TokenRupee said:
No, I'm mad at EA because they charge full price and cut out content that they claim as DLC when it's usually a main part of the game. If someone buys a used copy of Battlefield 3, why should they be banned from playing online? EA obviously got their money already and second-hand buyers shouldn't be punished.
The reason people are quick to defend Valve is because they offer games for cheap or give good bonuses. Take Portal 2 for example. Cheaper than some of EA's offerings. If you buy it on PS3, you get a copy of it on the PC for free. Now let's look at EA. What do they do? Charge full price and threaten consumers with cut content if they don't pay the $60 when their game isn't worth anywhere near that much.
That's why people are quick to defend Steam despite not being able to buy used games. Because the games are so cheap, they may as well be buying used at those prices.
Your argument that "EA got their money already" is inaccurate. They got their money for ONE person playing, they didn't get their money for two. And if Gamestop or EB Games or whoever, charged reasonable prices for used games then this would not even be an issue. I means some of their used games go for what, 5 dollars cheaper? 10 dollars? That's not a deal, I'm sorry. Compare this to ANY OTHER product. When you go to a thrift store, are the clothes 5 dollars off the original price? 150 dollar sweaters going for 140? When you buy a used car, is the price of the used car just barely below retail price for new? No. It's nowhere near. So why would people buy a used copy for 5 less dollars?
If Battlefield 3 costs 30 dollars second-hand, this 10 dollar online pass would mean nothing because you'd still be saving twenty dollars.
As for Steam. You give the distributor too much credit. For valve-made games sure, the sale is because of valve. But other games? You think that publishers don't have a say or don't instigate some of these sales? Of course they do. I'm sure every sale is the result of two companies getting together. It's no surprise for example that a game might go on sale in the time leading up to a new release (like a sequel)
And if Origin doesn't have sales. So what, don't shop there. Go where you'll get your money's worth. The fact that Origin doesn't have sales doesn't make EA a bad company, it makes them a stupid salesman. If I go to Best Buy and find a game that is 10 dollars cheaper than at HMV I'll buy it at best buy but I'm not going to hate HMV for it. I'm not going to boycott them or whatever either. They just won't get my money is all.
And yeah, as the guy above says, Steam prices are inconsistent to say the least. If you ever watch the WTF is . . .series by total biscuit on youtube, you can sometimes hear him bitching about the price discrepencies. Not even on sales btw, but for new-release indie games or what not. EU gets screwed the most, UK is sometimes screwed and US general gets the preferred price.