Allow me to translate.
Effectivly, Kotick wants to add a subscription to Call of Duty. However, he cannot, because he's being cockblocked by the fact that Microsoft already charges a sub for online multiplay via Xbox Live. Marketing obviously knows that consumers would be Unwilling/Unable to pay an additional fee.
Kotick can't control microsoft and get what he want's, so he's stamping his foot and huffing.
Now, a subscription based service wouldn't necessarily be bad if they could add substantial value for it. Add a metagame, improved matchmaking, freind services, dedicated servers, etc.
What most don't understand is Kotick is tremendously popular with the business men and stockholders because he's a ruthless moneysniping bastard. Thats the kind of businessman business people want in charge. My personal beliefs about finance aside (Kotick is a moron and part of an endemic culture of greed that is destroying America's economic system), those are the kind of men who are successful.
Effectivly, Kotick wants to add a subscription to Call of Duty. However, he cannot, because he's being cockblocked by the fact that Microsoft already charges a sub for online multiplay via Xbox Live. Marketing obviously knows that consumers would be Unwilling/Unable to pay an additional fee.
Kotick can't control microsoft and get what he want's, so he's stamping his foot and huffing.
Now, a subscription based service wouldn't necessarily be bad if they could add substantial value for it. Add a metagame, improved matchmaking, freind services, dedicated servers, etc.
What most don't understand is Kotick is tremendously popular with the business men and stockholders because he's a ruthless moneysniping bastard. Thats the kind of businessman business people want in charge. My personal beliefs about finance aside (Kotick is a moron and part of an endemic culture of greed that is destroying America's economic system), those are the kind of men who are successful.