Kingdom Hearts 3 Not the End of the Series


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
PunkRex said:
Sorry, I overreacted. I guess I got a little fed up with seeing so many people complain over things which I don't see as a big deal that I kind of acted on impulse. I really need to work on that.

But yeah, I can see your point. Square does seem to use spiky hair a lot when it comes to their protagonists.


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
valium said:
Neronium said:
valium said:
Do the Kingdom Hearts games that came out after KH2 have anything to do with the story line? The only games I have played are KH1 and 2. Latest console I have is my PS2.

Sucks I wont be playing this, I will have to youtube a lets play or something, or hope against hope they port it to PC.
Sadly yes. Birth by Sleep is a prequel to KH 1 taking place ten years prior, 358/2 Days just tells about Roxas' time in the Organization, Re: Coded mainly just sets up to go into Dream Drop Distance, and Dream Drop Distance is leading directly into KH III like how Chain of Memories led into KH 2. Really just play Birth by Sleep and Dream Drop Distance for backstory, or watch an LP as you said.

It's still possible I think for KH III to possibly be on PC since it's using DirectX 11 in it's programming. It's why it's not coming to the Wii U, because the Wii U doesn't support DirectX 11 and it would take too much time and money to effectively port it there, well then there's disc space limitation but that's another story.
Did this Dream Drop Distance do anything with that field of keyblades that was in the extra ending cutscene in 2?

If not, think 3 will? That extra scene made me super pumped for the future of the series.
That's explained in Birth by Sleep actually because the three armored figures in the secret ending and extended ending for Final Mix + were the main characters of Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It's really a good game, in fact it's my favorite Kingdom Hearts game, so I recommend it greatly. Dream Drop Distance explains a bit about that field of Keyblades as well and as to why it exists, but it doesn't focus on it as much.

The order of the games when ignoring some of the other ones, basically the games that directly lead into the next game are:

Birth by Sleep (Tens year before KH1 and explains rest of series when it comes to main villain Xehanort)
Kingdom Hearts
Chain of Memories
Kingdom Hearts 2
Dream Drop Distance
Kingdom Hearts 3

That's ignoring the stuff in 358/2 Days and Re: Coded. If there was any game you could skip it would be Re: Coded because the only thing that matters really is the ending because Re: Coded leads into Dream Drop Distance, but isn't as important. 358/2 Days only matters when it comes to 1 specific character that will show up in Dream Drop Distance. Hope this helps.