Pretty much over-saturated with Kinect news atm. And, really, do we care how much it cost Microsoft to make? I don't and you shouldn't. The cost of a thing, and by corollary the markup of that same thing, don't say anything about actual value or why it should invoke passion for gaming in your audience.
Then what DO we care about? As gamers, the only answer should be the games. Where are they?
At the very least, Move is a $50 golf club for Tiger Woods if you already had the camera for other things, like all the arm waggling games that weren't over-hyped two years ago. This _alone_ seems to make the purchase justifiable, especially when related to the cost of an actual game of golf with an actual set of clubs. Kinect is a $ camera?
No, really, we've only had the thing out for 2 weeks and we know a TV is broken, a kid is suffering facial injuries, and it costs $49 to make, which sounds to me like MS desperately wants someone to laud it for making money on a device at release. Which is a fine goal, and one they will probably make. However, Kinect is not a taxpayer purchased stealth bomber. It's (ostensibly) a game controller, which begs me to ask, again, where are the games? Until then, and I'm asking Microsoft more than The Escapist, why do we need 2-4 stories a day on anything BUT Kinect games?