So we have things like Red Bull, Coffee, Pro Plus and other energy drinks that can be taken in decent quantities to give you a little pick me up without nearly killing you.
Instead of that he chose to crush up tablets and snort them.
I hope the kids alright but I hope his dad gives him a clout for being a numpty ..... and bans him from using a biro again. Give the kid a pencil and all will be well .... as long as he doesn't try eating the lead .... sod it, give him non-toxic crayons.
As for the people that died due to lack of sleep or not taking enough breaks. While the deaths were a waste I still fail to see how people can blame gaming for the odd bit of human stupidity (yes, yes before you call me heartless I just said the deaths were a waste and yes it is sad but it is also incredibly stupid they didn't think "you know what, I think I should take a break now, i'm seeing giant pink elephants outside my window").