Children of Eden reminds me of Rez.IamSofaKingRaw said:I don't plan on getting high while payin games so this isn't for me. I have no idea what the hell that guy is doing and playing this while sober would give me a headache. Even if I did find that game fun it doesn't justify a $150 Kinect purchase.Fenixius said:Children of Eden []. That is all.
After watching that vid I now know how the double rainbow guy felt.
Badger Kyre, I don't disagree with you. And, to answer your question, no. I'm not a marketer I'm just a biologistBadger Kyre said:With respect, Mr Dolphin, I would be leery about telling a professional marketer his business, unless you are one as well.craigdolphin said:So, I'm a bit confused. It seems that the premise of the article author is that M$ can market to core gamers, OR it can market to moms, kids, etc (casual or non-core gamers), but it cannot do both.
Because M$ is tapped for cash or something? Because M$ cannot identify different media outlets that could deliver a different marketing message to core gamers versus non-core gamers?
Yeah, not sure I'm buying that either. So, Mr Author, how about explaining why it benefits M$ to cause feelings of alienation in their exisitng customers when I would submit they could both market to core gamers, and to non-core gamers, at the same time using a targetted media/message approach.
And for all I know, you are.
However - as much as his column seems to anger people I personally find this column interesting, and I hear a great similarity between what he is saying and for example, what "MovieBob" says about the movie industry, what some of my musician friends complain about, and what "gamers" have always said, to be honest.
Did you perhaps read Shamus's Xcom piece? Why are they using that IP, to get the 14 people who remember it?
If that fails to illustrate, I can clearly remember when if anyone would have said "Core Gamer" that meant the people that still owned "Blackmoor" and the original "Deities and Demigods" complaining that the bought-out TSR was screwing them by marketing their beloved game to the infantile "comic book" demographic - even made a cartoon and a new, less dark, more kid-friendly world called "forgotten realms"... and dragonlance.
Watering it down, they said. And sure, but the truth was, that market was FAR LARGER. No one CARED that the original "core" demographic was left behind, it was business.
The "core" audience for the computer games such as Xcom or "the gold box series" barely count as a NICHE to modern game sales. Has the audience for such games increased by? what? 100 fold?
Hell no. Games sell more because they made them ACCESSIBLE to a larger audience.
Almost no music I really like has ever been played on the radio, but the watered-down bands they influenced are.
Almost every movie i really like loses money...
TV shows I like have to be on obscure networks, and could be out-ratings-edby any cheesy reality show.
Big companies don't make music, games, movies, or books - or anything else unless there is an audience,
and the way i see it, the current "core" gamers, who don't recall when things were watered down to include THEIR demographic, are now seeing what it is like when games, etc are no longer made for THEIR demographic.
There's a larger, more important market. BE prepared to become even more niche.
And to respond to Mr Penguin - in my (admittedly limited )experience, it is actually pretty difficult, generally, to market something - any product - to both a "mainstream" market and a niche or "hardcore" audience simultaneously.
Surely we have all seen idiocracy?
craigdolphin said:Now, if I'm wrong then so be it. But I'd like to hear from the marketer WHY I'm wrong and what data he has to support his contention. I can be objective about it and accept a well-supported contrary position. But one thing I've noticed is a distinct lack of well-controlled empirical data being presented by marketing types to support their 'theories' publicly.
I think basically by saying "I'm a professional marketer" he is talking to an audience "as an expert" ( pedant ) to a non-expert audience.craigdolphin said:* Damn well reasoned quote *
I agree on the above in most respects. I suspect Nintendo focused on the the core gaming media for it's core games (zelda, metroid, mario galaxy to some extent) and sony focused on the causal market for its littlebigplanet marketing campaign (tv, mass media etc...).craigdolphin said:@albino, go for the eyes!!!! (Sorry, couldn't help myself, BG was a great game.)
@Badger, fair enough. Although I always have my 'work' on-hand whenever I do a presentation to non-biologists in case more details are required.
@Arkanza: thanks for the reply and for your perspective as a marketer.
I think that core gamers are media-savvy enough to not be bothered by 'non-core-focused' marketing that they inadvertantly may encounter provided that there's some media message that they can connect with. If such were available, then I think that core-gamer anger would subside. The question is really whether the existence of core-gamer-focused marketing, delivered via core-gamer-specific media outlets, would result in a case of non-core customer aversion at levels that would exceed sales lost to core gamers (due to the lack of that kind of marketing), and also factoring in the extra cost to produce the extra campaign.
That's a question obviously we can't answer. But I would submit that most non-core gamers do not regularly visit gamer-centric sites, like this one, and that I think any collateral confusion would be relatively minor. But I'm the first to admit that's simply my opinion, not a fact.
I would be fascinated to see the chain of thought/numbers used by M$ to arrive at this decision they've arrived at.
I think you are crediting MS with more brains than they have available for such projects.Treblaine said:Rememeber back in the 90's, when no one in games journalism ever looked into the business side of games and peripherals, it was all about what the audience liked and we knew what we liked.
No offence to JP Sherman, he is doing a great job for a job that IS needed now but I have to ask the wider industry... why is his job needed now? Why do we core gamers need to have an expert explain to us that we are not important, that is it the feckless soccer moms and ostensibly non-gamers who are the key to success for their beloved gaming platform.
I mean it's not like this core market hasn't been pulling it's weight. The cost of core games has shot up this generation from $40-50 to $60+ (and taking a long time to drop in price) plus lots of expensive DLC often just to see the endings of games. And these games have been selling like crazy, Modern Warfare 2 was such an incredible smash hit on consoles earning BILLIONS!
By Kinect being a peripheral for Xbox 360 this marginalises the Xbox 360's purpose and market.
IF Microsoft are trying to answer the Wii, which is selling to a brand new audience, why not make Kinect a brand new stand-alone console which CAN be a peripheral to an Xbox 360? You know, it has it's own CPU and GPU with a hard drive for downloadable game data so you can plug it into power and then DIRECTLY to a TV to use it as it is... but with basic Wii graphics.
As it is the Kinect + Xbox partnership is schizophrenic, but it could have been for Kinect audiences that the Xbox 360 is the upgrade with more powerful processing ability and addition of a disc-drive too. Kinect would also be
This is something that concerns me as well because it is such a gamble counting on a great many variables. I do not believe that all of a sudden Microsoft and Sony will become casual marketing facsimiles of Nintendo during the Wii's rise in popularity if Move and Kinect take off. However, if neither fare particularly well, I wonder how the wasted effort could have been utilized to postively affect the respective consoles and actually expand them beyond trying to steal from Nintendo's market. As I type this, thoughts creep into my head like "If Kinect was never a big priority for Microsoft, could Rare have finally made another Conker?" As you have stated, there are resources being directed towards the motion sensing periphials that could have been allocated elsewhere, which can easily trigger the natural curiosity in myself, and I would think others as well.mattaui said:Here's the thing, though. The resources that MS and Sony are putting towards Kinect and Move are resources that are not going towards making games that the core audience wants, so there's a reason for us to be concerned. Further, they could overplay their hand to such a degree that they'll actively harm the future of both consoles in their misguided attempt to copy the Wii.
It would be like my favorite hard sci-fi writer deciding to write schlocky romantic modern fantasy because that's what sells, and telling me I shouldn't care because it's not for me, but I do care because it means he's writing that rather than what I want him to write. I know authors are one person and companies can keep more balls in the air, but you're still dealing with limited time and money.