Korean Engineers Create Sword-Wielding, Tai Chi Robot


Everything in Moderation
Aug 18, 2008
I thought it was kind of endearing how the thing managed to smack itself in the head with the foam sword a couple of times... Although I guess spatial calculations needed to avoid collisions of that nature would be difficult to say the least :)


New member
May 25, 2008
Howitttzer said:
I'll see your Korean Tai-Chi robot, and raise you a robotic hand that can feel and plugs directly into the brain!

That is just way cooler, and more impressive. With that technology we could actually help all sorts of handicapped people, from war victims to simple accidents in the workplace, to victims of medical complications like this guy.

Go Europe.


New member
Apr 13, 2009
In the Year 17 Twomth, this robot will be the real Skynet. Unless we stop it, peace will not be given a chance!

So said Step Hen Fry. Praise be the Tweet!


New member
Mar 18, 2009
AddytheGreat said:
North or South Korea? Because if its north I'm out of here...
Trust me, its south. Why would north do that? Some people just can't understand korea. tsk tsk. PLease tell me you're a teen. An adult should have a grasp on this. I'm not a teen or an adult and I understand. Of course Im S.Korean so :p

Azmael Silverlance

Pirate Warlord!
Oct 20, 2009
They just keep making robots that cant rly do anything. . . .it can walk n turn and move his hands....whoaa havent seen that one before :O But in reality they have less application than a screwdriver! Actually a vending machine is more a robot than HUBO and all the others. I hope that the smart ppl in the UNI`s around the world keep making these kind of robots as some kind of test for the big thing. Cuz this just seems to me like a childish hobbie.
If HUBO could i dont know....chop meat? that would be in a way impressiev they can put bunch of them in a slaughterhouse n actually get some work done! Thats usefull . . . tai chi . . .just a routine that i saw repeated 30 times . . . great job xD

And whats up with all robots having huge legs? Maybe they should start thinking about a way to balance a rabot on his feet m? Would save space and probably many broken foot fingers in a crowded train in the guture :O


New member
Aug 20, 2009
skynet jokes aside, theses robots can be benificial to the human society by helping people like the elderly and handicaped with house hold tasks. These robots can also replace seeing eye dogs (unlike dogs you dont have to train them they can also be used infinite times unlike dogs). You can also prevent a hostile robot take over by simply instaling a selfdestruct mechanism that activates when a robot becomes self aware