Kingdom Hearts 3 Not the End of the Series

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Cognimancer said:
Seriously? People are still excited by this? Look at the kid in the picture, is it 1997? That could be Cloud from FF7 with the ridiculous hair. Enough, show something new already. Its why Ive not played a JRPG in about 8 years.

There must be a market for it though as these titles keep getting released.


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
The_Echo said:
Personally, I'd like the next saga to take place during the Keyblade War, and have no connection to the Dark Seeker saga. Because there's a lot of cool stuff that could happen there.
Square Enix has actually made the Kingdom Hearts Browser game take place during the Keyblade War actually. The browser game isn't bad, but it's not the best. It's only in Japan and you got the code to access it when you preordered HD 1.5 ReMix in Japan. I don't know if it is coming to the US or not, but it's not a preorder bonus for Americans or Europeans as you're all getting an artbook.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Of course it's not the end of the series, what game ever says that it's the last one?
There's only been one game I know of to say "This is the last of the series" and actually stick to it.
Phantasy Star IV, and before you go reminding me about PSO and PSU, that has about as much to do with Phantasy Star as Final Fantasy has to do with Devil May Cry, not the same story, characters, world, anything.

I'm not even trying to be an ass here I just don't get the crazy for kingdom hearts, is it seriously so interesting to have all this fanservice and characters lumped up with no reliance on their base characters? An kid beating some of Final Fantasies strongest heroes with the least sense making weapon ever? Granted Clockwork Knight did it first but suddenly a kid with much too big shoes gets it and it's super neat? I played 1 and I just didn't get it, it just was like a tour saying oh look at this character, and this one! And now this one!Isn't it cool to see them all together in ONE game?

Not really, no would be my answer. Change the characters to an original cast and I suspect the popularity would drop incredibly.


Jan 30, 2013
I am actually scared for this one. The reasoning behind that is, while we are ending the Dark Seeker saga in this one, there would probably be something in the same game that links to the new storyline that they've talked about. Meaning that not only does this game have to have a closure to the storyline they've been building up for the last ten years, they're also going to have to make something new that would have to link to the new one and that could easily conflict with the ending of the last saga.

This is going to be very weird to witness actually. We get the end that most people wanted while at the same time, something new(and maybe stupid) build up the new storyline we are going to be following the next games after this one. And since Square Enix hasn't announced a new final fantasy yet, that would mean Nomura is going to be working on Kingdom Hearts 4 after he is done with 3.

Unless they make sidegames and those are going to be building up the new storyline, then I wont have to worry anything. Other then the fact that more people will complain about them and not follow the storyline of the side games and then when Kingdom Hearts 4 shows up, they will all be like "Wtf, story makes no sense! Learn to make story Squeenix!"


New member
Feb 19, 2010
bjj hero said:
Cognimancer said:
Seriously? People are still excited by this? Look at the kid in the picture, is it 1997? That could be Cloud from FF7 with the ridiculous hair. Enough, show something new already. Its why Ive not played a JRPG in about 8 years.

There must be a market for it though as these titles keep getting released.
I will admit, as much as I love the series, Sora's looking awefully generic... what happened to his big, cartoony eyes and goofy (troop) smile? Square!!! You better not have beaten him with the angsty stick like you do with EVERYTHIIIIIIIING else!


New member
Jul 18, 2011
Tetsuya Nomura has said this a long time ago, saying he intends there to be at least a KH6 with Sora and the gang still as the main characters, growing up and becoming more mature. I only hope he doesn't intend to continue the handheld releases, simply because every time a new numbered instalment shows up they'll have to port it to main consoles again, like they're doing with 1.5 and eventually 2.5 before finally 3. That's one of the few reasons people left the series, and I believe it should have as much of a following as possible.

Hopefully the new main enemy won't be as complicated for newcomers to understand either.

Brian Tams

New member
Sep 3, 2012
PunkRex said:
bjj hero said:
Cognimancer said:
Seriously? People are still excited by this? Look at the kid in the picture, is it 1997? That could be Cloud from FF7 with the ridiculous hair. Enough, show something new already. Its why Ive not played a JRPG in about 8 years.

There must be a market for it though as these titles keep getting released.
I will admit, as much as I love the series, Sora's looking awefully generic... what happened to his big, cartoony eyes and goofy (troop) smile? Square!!! You better not have beaten him with the angsty stick like you do with EVERYTHIIIIIIIING else!
But what about his ginormous, hobbit-like feet? I actually liked those D:

OT: This has been said before. Xehanort saga over, new arc starts afterwards. To be honest, I want a new main character. I liked the fact that you could play as new characters in Birth By Sleep. Let's bring that back.

Also, with the constant mining of Disney products, Nomura might need to find a new Square IP to jack hammer into KH like he did TWEWY. I mean, christ, Dream Drop Distance had Fantasia as a world. Talk about the bottom of the barrel.

Simple Bluff

New member
Dec 30, 2009
Neronium said:
Nomura scrapped the entire thing when the game was about 80-85% done and then remade it entire from scratch...yeah that's something you should never do. That's why it's been renamed FF XV as well.
It's kinda hilarious how he put off developing KH3 for yonks just to spare the manpower to work on Versus, only to scrap nearly the whole thing anyway.
That is a shame though, because I thought Versus looked pretty interesting (and I don't even like Final Fantasy). I hoped they kept the good parts.

Snotnarok said:
...Not really, no would be my answer. Change the characters to an original cast and I suspect the popularity would drop incredibly.
Gonna put on my nerd trivia goggles here; it should be noted that Birth By Sleep, often considered among fans to be the best KH game, only has one Final Fantasy character in it. And even then, he's obscure(-ish) and only sticks around for like ten seconds.

Actually, I don't think the last one had any now that I think about it. Unless you count the TWEWY cameos on that one stage.

Morsomk said:
And since Square Enix hasn't announced a new final fantasy yet, that would mean Nomura is going to be working on Kingdom Hearts 4 after he is done with 3.
Nyeh. KH3 won't be released for yonks (my money's on four years from now). Square Enix can announce a lot of new titles between then and now, as is seemingly their wont.


Constructive Critic
Mar 11, 2010
So apparently the fact that they're not going to let this millions-making franchise end with Kingdom Hearts 3 somehow qualifies as news, I'm kidding, really. I'm actually grateful that they're going to drop Sora's story and perhaps try something completely new with the universe they've built up. As much as I've liked Sora and the first two Kingdom Hearts games, I don't think many people will deny that the numerous spinoffs and constant plot twists and turns were really starting to get ridiculous. A fresh start might do them good.

Or we could get the Kingdom Hearts version of Raiden, but all the same I'd rather they try something different than simply beat Sora's story into the dust even more.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Didn't...didn't our good friend Jimmy just do an episode about letting a series go when it's time? Seems to me that this is exactly what he's talking about....ever stop to think that maybe people don't WANT to take the series in a new direction with a new story? With each new game that comes out, all you're doing is increasing the chances of destroying what made the series great in the first place...just ask Assassin's Creed.

As for KH3 itself, I dunno, I played and beat KH 1 and 2 (but it's been a very long time), but I kinda fell out of love with it due to the fact that in order to fully understand KH2, you had to play KH Chain of Memories or whatever...which I did not. I can only imagine that it'll be the same with KH 3 in that you'll only be able to fully understand the story if you played all the games in between 2 and 3. Still, though, as I said above: I really think that developers need to learn how to put a series to rest. Let it go out with some dignity instead of stretching it out like a harlot on a medieval rack.

DVS BSTrD said:
Neronium said:
No! No! No! No! No!
Dammit, I love the Kingdom Hearts franchise a lot, but you know there are times in which a series must come to an end so then they are not milked to death by the company. But then again, this is Square Enix we are talking about. Mainly I don't want what's happened to FF to happen to Kingdom Hearts as well.
Oh don't be such a Sora loser.
Hey now, that was mean, stop being so Heartless.


New member
Sep 8, 2010
Does this mean it'll be the last time we see Sora/Roxas and the Gang? I think it'd be okay if I got closure for them, and they moved on to a new character's story that isn't too tied the the first saga.


New member
May 31, 2011
bjj hero said:
Cognimancer said:
Seriously? People are still excited by this? Look at the kid in the picture, is it 1997? That could be Cloud from FF7 with the ridiculous hair. Enough, show something new already. Its why Ive not played a JRPG in about 8 years.

There must be a market for it though as these titles keep getting released.
Ah, gaming. Where people can be so shallow where they'll dismiss an entire series because of a fucking haircut.

OT: Color me cautiously optimistic. While the writing quality may slip and slide, the KH games have always been relatively solid in the story department, and it might actually do the franchise some good to wrap up the incredibly convuluted Xehanort saga to focus on something else in the universe. As long as the gameplay standard is kept high, I'll keep playing.


New member
Sep 20, 2009
Does anyone think this comes as a surprise?

Still, they need to end the story. Say what you will about Bioware, at least ME3 is the clear end of Shepard's story.

Assassin's Creed screwed up by trying to turn a set story, with set arcs, into a yearly franchise.

If they continue Kingdom Hearts...fine. I can hardly blame them for creating more content for an IP people enjoy. But by all that's holy, finish this story first, and finish it well, before eyeing what's beyond the horizon.

Hell, without a decent KH3, there won't even be anything "beyond the horizon."


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
RJ 17 said:
DVS BSTrD said:
Neronium said:
No! No! No! No! No!
Dammit, I love the Kingdom Hearts franchise a lot, but you know there are times in which a series must come to an end so then they are not milked to death by the company. But then again, this is Square Enix we are talking about. Mainly I don't want what's happened to FF to happen to Kingdom Hearts as well.
Oh don't be such a Sora loser.
Hey now, that was mean, stop being so Heartless.
It's alright, Nobody minds.

OT: Yeah to understand KH3 you're gonna need to play Dream Drop Distance, which kinda sucks really.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
I don't mind this too much. So long as Sora's arc is finished.

Hopefully though, KH3 doesn't rely too much on the plots of the handheld games as I have yet to play those.

Keiichi Morisato

New member
Nov 25, 2012
I hate it when people refer to the handheld titles as "Spin Offs" because that gives the impression that they aren't apart of the main plot. for example, Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology is a spin off Tales game, as the game is only very loosely connected to the mother ship titles. while Kingdom Hearts's "spin off" titles are important if you want to understand the main plot as they take place either before, in-between, or after the main "mother ship" titles. the thing is, if you think of them as side games, they loose their importunacy to the player who may or may not buy the games. I have had many conversations with people who actually thought that the handheld games were simply side titles that had nothing to do with the main plot, or refused to buy or play them simply because they are on a handheld device. which frustrates me to no end.

thanks for reading my rant, and I hope the writer of the article takes what I said into consideration.

Keiichi Morisato

New member
Nov 25, 2012
scorptatious said:
I don't mind this too much. So long as Sora's arc is finished.

Hopefully though, KH3 doesn't rely too much on the plots of the handheld games as I have yet to play those.
dude you are in for a world of disappointment, it has already been stated that KH3 will talk a lot about the events of the handheld games. In terms of story, they are much more important to KH3 than KH1 or KH2. As the handheld games explain more about Organization XIII, what happened to Sora before KH2, how Roxas fits into the series, the origins of the main villains of KH1 and KH2, and a bunch of other interweaving plot threads that would make more since if you play them. So the handheld games are much more important than the two "mother ship" titles currently released.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
Keiichi Morisato said:
scorptatious said:
I don't mind this too much. So long as Sora's arc is finished.

Hopefully though, KH3 doesn't rely too much on the plots of the handheld games as I have yet to play those.
dude you are in for a world of disappointment, it has already been stated that KH3 will talk a lot about the events of the handheld games. In terms of story, they are much more important to KH3 than KH1 or KH2. As the handheld games explain more about Organization XIII, what happened to Sora before KH2, how Roxas fits into the series, the origins of the main villains of KH1 and KH2, and a bunch of other interweaving plot threads that would make more since if you play them. So the handheld games are much more important than the two "mother ship" titles currently released.
Well shoot.

Looks like I'll have to be playing catch up before KH3 comes out then. My backlog is beginning to grow.

Oh well, I've been meaning to play Birth by Sleep, but have yet to get around to it.

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
woodaba said:
Ah, gaming. Where people can be so shallow where they'll dismiss an entire series because of generic, phoned in, charecter design.
Fixed that for you.

PunkRex said:
I will admit, as much as I love the series, Sora's looking awefully generic... what happened to his big, cartoony eyes and goofy (troop) smile? Square!!! You better not have beaten him with the angsty stick like you do with EVERYTHIIIIIIIING else!
Look at that face, hes a boy who knows what its like to be misunderstood. You can tell hes no stranger to tears... or keeping a diary.