the head. One, it's not going away on its own. Two, it's going to get worse -- smell, stain, all of it. Three, it's going to happen again, because you're not doing anything to prevent that.

Criticism is the only way forward for anyone, in anything. Plus, it's often hilarious.


New member
Mar 31, 2010
The thing is, the design of Kid Icarus: Uprising seems incredulously lazy. With the stand they issued, it seems like the developers wanted to keep the terrible controls at any cost.

Hell, they had a chance to fix the controls with the Circle Pad Pro peripheral (move with left circle pad, aim with right circle pad, fire with L or R). Sure, it pushes what's considered a handheld, being bulky and all, but at least you can be spared of back pain. But no, it only supports it if you are a lefty, compounding that they fell in love with the controls too much.

Nintendo just dug themselves a hole with the 3DS. The reason why the DS was so successful and everyone loved it was because most of their games were handhelds, and didn't try to replicate consoles. The PSP played console-like games, but it lacked a second analog stick, so it controlled like shit. The PS Vita is out and they finally realized their mistake and added a second analog stick so "console-like" games are acceptable on it.

Since the 3DS is was announced, they were touting console-like games, but only had one analog stick. And now they ran into the same fucking problem, where they control like shit. I'm with you on this one Yahtzee. It's like Nintendo doesn't get it.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Hey, I just checked out your twitter; I didn't know you had such ravishing hair. I always thought you wore that hat for a reason.
Jan 27, 2011
My question here is why anyone gets upset at Yatzee.

These reviews are entertainment. You're not SUPPOSED to take offense at them, because Yatzee is insanely harsh on everything, save a few rare gems.

I mean, I'm a big fan of sonic, and I didn't throw a hissy fit when he hated on Generations (which I think is the best sonic game I've played. And I'm talking about the 3D gameplay, not the 2D gameplay). I just shrugged and went "oh well, he didn't like it.".

So to all the haters and whiners, please cut it out. You're both being obsessed, and missing the point harder than a cannon pointed the wrong way. So what if he didn't like the game you like? How does that diminish your love for the game? How does his not liking the game affect YOU?

Rot Krieg

New member
Feb 6, 2008
A well reasoned and articulated argument, that will be completely ignored by the fanboys that it is meant to address.


New member
May 6, 2011
I always find this ridiculous. People don't understand the purpose of an opinion or process of forming one.

Think of it this way, people who feel the need to yell at Yahtzee simply because his opinion differs from your own:

I genuinely enjoyed Kid Icarus: Uprising. It was fun, it regularly made me laugh, and the graphics (3D included) were great... but it was literally painful to play, so I could rarely play for more than half an hour, at a time. I finished the game with levels completed on varying difficulties, but wanted to to finish them all on maximum. I wanted to complete the "achievement portraits," because that's how I saw them, and I wanted to get Palutena and Viridi as close as possible to see what would happen (I'm not sure anything does). Unfortunately, I couldn't. Why?

Because the game hurts. THIS is Yahtzee's argument and I believe it is a strong one.


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Man, having to deal with a bunch of butthurt fans is a pain I hope I never have to experience. But the game can be really made easier to play by turning off the touch screen. Personally I use the circle pad to move, the abxy buttons to adjust the camera and aim, R to shoot, and L to adjust the camera; then I can play the game however I like, lying on the couch, sitting in the passenger seat of the car, insert hooker long as the 3-D is turned off of course.

The problem is even though I changed the control setup the characters in the game would still TELL me to push the default buttons, like shooting with L. It got confusing at times.


New member
Jul 28, 2008
I must admit I feel a little torn.

On the one hand, I do sympathize with Yahtzee having to deal with this B.S. every time a Nintendo game comes out.

On the other hand, the ensuing shitstorm is incredibly entertaining and I never want it to go away.


New member
Feb 11, 2008
Considering that Nintendo just posted their first full year loss, I think the market has proven Yahtzee right. Nintendo's games haven't been as good lately and have relied increasingly on gimmicky controls rather than sound design.

MC K-Mac

New member
Oct 23, 2010
Yahtzee, YOU FOOL! By legitimizing these accusations with a reasoned reply, you've acknowledged the fanboys as human beings!



Fixed by "Monday"
Mar 28, 2010
I'm sorry Yahtzee, but all I read in that article was bias, bias, fuck motion controls, bias.

As for people assuming that fans of the game just don't want to have it revealed to them that they are wrong, why are you assuming that? Maybe they just like those games while Yahtzee doesn't and feel they need some kind of justification. Just because Yahtzee dislikes something doesn't mean that everyone who likes it is absolutely wrong and simply doesn't want to admit it (and thank God for that! I love 40k regardless of Yahtzee's opinions). Maybe these aren't even all the same people, but actually different fans of different games. The assumptions you guys keep throwing around are just as moronic as the ones people keep making about Yahtzee.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Forget this nonsense, that link to yahtzees twitter led me to discover he has a lets play youtube channel! I know what I'm doing today!