Kill Stealing

Mr Pantomime

New member
Jul 10, 2010
I've gotten back into Tribes: Ascend, and I noticed that there is a lot of kill stealing going on. I myself grabbed a few. But no one was angry about it. I found this a bit odd, when I play Call of Duty or League Of Legends, any perceived kill-stealing will get you a bollocking.

I want to use this example as a jumping off point for discussion. Does this example show that the Tribes Ascend community are just better people than COD and LOL communities, or is it the game's mechanics and scoring system which cause people to act nicer? Am I just I some sort of weird bubble where everyone I play with is super nice?

Note: Tribes Ascend doesn't show deaths on the scoreboard, only kills and assists. You get the same amount of points for a kill and an assist.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
I guess it depends on the context of the kills. For a team game like Tribes (at least, I'm assuming this was in a team game, from what I've heard of tribes) I'd think that people would be more tolerant of "kill-stealing" - anything that gets the team's score up faster is a good thing. As far as I'm concerned, anyone complaining about people stealing their kills in a cooperative game is not thinking like a team player.

In deathmatches its a bit more complicated, I guess, but even then you can't expect every player to stop and check to see if someone else is already shooting at a guy and say, "oops, sorry, my bad. Carry on, good sir." This is especially true in games like CoD where twitch-shooting is so important.

As for LoL, I've never played it, but its a very role-focused game, isn't it? Every player has an assigned area that's theirs to defend, so someone really has to go out of their way to kill-steal, which isn't really excusable at all outside of a few specific circumstances.

Anyway, from what I understand, Tribes is a team-focused game, so I'm not surprised that its userbase is more tolerant compared to the more deathmatch / personal stat focused CoD or role-focused LoL userbase.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Yup it's the community, when the game is not just about personal ego wankage then "kill stealing" is not even considered.

Next to Tribes I regularly play World of Tanks and it's the same there, people thank you for the usually much needed assist and not spew hate, obviously some of the CoD crowd does slip over the border and attempt trolling but they are quickly put in their place.


New member
May 6, 2011
It's a team game, and kills have a smaller bearing on your score than accomplishing objectives. This combination of mindset and mechanics does a lot to make the game a friendlier place.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Well in LoL and other Mobas whoever gets the kill gets more gold so obvious your Ad is going to be annoyed if the support has 5 kills while he has 5 assist. Better that someone get the kill than no one though.


New member
Sep 2, 2011
Well in Tribes kills are not as guaranteed since people move really damn fast and it's hard to hit people, most of the time it will not be a intentional kill steal. The community is also better in general.

With LoL its a bit different. Kills make a big difference and so you need to be sure you get them, most smart people won't care about kill stealing most of the time as it's more like kill securing.
However everybody has their own lane and sometimes an enemy is so screwed anyway that it can get annoying but it's not too big a deal.
The problem is if you steal kills from the teams carry. That is bad and you should not do it unless you think the enemy is about to get away, the carry needs those kills for their build, especially if they happen to be building some kind of kill reliant snowball item.


New member
Apr 26, 2012
In call of duty, you get kills so fast, and its so fast that kill stealing is next to impossible and I have rarely got annoyed over it. Its when you put some one in last stand and then some one puts bullet into them and gets all the points that it starts to get annoying

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Personally I've never understood the point of getting angry at kill stealing, it just doesn't make sense to me. What, I'm supposed to just stand there and look at this guy who is now shooting at me to get a kill before you finish him off because you can't finish him off in 3 seconds? No, I'm gonna shoot the fucker in the face before he shoots me. Think you deserved the kill? Try learning how to shoot better.

The Wykydtron

"Emotions are very important!"
Sep 23, 2010
Well, in LoL if someone complains about KSing during team fights then they are pants on head retarded.

Yes the Carry should get the kills rather than the Support during the laning phase, but come on during the laning phase the Support needs to be attacking with the Carry when they decide to commit to a kill. Don't blame the Support for just so happening to get the last hit when things get messy. Cuz bot/top lane can get double kill'd easily due to one mistake at level 1 through 6

My start game double kill with Sona is a pretty badass highlight of my LoL career. My laning partner (and RL friend!) playing Akali died and i just *pling pew*-d my way to victory.

Is Akali a carry? Dunno. My friend plays her so well that once he hits level 6 he just turret dives and ganks everywhere without a scratch...

I love how elegant Sona looks... Like she's above all this death and destruction and just wants to play the harp.

As for COD or BF it just doesn't matter... There I said it.


Apr 28, 2008
With the changes Riot made a month ago to how death, gold and kill ratios work I'm surprised people still ***** about "kill stealing" in LoL. I often find KSing in MOBAs to be a very iffy thing as well. Whose to say the enemy player wouldn't have escaped if you didn't help?

Yes it's kind of face-palm worthy when your Sona gets first blood; but at least it was your team that got FB, right?


New member
Dec 7, 2009
In Tribes, your assists are also tracked as well, so even if you don't deliver the final shot or pump out the most damage you still get some credit for the kill.


New member
Jun 16, 2011
In DotA and Dota 2 good players will usually try and give their carries the killing blow so that the carry can get more gold, but it's better to kill the opponent outright so they lose gold.

I honestly don't care about it in pub games.

Jasper Jeffs

New member
Nov 22, 2009
Tribes is hardly about the kills unless you're playing deathmatch, and even then it only takes one shot for a duel between two people to change dramatically. I'd rather some guy take the kill if it meant I could speed off and get kills elsewhere quicker. COD, whilst similar in TDM (obviously), is ultimately about K/D ratios and epeen so people get overly butthurt about kills being taken, objectives on that game don't mean dick. Domination is deathmatch, Headquaters is deathmatch, CTF is deathmatch etc. LoL is similar too, a lot of people have the wrong perspective when they're playing it, always bringing up ratios to shoot down other players. I doubt the majority of people that get worked up over killsteals on MOBAs do so because they're losing gold for it.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
I've never found it an issue in cod, it's too risky not to shoot someone when you can as it doesn't take much to die, but I'll shoot anyone I can see and haven't had anyone complain to me about it. Haven't played the others so can't really comment

On Gears of War however its a different issue, alot of the time on gears unless you get an instakill (close range shotgun, headshot etc) people go into a downed state where they can't harm you and can only crawl around slowly. In some situations in a big group melee it's understandable they could get revived so best finish them off, but when its 2+ on 1 with no one else around and I down someone and someone else steals my kill really annoys me.


New member
Jan 23, 2012
My friends and I have a rule for Halo or COD. "There is no such thing as kill stealing". What should I do? Stand by while you fight and hope the enemy doesn't kill you first? The goal is to win the game not be "top of the list".


New member
Apr 3, 2010
First of all, a large portion of Call of Duty players are 10yo douchebags, and even if you're playing a team mode they're yell their squeaky little voices at you. Second of all, except for the lowest-skill players, almost every single moba player is an asshole. Not only that, but kills are generally much harder to get in moba games than in CoD or T:A due to longer respawn times, more hp/less dmg etc, so you need to work to get the kill. So getting a kill stolen from you means quite a bit. Seems like T:A is in that perfect area where people are sensible and kills are relatively easy to get.

endtherapture said:
Zeus in Dota 2 is the worst for kill stealing.

Damn you Zeus, damn you to hell.
It's not Zeus, it's the people playing him. Some people use his ult the second they see their teammates almost kill an enemy, some people wait until an enemy gets away with low hp before ulting.