Lawsuit Blames Oblivion For Pilot's Seizure


Tamer of the Coffee mug!
Feb 17, 2010
Damn those stupid monsters in Oblivion doing the Seizure Procedure

Onyx Oblivion

Borderlands Addict. Again.
Sep 9, 2008
Are games going to have unskippable 5 minute legal briefings now?

Because those won't get watched, either.

They'll have to merge it into the tutorials!

Right Click to Aim down your sights! Also, watch for seizures!


New member
Apr 25, 2011
Speaking as somebody who does not have epilepsy but has endured a photosensitive seizure while gaming - fuck this guy. He lost his job because you legally cannot pilot aircraft with any history of seizure. It doesn't matter if it's epilepsy, any number of seizure disorders, or even a freak random photosensitive seizure.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
why would they rule in his favour because people don't read the warnings? if you can get sued for not putting them there and sued for putting them there because no-one reads them, you can't win.

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
Video games can cause seizures. I figure this dude had never had an episode of one since he was flying. But you became epileptic it's not a video games fault you became so, it just happens. Hell you could look at the sun and have an attack (maybe).
Life sucks and always tries to kick you. Don't sue people and companies because something out of anyones preventative control happened.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
redisforever said:
OT: it's a shame but do they really need to strip him of his flying credentials?
Yes, yes he does, and it sucks for him, but some jobs are just to importent or dangerious to be done by people who may be prone to seizure. Flying a plane, any plane, is a life or death matter for both him, any passangers he may have, and people on the ground.

As for the suit itself... I can't see him having a leg to stand on really... game do warn about this... in the manual, and the fact that people don't read it isn't something the game publisher can control. I suppose having a blurb pop up on screen before you start COULD be something they could invistigate, but, i never bother reading the names and logos that pop up on most games now a days as is, i just thumb past it, and if i can't, i get annoyed. LOL.

I do feel for the guy though. This has kind of turned his world upside down, but it's all just dumb luck, nothing anyone could control. And besides, i'd think i'd want to know i'm prone to seizures, esspecailly if my job would kill me and others if it happened.


New member
Dec 29, 2010
batuea said:
Eri said:
They should be thanking the developer for this. Games don't cause conditions, they trigger them. How he got past flight screening without his condition being known, I'll never know, but he certainly shouldn't have been flying.
this right here is the best argument here. Light strobes will only trigger a hidden disorder, not cause them, usually pilots are "strobed" in screening to make sure they don't have any disorder such as this. There is no way that he would have made it through screening without this problem being found. Almost makes me wonder if he "bribed" his flight screener to not report/ignore his condition. Also I agree with the fact that most games do warn you in one way or another. Although I have been strobed before and had no reactions yet, I am still nervous when playing games. But how the hell did it happen in oblivion I mean I can not think of anything that could cause this in the game, unless if it "glitched" out, if it did glitch out he "might" have a case here although it still would be no ones fault. Now if he was using custom mods then yeah his own fault.
Bribed? LOL. Anything is possible I suppose, but more then likely his condition was in it's eairly stages at the time and didn't trigger, or he devoloped it after the fact. Alot of stuff you are born with, but not everything. God forbit a tummer of somekind is growing in there...


New member
Oct 17, 2008
Judge, ladies and gentle men of the jury, family and friends;
I did not read the part in Law 101 where it said I could not kill that hooker and have sex with the body while driving in excess of the speed limit, hence, how could I possibly have been in anyway responsible.

Ignorance is no excuse.
Jun 8, 2009
I can't wait for the day when gaming isn't the scapegoat for everything. Plus, as everyone else has stated, he isn't going to have a case. He's going to fail completely.


New member
Jan 5, 2009
you can claim that no one reads the warning label. that might be true.
but if it is true. then why does everyone who posted here is aware of it?
if we all know about it, the pilot must know it exist as well.
and is just being a dick, because hes medical condition ruined hes life.


Fell off the Alligator.
Jun 24, 2009
I remember there always being a warning of "if you are susceptible to epileptic shocks and/or seizures, consult a physician before playing this game" kind of messages. It's in the console manuals, it's in the game manuals, it shows when you first boot up the games for most games, it's very prevalent. Yes, he could nail a judge who wants to put games down, but the industry has been very clear about this for at least a decade, if not more. Though, the American courts are occasionally frickin' retarded, most of those cases are about labels not being applied to common sense shit (i.e. that McDonalds Hot Coffee crap). The labels are all over in this case, including little red boxes on the back of the box saying Warning! A quick glance over about half of my gaming library has this warning prominently displayed on all current generation cases. The warning is on the PS3 box. It's not on the PS2 game cases, but that has been fixed, apparently (though the warning is in the game manual in every case).

Since he's epileptic, it's his fault. He was aware of his condition, he ignored the warnings, and he suffered the consequences. It's unfortunate for him, but this is the case. In this particular case, it could actually come back against him for negligence and whatever that really lawyer-y way of saying wasting the court's time is.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Wait... did htis article writer just say the guy has a case becuase, "who reads warnings, anyway"?

That's incredible.

THe amount of stupid just exploded to over 9000


New member
Dec 25, 2008
I don't read all those things but even I know about the seizure warning
cuz it's on the first page and first freakin' title card of every video game manual and game screen itself!
NO case, seriously!

figures his name is McLaughlin


New member
Jan 17, 2011
vxicepickxv said:
The_Yeti said:
Eri said:
They should be thanking the developer for this. Games don't cause conditions, they trigger them. How he got past flight screening without his condition being known, I'll never know, but he certainly shouldn't have been flying.
1000 x This.

A seizure prone man is not fit to be a pilot, his ignorance to oblivions warnings and trying to pin loss of job on them is outright stupidity.

Yo McLaughlin, you lost your job because your brain is a candy-ass when it comes to processing strobe-flash, not because your ps3 played oblivion well enough to give that visual excitement.
He hasn't actually lost his job, just his flight status. The Navy will probably move him to general line status, unless it's actually a condition that forces them to remove him from the Navy entirely. If that's the case, because the condition wasn't known before he entered the Navy, it will be declared adult onset, and he'll get partial disability.
If he truly hasn't lost his job, he should be fired for filing a bogus lawsuit, nobody needs a worker that clearly has no respect for business, his ignorant ass doesn't deserve disability.