Failed Xbox Accessory is Failed.
Let's see list some game genres and see if the Kinect would actually IMPROVE the gameplay:
Shooter: Nope, turning would be way too sluggish and complicated, also how would it know when you're shooting? Cooking a grenade? Throwing a grenade? Switching weapons?
RPG: Nope. It'd be pointless in turn-based fighting since you're really just sitting there clicking menu options. And in real-time combat your arms would get tired from swinging your sword and shield around and such.
Fighting: Well considering there's absolutely no way any of us could actually pull off the fighting moves performed in fighting games, that's an absolute bust.
Sports (i.e. football, basketball, etc...not the lame sport minigames that are specifically designed for the Kinect like bowling, archery, and pong): Not really, I doubt it'd be able to tell how hard you're throwing/kicking/hitting the ball and the aim would likely be pretty terrible.
Survival Horror: Pretty much all of these are 3rd person and to my knowledge the Kinect would only be good in a first-person view.
So really, beyond the lame minigames specifically designed to utilize the Kinect, it really doesn't seem like the Kinect has much going for it from a gaming standpoint. "But...but what about the voice commands!" Yeah, no one gives two shits and a fuck about the voice commands. We already do enough yelling at our TVs, it's called rage-quitting.
MS, the bottom line is this: we're gamers. We play videogames. We want a console that allows us to play videogames. That's all you have to give us to make us happy, we're pretty simple folk. Tacking on a bunch of bells and whistles that are completely unnecessary and, for the most part (as I'm certain there are people out there actually excited for the Kinect, just to be fair) un-asked for. The biggest problem remains that all the extra crap you're slapping onto this is stuff that most people already have devices for, so even if you're trying to advertise it to non-gamers there's really no reason to buy the damn thing.
I just fail to see the logic or benefit for taking the failed product that is the Kinect and doubling-down on it, supposedly investing as much money into it as the console it comes attached to, and saying "God damnit people, you WILL enjoy this whether you like it or not!!.......wait a sec...."
It's kinda sad, really, that the final major obstacle preventing people from wanting the XBone is apparently completely woven into the system itself and therefor cannot be pried away from it. If they dropped the Kinect as being mandatory I'd be more than happy to pick up an XBone, but since that's evidently impossible due to how the console is designed, then I guess there's no chance of me getting least not until they finally say "fuck it" and release a Kinect-less version of the console three months after the system's release because the PS4 is still violating them prison-style in the realm of sales.