Lady Gaga's new song is apparently "Evil"


New member
Sep 14, 2010
OT: I do think it's mostly the babysitters fault. The girl is simply too young to understand what she's doing. That said, I don't think the babysitter should face murder charges either but I do think she is the one that should be proscecuted.
ps. Sorry for double post


New member
Dec 30, 2008
*sigh*...I really can't stand the "religious" types backlashing against _Judas_. It's as though addressing religious themes in a manner more complex than "Jesus r gud" automatically qualifies as evil blasphemy. No, Gaga isn't single-mindedly affirming Christian beliefs like she did in _Born This Way_. Yes, she's addressing Christian themes in a strange, interesting, complex way. No, she's not Satanic. Deal with it.


New member
Oct 11, 2010
I am over Lady Gaga. It has come to the point that her bizarre personal antics have completely surpassed her music in terms of importance to our culture and the media. Also, the second I heard "Born This Way" I thought "wow, this is EXACTLY like Madonna's song 'Express Yourself'" and sure enough, there are many YouTube mashups of the two songs. Gaga denied any similarity between the two and made up some bullshit story about the lyrics being sent to her from God (riiight) even though the similarities are blatantly obvious, and refused to let Weird Al cover it. That is so stuck up and self conscious for someone that is apparently an advocate of letting it all hang out and accepting everyone for who they are blah blah blah. If Nirvana can humor themselves enough for a Weird Al cover, Gaga can. Weird Al even offered to donate the proceeds from his Gaga-parody single to a gay rights organization, an organization which is now losing money because Gaga takes herself too seriously to let an artist (that has been around much longer than her) make fun of her for the monetary profit of gay rights advocacy. And the ultimate irony is that "Born This Way" is ALREADY almost a parody because it is copied almost note for note (without acknowledgment, of course) from the Madonna song "Express Yourself". Gaga takes herself way too seriously, which is ridiculous because no one else takes someone that wears dresses made of meat seriously. She is stuck up and a complete hypocrite, and has already done a backslide after just a couple years in the business and ONE full album. What a joke.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
arc1991 said:
So like the famous "Leave Britney alone" video. A new video has surfaced, this time about Lady Gaga.

Her new song Judas which can be heard in this link

is apparently evil, according to this girl...

I don't know whether to laugh or cry...i mean really? Should a song...something meant for entertainment be taken so seriously? Especially by an artist that is known for doing stuff like this?

Now for discussion, have you seen any video's that are similar? and what are your thoughts on the people that make them?
she,s a troll
Yes some guy called Shock of God (he is convinced L4D is the Rapture and all zombies are Atheist WTF?)

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
No. Judas was the name of one of Jesus' followers who betrayed him, followed by him killing himself due to guilt of killing an innocent man. And, it's Lady Gaga, she's been doing shit like this for years, why is it now that you're bothered?

I hate religious people. They just take everything too fucking seriously. I don't hate all of them, I hate the ones that get their mind-blown at the slightest thing.


Whose Eyes Are Those Eyes?
Oct 15, 2009
Damn, there used to be a time when you could usually trust that anything the religious got their panties in a twist over was good and pleasurable, but alas, that no longer seems the case.

They still do provide good some laughing material merely by their pantytwisting though. Many types of religion can be god-tier comedy.


New member
Sep 4, 2010
Just Like a Prayer Redux anyone?

I really hope she is a troll (commentor on Youtube not Lady Gaga) otherwise she is seriously deluded in my opinion and it may hinder her life. The more I watch though she MUST be a troll "soiled my soul", has to be a troll and not a hugely convincing one.


New member
Apr 28, 2009
Well she's 100% wrong in every regard, though the song is kind of bad... In both ways. I mean, it's a pretty shit song to be honest. But there used to be a time where pop stars were idols to young kids, and sadly they still are. And here's Gaga with a song saying it's okay to still love a cheating piece of shit? Eh... Not a fan of that kind of shit.

Edit: When I posted this, it was still playing the last bit of the video so it cut out at JUST the right time to have me giggling. "Tomorrow is Sunday. I really hope you people go to church. And just listen to the sermon. I hope he touches you. I really hope, the Pastor touches you."


New member
Nov 18, 2009
It's not evil, it's audioly challenged.

I appreciate pop artists trying to push the envelope with originality, but, this isn't a good song. It sounds like she's trolling me.


New member
Apr 9, 2010
I couldn't finish the first minute of that video. That poor young girl, whose life has been completely ruined by strict Christian values. She honestly believes all the Christian heaven & hell, good & evil etc etc, and now she'll sacrifice her happiness in this life for a shot at retribution after she dies. Honestly, shouldn't her parents be charged with child abuse for this? (who obviously indoctrinated her into this - it may seem like i'm judging too much, but honestly, what sort of modern day girl her age decides to seriously believe this stuff on her own?)

Christianity isn't evil - the people who a) believe in 'sins', that make you go to eternal purgatory, and heathens or whatever, b) try to convince others of this shit, and c) who raise their children to believe this are evil. Especially the last one - this breaches the basic human right to be an individual, and choose our own path of life


New member
Jan 29, 2009
The video was so stupid that I couldn't watch the whole thing. Let me just say a few things...

1) Sex in and of itself is not a sin. It's sex OUTSIDE of marriage that God sees as sinful. Sex INSIDE of marriage is completely and wholly natural. If this girl thinks that having sex is sinful, then her parents sinned in giving birth to her.

2) Judas and Jesus are two completely different people. Jesus was the guy who died on the cross. Judas is the guy that betrayed Jesus and handed him over to the Jews. They are not one and the same.

3) Since when is Lady Gaga a member of the Illuminati? If the Illuminati is accepting bad mainstream singers, then their standards must be slipping tremendously.

I would also like to point out that this girl is not making Christians look good. I'm having trouble discerning if this girl is making a worse impression than Westboro Baptist Church. Not all Christians are intolerable, one track morons like this girl. It's just people like this that get all the publicity.