Kingdom Hearts 3 Not the End of the Series


New member
Feb 19, 2010
RJ 17 said:
Didn't...didn't our good friend Jimmy just do an episode about letting a series go when it's time? Seems to me that this is exactly what he's talking about....ever stop to think that maybe people don't WANT to take the series in a new direction with a new story? With each new game that comes out, all you're doing is increasing the chances of destroying what made the series great in the first place...just ask Assassin's Creed.

As for KH3 itself, I dunno, I played and beat KH 1 and 2 (but it's been a very long time), but I kinda fell out of love with it due to the fact that in order to fully understand KH2, you had to play KH Chain of Memories or whatever...which I did not. I can only imagine that it'll be the same with KH 3 in that you'll only be able to fully understand the story if you played all the games in between 2 and 3. Still, though, as I said above: I really think that developers need to learn how to put a series to rest. Let it go out with some dignity instead of stretching it out like a harlot on a medieval rack.

DVS BSTrD said:
Neronium said:
No! No! No! No! No!
Dammit, I love the Kingdom Hearts franchise a lot, but you know there are times in which a series must come to an end so then they are not milked to death by the company. But then again, this is Square Enix we are talking about. Mainly I don't want what's happened to FF to happen to Kingdom Hearts as well.
Oh don't be such a Sora loser.
Hey now, that was mean, stop being so Heartless.
Don't listen to him, he's just a Nobody.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Brian Tams said:
PunkRex said:
bjj hero said:
Cognimancer said:
Seriously? People are still excited by this? Look at the kid in the picture, is it 1997? That could be Cloud from FF7 with the ridiculous hair. Enough, show something new already. Its why Ive not played a JRPG in about 8 years.

There must be a market for it though as these titles keep getting released.
I will admit, as much as I love the series, Sora's looking awefully generic... what happened to his big, cartoony eyes and goofy (troop) smile? Square!!! You better not have beaten him with the angsty stick like you do with EVERYTHIIIIIIIING else!
But what about his ginormous, hobbit-like feet? I actually liked those D:

OT: This has been said before. Xehanort saga over, new arc starts afterwards. To be honest, I want a new main character. I liked the fact that you could play as new characters in Birth By Sleep. Let's bring that back.

Also, with the constant mining of Disney products, Nomura might need to find a new Square IP to jack hammer into KH like he did TWEWY. I mean, christ, Dream Drop Distance had Fantasia as a world. Talk about the bottom of the barrel.
I havn't played that one yet but Fantasia's the bollox and Yen Sid is kind of a big deal in KH.


I hate Dire Wolves...
Dec 4, 2008
That's fine, I just can't do a whole new 10 year arc. Making each game past 3 a self-contained story that isn't part of a ridiculous convoluted saga and that will be fine and dandy, it will also be much friendlier to newcomers. Sora(or any number of keyblade wielders that exist now) go out to solve one crisis and come home then do something different in a new game.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
I still need to play Dream Drop Distance, although from what I've heard in part from the Gametrailers Kingdom Hearts timeline, knowing the story in DDD is essential for the plot of Kingdom Hearts 3.

From what I recall, it was confirmed by Square that the Dark Seeker Saga was ending, yet Sora won't disappear form the story completely. I'm really hoping for a series taking place during the Keyblade War, that sounds pretty interesting.

Brian Tams

New member
Sep 3, 2012
bjj hero said:
woodaba said:
Ah, gaming. Where people can be so shallow where they'll dismiss an entire series because of generic, phoned in, charecter design.
Fixed that for you.

PunkRex said:
I will admit, as much as I love the series, Sora's looking awefully generic... what happened to his big, cartoony eyes and goofy (troop) smile? Square!!! You better not have beaten him with the angsty stick like you do with EVERYTHIIIIIIIING else!
Look at that face, hes a boy who knows what its like to be misunderstood. You can tell hes no stranger to tears... or keeping a diary.
If that's the conclusion you're drawing from the character design, then you have clearly never played any of the games, as Sora is the exact opposite of that. In fact, he's such a happy-go-lucky character that the moments he does experience things like sadness or anger it actually means something as its a rare occurrence. So, once again, you writing off an entire gaming franchise because of what one character looks like is bullshit and insulting to gamers with working brains who try things before drawing misled conclusion.

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
You obviously despise JRPG's. So why are you commenting on an article about them? Make yourself feel better?
I found the image in the OP ammusing. I used to be massively into JRPGs on the snes/genesis even into the ps2 but I kind of feel "been there, done that" about them now. Im really holding out for a Vagrant Story (I felt a different feel and tone from a lot of the jrpg stuff) release but instead I keep seeing this generic stuff.

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
Brian Tams said:
If that's the conclusion you're drawing from the character design, then you have clearly never played any of the games, as Sora is the exact opposite of that. In fact, he's such a happy-go-lucky character that the moments he does experience things like sadness or anger it actually means something as its a rare occurrence. So, once again, you writing off an entire gaming franchise because of what one character looks like is bullshit and insulting to gamers with working brains who try things before drawing misled conclusion.
I was jesting after the previous post about "please squeenix dont make him dark and brooding like you always do"... Stay angry though if that works for you.

Ive not insulted any "gamer". Ive said nothing personal, not even cheeky or rude.

Keiichi Morisato

New member
Nov 25, 2012
scorptatious said:
scorptatious said:
Well shoot.

Looks like I'll have to be playing catch up before KH3 comes out then. My backlog is beginning to grow.

Oh well, I've been meaning to play Birth by Sleep, but have yet to get around to it.
well you could wait for the HD rereleases of the games with the KH1.5 and 2.5 bundles, and the games would play better since you will be playing with a real controller.
also this won't be the last we see Sora, as Tetsua Nomura said that Sora will always be the main character (at least with numbered titles) but this will be the end of the Xehanort Saga.

Keiichi Morisato

New member
Nov 25, 2012
Hero of Lime said:
I still need to play Dream Drop Distance, although from what I've heard in part from the Gametrailers Kingdom Hearts timeline, knowing the story in DDD is essential for the plot of Kingdom Hearts 3.

From what I recall, it was confirmed by Square that the Dark Seeker Saga was ending, yet Sora won't disappear form the story completely. I'm really hoping for a series taking place during the Keyblade War, that sounds pretty interesting.
actually Testua Nomura explained that Sora will always be the main character, well... at least for the numbered titles, and the KH3 was simply the end of the Xehanort Saga. I am personally glad, as I love Soras voice actor Hailey Joel Osment.


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
Keiichi Morisato said:
scorptatious said:
scorptatious said:
Well shoot.

Looks like I'll have to be playing catch up before KH3 comes out then. My backlog is beginning to grow.

Oh well, I've been meaning to play Birth by Sleep, but have yet to get around to it.
well you could wait for the HD rereleases of the games with the KH1.5 and 2.5 bundles, and the games would play better since you will be playing with a real controller.
also this won't be the last we see Sora, as Tetsua Nomura said that Sora will always be the main character (at least with numbered titles) but this will be the end of the Xehanort Saga.
1.5 only has the cutscenes for 358/2 Days and it's not a remake of the game. I imported it and the games are Final Mix HD, Re: Chain of Memories HD, and then the 358/2 Days cutscenes.
Bad part is that there is something really bad in the Final Mix HD that they should have worked more on before releasing the game, and it has to deal with the Pink Agaricus Heartless.


New member
Jul 18, 2011
Keiichi Morisato said:
I hate it when people refer to the handheld titles as "Spin Offs" because that gives the impression that they aren't apart of the main plot. for example, Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology is a spin off Tales game, as the game is only very loosely connected to the mother ship titles. while Kingdom Hearts's "spin off" titles are important if you want to understand the main plot as they take place either before, in-between, or after the main "mother ship" titles. the thing is, if you think of them as side games, they loose their importunacy to the player who may or may not buy the games. I have had many conversations with people who actually thought that the handheld games were simply side titles that had nothing to do with the main plot, or refused to buy or play them simply because they are on a handheld device. which frustrates me to no end.

thanks for reading my rant, and I hope the writer of the article takes what I said into consideration.
I agree, I've also had to point out how important the handheld games are too. I think that's the point of these HD collections, so that everyone can experience all of the KH games before 3 is released all on one main console.


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
Voulan said:
I agree, I've also had to point out how important the handheld games are too. I think that's the point of these HD collections, so that everyone can experience all of the KH games before 3 is released all on one main console.
Well story at least, 358/2 Days HD is just the cutscenes since remaking the game would take too long as Nomura had said when the initial plans for the HD 1.5 ReMix were made. They'll probably do the same thing for Re: Coded if that's on the 2.5 ReMix. BbS is gonna be in 2.5 because when I watch the credits you see scenes from BbS hinting at it being there.


Local Cat
Aug 15, 2008
Of course it's not going to be the end. They've got to milk the series for side story games regarding and explaining all the stuff they will surely introduce in the third game, obviously.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
I don't think Kingdom Hearts will ever finish.

The portable games show how the writers can just push out endless crap until the end of time.

Hero of Lime

Staaay Fresh!
Jun 3, 2013
Keiichi Morisato said:
Hero of Lime said:
I still need to play Dream Drop Distance, although from what I've heard in part from the Gametrailers Kingdom Hearts timeline, knowing the story in DDD is essential for the plot of Kingdom Hearts 3.

From what I recall, it was confirmed by Square that the Dark Seeker Saga was ending, yet Sora won't disappear from the story completely. I'm really hoping for a series taking place during the Keyblade War, that sounds pretty interesting.
actually Testua Nomura explained that Sora will always be the main character, well... at least for the numbered titles, and the KH3 was simply the end of the Xehanort Saga. I am personally glad, as I love Soras voice actor Hailey Joel Osment.
I would hate for Sora to leave the series after the Dark Seeker Saga ended, he is still my favorite Kingdom Hearts protagonist by far. I would like to see a slightly older Sora after this saga ends, just as long as he keeps his personality, and like you said, his voice.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
PunkRex said:
bjj hero said:
Cognimancer said:
Seriously? People are still excited by this? Look at the kid in the picture, is it 1997? That could be Cloud from FF7 with the ridiculous hair. Enough, show something new already. Its why Ive not played a JRPG in about 8 years.

There must be a market for it though as these titles keep getting released.
I will admit, as much as I love the series, Sora's looking awefully generic... what happened to his big, cartoony eyes and goofy (troop) smile? Square!!! You better not have beaten him with the angsty stick like you do with EVERYTHIIIIIIIING else!

He looks almost exactly the same as he did when the first game came out. Minus the wardrobe.

Oh, and apparently looking serious about something is automatically considered angsty.

I swear, people will nitpick about the littlest things. Next thing you know there will be people complaining about Sonic's eye col... dammit! Too late!

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
bjj hero said:
Look at that face, hes a boy who knows what its like to be misunderstood. You can tell hes no stranger to tears... or keeping a diary.
hehe, wow .... your WAY the hell off on that one. me thinks you should actually play the game before running thy mouth. granted, he's STILL incredibly boring, but angsty? lol, nope, not even close