You know exactly what company exec think when they sell gaming hardware that isn't lossleader:
"Hey, we don't even have to make any good games to serve our customers, just reach for a wider and wider and wider audience and everyone who buys one... well fuck that, we've got our profit from them"
Look what happened when PS3 was a huge loss leader, how much time, money and effort Sony spent on building an amazing games collection for PS3:
SHOOTERS: Resistance (2, 3), Uncharted ( 2), Killzone (2, 3), SOCOM (Con, 4), MAG, Warhawk, Super Stardust HD, Pixeljunk Shooter (2)
PLATFORM: Folklore, Heavenly Sword, Ratchet & Clank (Tools, Booty, Crack), Infamous (2), Demon's Souls, God of War 3, LBP (2), Dark Mist
DRIVING: Motorstorm (PR, Apoc) Wipeout HD Fury, Gran Turismo (Pro, 5), Twisted Metal
3rd Party choosing PS3 exclusive: MGS4, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Ridge Racer 7
Now that's a company making money off GAMES, the things that really matters when it comes to gaming... not mere hardware.