L.A. Noire No Longer a PS3 Exclusive


New member
Jan 19, 2009
This still exists, huh. The game was announced in the wake of Sin City, and hearing nothing about that led me to think they cancelled it. Oh well, still looking forward to this, I like the style.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Therumancer said:
Well I'm guessing the project wasn't good enough for Sony to pay them enough to keep it exclusive. Either that or it was taking so long they didn't want to pump money into it.

That said, like "Heavy Rain" my attitude about this one is still very "wait and see". For the most part this stuff seems like a return to adventure gaming and the later interactive movies. As I've said before, I wasn't especially enthusiastic about them the first time around, so we'll see what happens.

As odd as it sounds the mystery plots are also a mixed bag. I remember one game that was vaguely similar to what is being done here called "Ripper" (I think) which was a cyberpunk mystery game, where the killer was randomly selected from a list of possibilities, and could be someone differant each time you played, so you had to be careful with the clues. Neither this or "Heavy Rain" see to be even trying to be that varied from what I've seen, though going for a very similar overall style of game.
I think it's a little presumptuous to compare an FMV game to two current-gen games that aren't even out yet and immediately think "oh similar style". Seeing as how LA Noire is going to have numerous and multiple cases involved, and that there are multiple paths towards getting the results/outcomes, it's already not like Ripper just for that first part alone.


New member
Feb 5, 2010
Simalacrum said:
sidereal_day said:
Simalacrum said:
Couldn't care less, considering nobodies really heard of the game, including myself.
Honestly, why did you take the time to post that you "couldn't care less" about the game? Did you really think everyone was on the edge of their seat thinking "Okay, yeah, the obligatory 'hurray for this game!' post from Omikron009, but what does Simalacrum think of it?!!"

In the same way, why did you take the time to post about how you didn't like my post? Or, infact, why do any of us post anything at all for that matter?

Because its opinion. It doesn't matter if its the most interesting post in the world, we all have opinions and are free to express them (to a degree) on the forums.

My opinion was that I don't really care about the game. Its not a very interesting opinion, but it is my opinion nonetheless. THAT is why I took my time to post it.
That's precisely it. If you had actually given an opinion, I would know why you bothered to post. But you didn't. Instead, you decided that it would be worth your time to announce to everyone that you don't have an opinion on the game because "nobodies (sic) really heard of the game, including [your]self." It just baffles me that you thought it was worth the five seconds to write that. Maybe you value your time a lot lower than the average person. That's the only conclusion I can come to.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Really? Huh, I heard that L.A. Noir was going multiplatform a while ago.

Either way, I don't really care right now, I need more information as to what this game is and what is going on with it. It could be interesting, but right now I don't know enough.


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
sidereal_day said:
Simalacrum said:
sidereal_day said:
Simalacrum said:
Couldn't care less, considering nobodies really heard of the game, including myself.
Honestly, why did you take the time to post that you "couldn't care less" about the game? Did you really think everyone was on the edge of their seat thinking "Okay, yeah, the obligatory 'hurray for this game!' post from Omikron009, but what does Simalacrum think of it?!!"

In the same way, why did you take the time to post about how you didn't like my post? Or, infact, why do any of us post anything at all for that matter?

Because its opinion. It doesn't matter if its the most interesting post in the world, we all have opinions and are free to express them (to a degree) on the forums.

My opinion was that I don't really care about the game. Its not a very interesting opinion, but it is my opinion nonetheless. THAT is why I took my time to post it.
That's precisely it. If you had actually given an opinion, I would know why you bothered to post. But you didn't. Instead, you decided that it would be worth your time to announce to everyone that you don't have an opinion on the game because "nobodies (sic) really heard of the game, including [your]self." It just baffles me that you thought it was worth the five seconds to write that. Maybe you value your time a lot lower than the average person. That's the only conclusion I can come to.
...look, "I don't care" is still an opinion. It may not be as interesting an opinion as other people, but it IS an opinion nonetheless.

And, well, right now I have a hell of a lot of time on my hands, so maybe I don't value my 5 seconds as much as other people right now. And I'm guessing thats the same with you as well, considering you've bothered to argue with a complete stranger about how they should use their own time.

If you have enough time to tell me why I'm so wrong, then why not actually give your own opinion about the topic at hand, rather than ranting about mine?


New member
Feb 5, 2010
Simalacrum said:
sidereal_day said:
Simalacrum said:
sidereal_day said:
Simalacrum said:
Couldn't care less, considering nobodies really heard of the game, including myself.
Honestly, why did you take the time to post that you "couldn't care less" about the game? Did you really think everyone was on the edge of their seat thinking "Okay, yeah, the obligatory 'hurray for this game!' post from Omikron009, but what does Simalacrum think of it?!!"

In the same way, why did you take the time to post about how you didn't like my post? Or, infact, why do any of us post anything at all for that matter?

Because its opinion. It doesn't matter if its the most interesting post in the world, we all have opinions and are free to express them (to a degree) on the forums.

My opinion was that I don't really care about the game. Its not a very interesting opinion, but it is my opinion nonetheless. THAT is why I took my time to post it.
That's precisely it. If you had actually given an opinion, I would know why you bothered to post. But you didn't. Instead, you decided that it would be worth your time to announce to everyone that you don't have an opinion on the game because "nobodies (sic) really heard of the game, including [your]self." It just baffles me that you thought it was worth the five seconds to write that. Maybe you value your time a lot lower than the average person. That's the only conclusion I can come to.
...look, "I don't care" is still an opinion. It may not be as interesting an opinion as other people, but it IS an opinion nonetheless.

And, well, right now I have a hell of a lot of time on my hands, so maybe I don't value my 5 seconds as much as other people right now. And I'm guessing thats the same with you as well, considering you've bothered to argue with a complete stranger about how they should use their own time.

If you have enough time to tell me why I'm so wrong, then why not actually give your own opinion about the topic at hand, rather than ranting about mine?
"I don't care" is actually the antithesis to an opinion. I've noticed that a lot of people think that any sort of thing someone can think of that isn't a fact is an opinion. No. An opinion is "I think the controls of Silent Hill 2 suck." An opinion is not: "I haven't played Silent Hill 2 so I can't comment on the controls."

See the difference?

(I'm responding to you to help you out. I get satisfaction from helping people)


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Noir needs more games, I agree it is not tackled greatly in general. Though I did forget all about this game with nothing being mentioned for a while. Looking forward to it, when I decide what to buy it for.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Ah. Excellent. Another game I don't really know too much of or care that much about.

Not into these types of murder mystery sims.


Terror Australis
Mar 25, 2009
Interesting. It's set in a perfectly re-created 1940's Los Angeles, according to Wikipedia, and it's being developed in... Australia? Huh. Weird.

Well, I'm one of those who hadn't heard of this before, so it comes as a surprise to me to learn that it's been in development for several years now. It does look extremely interesting, especially considering it's being made in a country (ie. my own country of birth, Aussieland) that protests the nature of what late 1940's noir content would entail. I can't really comment on how I feel about it becoming multi-platform, seeing as this is the first I've heard of it, but I'll definitely keep my eye on it from now on.

Incidentally, Wikipedia says the project is running slow because of the number of position vacancies at Team Bondi. Last I heard, Australian developers were having a hard time finding jobs. Uber-weird.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
oh its actually murder mystery I always thought it was GTA in the depression era, anyway I'm looking forward to it when it you know, actually comes out

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Onyx Oblivion said:
Ohh...Looks good. I loved the noir detective "Hotel Dusk" for the DS.

YAY! Now my 360 gets this kind of game.
Glad to know I'm not the only one who played "Hotel Dusk" and this game looks pretty interesting.


New member
Sep 6, 2009
I like a good noir as much as the next man, I hope M. Night Shamalyiyon didn't have a hand in writting it.
Andronicus said:
Interesting. It's set in a perfectly re-created 1940's Los Angeles, according to Wikipedia, and it's being developed in... Australia? Huh. Weird.
I just solved the game, a Dingo did it.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Wow, I had heard about this game a while back, and thought 'oh, cool.' When nothing new came of it, I just thought they'd cancelled it. If it does get released, I'm definitely giving it a shot.