Kill Stealing

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
It really depends on the game you're playing. For example, I have found absolutely nobody yell at me for kill stealing while playing Last Stand in Dawn of War Retribution. Because there, it's pretty much encouraged. Higher level players on the team take the brunt of the punishment by leaping in and smashing the mobs, allowing the lower level players to mop up and gather more experience than they would with a low level team.


New member
Dec 8, 2010
Ya I actually noticed that in Tribes too, but I think it has to do with how everything is scored. In CoD and in LoL, kills can make a big difference. In CoD getting a kill means you're one step closer to that game breaking killstreak, while in LoL, a kill means both a level and gold advantage which often leads to an easier game for you. In LoL I don't think killstealing is as prevelant at higher levels, cause you will get the assist points, plus the main benefit is that person is out of the game for the time until they respawn, but I'll admit to getting angry if I finish a person off and am about to kill them and someone wastes their ult to take the kill from across the map when there was no chance they would get away.

In tribes its a lot different. A kill is not even worth that much, and there is a stigma against what I think is called "deuling in the midfield", since those people are generally seen to be no or little help to a team. If I'm having a good game (INF player), I'll usually place in the top 5 of my team, but I almost never have the most kills. I get a lot of points from assists and gen destruction.


Professional Lurker
Nov 18, 2009
Zhukov said:
It's not kill-stealing, it's kill-helping.
Pretty much this, assist accolades encourage players to help each other out and do better for the sake of the team as a whole. I'm just really happy that they've added accolades for upgrading base structures now, makes being a tech that much sweeter to play.


New member
Jul 22, 2011
Just because you got there first doesn't mean you "own" the kill. Whenever someone "steals" my kill, I just think to myself "fair play, they beat me to it" and move on.


New member
May 18, 2011
NightHawk21 said:
In LoL I don't think killstealing is as prevelant at higher levels, cause you will get the assist points, plus the main benefit is that person is out of the game for the time until they respawn, but I'll admit to getting angry if I finish a person off and am about to kill them and someone wastes their ult to take the kill from across the map when there was no chance they would get away.
I never understood why people get mad at kill stealing in LoL, it happens to me quite often but I don't freak out about it. I still get a boost in exp/gold for the assist, I get the 'takedown' stat for an assist and it removes the player from the game for several seconds allowing me to get even further of an exp/gold advantage, maybe players are looking to flex their e-peens at the end of the round (OMG I killed 20 people that game! look at how good I am everybody!) but when my goal is to kill a player I want to make sure they go down, I'm not going to ease off at the end just to save your feelings.

To be fair This is almost always coming from bad players though, I played a game yesterday where the malphite was halfway across the map and was killed by an enemy, our gangplank used his ult to take out the enemy. The Malph whined about 'kill-stealing' but shut up pretty quick when it was pointed out he didn't get an assist for the kill (because he was dead)

And most players are way too focused on kills in that game anyway, If you kill someone but give up a death you have done absolutely nothing and could have very well hurt your team more than helped. Everytime someone tower dives to kill a low-hp enemy insted of taking out the tower I cringe a bit. (I've met players who are proud of their 14/17/0 score)

Seriously people take down towers, games aren't won on kills alone.

OT: most of the time I don't mind it because if there is a reward for killing them (exp, gold) it's almost always shared with those that help. If it's a killsteal in an FPS then maybe you should be better at the game and not allow anyone to steal your kills.


New member
Apr 3, 2010
endtherapture said:
DasDestroyer said:
It's not Zeus, it's the people playing him. Some people use his ult the second they see their teammates almost kill an enemy, some people wait until an enemy gets away with low hp before ulting.
Wait til they get away before hitting with his ult, or just do it right at the beginning of a team fight - that's how I play Zeus - preferably at the start in case Zeus can't stay alive long enough to use his ultimate.

AI Zeus is honest to god the most fucking annoying character in a game ever though.
AI Zeus isn't as bad as a well-fed Zeus. Lvl 3 ult + agh's + refresher = insta-death to everyone under 1200 hp. Good thing tinker can't rearm refresher orb, because then that number would go up to 1800 :D

Edit: While we're on the topic of dota killsteals, here's one of my first and best killsteals:


Elite Member
Sep 28, 2009
artichunter said:
KS? Kill secured! ;-)

no such thing as kill stealing in my eyes :D
That's what me and my friends say as well when we play LoL. Or when we play with random people in pvp and they go like: "Sorry, KS." We say: "No problem, he's dead anyways. Kill Secured =)."


New member
Apr 10, 2012
After reading the first 6 or 7 posts here I realized I have other things to do, so I'm just going to throw this idea out real quick and you can all run go tear it to shreds as you please.

Why not simply give the point to whoever did the MOST damage to the target, rather than the MOST RECENT damage to the target. Does this not practically eliminate the possibility to "kill steal" in the first place?

I mean I guess if you've sunk 7 or 8 minutes of a 20 minute round doggedly hunting a guy with a pistol and done 49% damage and then some 13 year old snipes his ass for 51% damage you're going to feel a bit cheated, but it does still seem like a better situation that what games use now.


New member
Nov 14, 2011
DasDestroyer said:
endtherapture said:
DasDestroyer said:
It's not Zeus, it's the people playing him. Some people use his ult the second they see their teammates almost kill an enemy, some people wait until an enemy gets away with low hp before ulting.
Wait til they get away before hitting with his ult, or just do it right at the beginning of a team fight - that's how I play Zeus - preferably at the start in case Zeus can't stay alive long enough to use his ultimate.

AI Zeus is honest to god the most fucking annoying character in a game ever though.
AI Zeus isn't as bad as a well-fed Zeus. Lvl 3 ult + agh's + refresher = insta-death to everyone under 1200 hp. Good thing tinker can't rearm refresher orb, because then that number would go up to 1800 :D

Edit: While we're on the topic of dota killsteals, here's one of my first and best killsteals:
Now that's what I call a killsteal!

Killsteals in Dota are so annoying especially when you're trying to build an expensive item.
Jun 11, 2008
Well I haven't played Tribes but in CoD and LoL the mechanics are different and getting a kill nets you more bonuses. Kill streaks and more Gold. So it breeds a different mentality. Personally, I don't care but I can understand people who do get annoyed.


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Any player in a team game needs to understand that there is not thing as kill stealing. The whole concept of kill stealing means that you are trying to be a lone-wolf type super player or something which is not something you should aim at in a team game. Kill Stealing is really just Kill Securing with someone whining because they did most the work, it's not like they won't get something out of it.

Mr Pantomime

New member
Jul 10, 2010
therandombear said:
artichunter said:
KS? Kill secured! ;-)

no such thing as kill stealing in my eyes :D
That's what me and my friends say as well when we play LoL. Or when we play with random people in pvp and they go like: "Sorry, KS." We say: "No problem, he's dead anyways. Kill Secured =)."
I like this mentality. In Tribes, I really have no idea if Ill get a kill or die trying, so its a nice to have someone help me out.

The Unworthy Gentleman said:
Mr Pantomime said:
Does this example show that the Tribes Ascend community are just better people than COD and LOL communities, or is it the game's mechanics and scoring system which cause people to act nicer.
I've never had a guy give me a bollocking for 'kill stealing,' nobody on Call of Duty has ever done that to me. I think you're actually just giving everyone in Call of Duty and League of Legends a hard time for the actions of random individuals, though I can't speak too much for the LoL community.

The Call of Duty community is just more isolated and individual focused, there's rarely any actual assholes, it's just blown out of proportion how bad it is.
I agree that Call of Duty does get a bad rap, but a majority of players in LOL will get really offensive if you're new and don't know how to play. Its a big problem in the community.

If Cod players aren't playing as a team, I can see why they'd be annoyed when they're denied a kill. Its not in a context of making the team win, but more about winning yourself.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
Competitive scoring in co-op where a single attack can net you all the reward of another player's work is, quite simply, bad design. It's also the norm. Good to see Tribes being an individual still.


New member
Mar 8, 2012
Any time a game gets a ridiculously huge following, the community and fanbase is going to turn to muck. It's not a jab at the fans, it's just pure numbers.

As for "kill-stealing", I've personally never had an issue with it. Like I said, larger the fanbase, the more often people will ***** about other people who have wronged them in pew pew town.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
A kill-steal can be argued for when each kill counts for individuals, not for teams. Of course the whole kill-steal ordeal is made pointless when you put in assists. Now something that really grinds my gears is how the capture-the-flag mode works in some games. Assists are really needed in that. I hate how the point goes to the guy who caps it, not the person who moved the most with it.

Suave Charlie

Pleasant Bastard
Sep 23, 2009
If I'm being shot and there's a down on the floor infront of me, you can be damn sure I'm picking him up for a meat shield.
The win is more important than k:d by a long shot.

Zack Alklazaris

New member
Oct 6, 2011
Generally I welcome the help. You are attacking someone whose trying to kill you so an extra hand is usually welcome. However, if I'm dominating someone so hard that I am staring over their broken body ready for the fulfilling killing blow and someone takes it.

Yeah that pisses me off.