League of Legends Muscles Past World of Warcraft


New member
Dec 16, 2007
I'm not even angry Escapist, I'm just disappoint you feel the need to pull a Kotaku or a Joystiq with this post.



New member
May 22, 2009
I have several problems with LoL.
First off, as in DotA, you have to have played with all champions in order to counter them, but in LoL you don't get to do so. You get several a week. If you don't buy any champion you'll need several months to experience every champion. Which is a problem when you get decimated by a champion you don't know in almost every match in weeks one or two.
Second, first game I played I was the best player on the team. It was a spectacular loss. DotA players usually have at least basic understanding of the game. Even if they're bad, they're never as bad as a first-time player. Solo queue in LoL is terrible. http://www.cad-comic.com/cad/20111118
Third, and this is a personal opinion, it just feels more sluggish than DotA. Kills have less impact, last hitting is more important, but denying is impossible, barracks grow back, towers don't target heroes as readily, so tower diving at early levels is not as risky. Maybe it's the fact I've grown accustomed to DotA. I do like that there is more than one map.


New member
May 21, 2009
Dr. Pepper Unlimited said:
Hmmm, that's pretty interesting. I've never played the game though and don't really know anything about it either. All I hear is the community is terrible.
It is a great DoTA but yes the community is terrible... that's what the ignore button is for though ;)

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Abedeus said:
1197 years ago, there were vikings.

Combining the daily amount of hours played world-wide, that's 1197 years.

but were there still Vikings?


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Abedeus said:
ionveau said:
im sorry i understand you have too much invested in this game to see it in any other light. again i'm sorry.
to help you explain my frustration, the rune system is a thing that locks you to your account, and makes it so that you start the game with an invisible item that no one can see, in dota that would be kinda overpowered, This and the mastery system make your account hold the skill while to slowly add-on to it by grinding, even DOTA plyers know that the game has a very low skill cap after that its just good hero picks+grouping, LOL throws this on its face by locking out almost all champions leaving you with 10 champions out of 90 meaning you wont be able to make good group setups unless your very grind happy or buy it, my friend straight up refused to play LOL after he saw you where given 10 champions and needed to unlock the rest, he called it a competitive game for WoW players.

I like how you edited your post to avoid report and ban.

- ? to be honest i dont care about this forum, ban me see if i give a shit

Rune system - yeah it's horrible that you can customize your champion. Invisible item no one can see? Sure they can. I am pretty God damn sure you can see if someone has AP runes, or HP quints or even notice bonus HP regen during game. Except that EVERYONE can get those runes. And you can't buy them with real money.

- Ok that means nothing your using WoW player logic to justify balance, I never said anything about money are you just putting words into my mouth at this point?

Okay, some numbers. There are 14 champions for free every week, rotations change. Some champions are 4 wins to unlock. More complex (old-school, at least, like Karthus or Anivia) are more expensive, and newer ones are more expensive because it's a business. And they reduce old champions' prices every now and then to keep it balanced (from 3150IP to 1350).

- You just said they sacrifice balance for money, thank you.

Did you even understand what I said about leveling? It prevents at least partially pubstomps where someone who played 1000 games is matched against someone who is 10 games. It's worse than a bot game, because bots at least can hit keys and know what their abilities do. You can see what happens when sometimes a group of 30, 30, 30, 30, 5 is grouped against a full 30 team. The guy who is 5 is a dead weight in 99% of the games. Not because of masteries. Or because of runes. Hell I can win a lane with physical champion using caster runes (and seen pro gamers do it at high Elo games) against another physical using correct runes. It's a matter of SKILL and EXPERIENCE.

- Yes this was solved around 15 years ago by tracking player stats and match making, no need for Leveling and points that make your champion stronger at the beginning of games, imagine is CS did that, its ok i understand your stuck using wow player logic.

Because sometimes you still get idiots who got to 30, full runepage and still suck.

-I think you call them grinder's thanks to the grind friendly system riot made.

Also, if you find me a new Moba that is F2P, doesn't require you to unlock characters with in-game currency or money shop and is competitive like LoL, I'll give you $1000. DotA 2 doesn't count, still beta.

- Ya i dont have time just look in the bin http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_freeware_video_games I would like pay pal please

- And again thank you for admitting that LOL is not balanced thanks to the cash shop.

What I find enjoyable is that DotA players claim the skill cap in LoL is low. Yeah, sure, you don't have to learn how to use the overcomplicated shop or minimalistic minimap. Except if you actually played LoL, you'd notice the difference between level 10 and level 30, and then 1200 Elo and 1500 elo, then 1500 elo and 2k elo.

-What? no overall all DOTA style games have low skill caps, its just one person that your controlling if you think that after 50 games anyone would find it hard is just silly, overall DOTA style games are for casuals, You dont only rely on yourself if you suck your team mates can save you why, Also why do LOL players care about ELO so much? Garena pubs just play >_>...oh i remember its branded on your account for everyone to see, its kinda cute but if your older than 13 its kinda silly judging yourself by a number in a cash shop heavy game.

Heaven and earth. Also I find it weird, so many DotA players claim LoL is easy, but they don't want to come here, make a team and win some free money prizes? I don't get it, it should be so easy...

-If a bring my DOTA team to LOL we have to
1 grind level 30-200 games
2 Buy 3 rune pages-400 games
3 Unlock all the champions in order to make a decent setup-$1000 or play 4000 games
again You cant justify LOL being competitive without using WoW player logic, or MMO player logic, its kinda sad though the LOL developers didn't even make DOTA big it was ice frog the guy at DOTA2 development


New member
Sep 14, 2008
ionveau said:
again You cant justify LOL being competitive without using WoW player logic, or MMO player logic, its kinda sad though the LOL developers didn't even make DOTA big it was ice frog the guy at DOTA2 development

You haven't given a single counter-argument. All I hear is "A FREE TO PAY GAME IS RECOGNIZED AS AN E-SPORT AND IT MAKES ME MAAAD".

In competitive play, Ranked games and Tournaments, runes, leveling and everything that makes your blood boil and taste copper isn't an issue. At all.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
i like how wow fanboys came to defend their "game" with the fact that they spend money on an inferior product.

LoL - pun intended


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Kroxile said:
i like how wow fanboys came to defend their "game" with the fact that they spend money on an inferior product.

LoL - pun intended
Apple, meet Orange?

They are very different games, and WoW has all 10 million plus people paying $15 a month while LoL has maybe 1/3 of the people paying money, 1/2 at best. As other have mentioned, it's not surprising that a Free to Play game has a larger number of active accounts as WoW, but what matters is how much money the company makes off the game.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Evil Alpaca said:
The real test for LoL will be how it compares to Dota2 by Valve.
There's nothing to compare. LoL has already been tested against HoN which is, from a gameplay perspective, a copy-paste of DotA(2). HoN has a superior infrastructure, but LoL was designed from the ground up to appeal to a broader audience than the "traditional" MOBA games in terms of mechanics, the success of which is made clear in this very article.

Those who preferred LoL over HoN will prefer LoL over Dota2. They may feel a slight dent in their userbase, while HoN is REALLY going to struggle with this one.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
As a LoL player I'dd be the first to ay that the community is no better then a CoD game...
But I played HoN for a while and... well... I wouldn't be suprised if HoN was shown to have the worst userbase in the world...

I was in a match where first blood wasn't till 10 mins in, a person got ganked, their entire team then started raging at them, spammed the chat with "FUKIN UNISTAL HON!" and then refused to leave the base for the rest of the match, even though we'd almost won.
And something like this happened every match.

At least in LoL theres a 1/3 or so chance to be matched with a good team.
And at least in LoL there are AI... newbies need to train on AI, HoN doesn't have AI and you can't create your own match till level 5.


New member
Sep 13, 2008
I am very pleased over the news that there are 2000000 Teemo casualties and the number Is rising, Truly Outrageous!

The Random One

New member
May 29, 2008
I can't fucking believe that a game finally took down WoW, and it's another god damn medieval fantasy game. I'll go cry under a fort of Terry Pratchett books now.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
I've never had an interest in this game's gameplay, but it's interesting to see it become so popular.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
Yeah, I have one of those accounts but I haven't touched it for a year.


Don't ask, or you won't know
Mar 16, 2011
NameIsRobertPaulson said:
I like League of Legends. I wish it liked ME more, but anyway. When many of my friends play at high levels (and Kyle Danger Henick is one my close friends) I have to play.

LoL just has the 3rd worst community on the planet. Even the players admit it.

I like how for the stats they show HotShotQQ, the poster child for why people hate LoL. Not wise marketing.


HotShotQQ, 3 weeks ago during a major tournament being streamed.
Uhhhh, on the poster it says HotShotGG
not QQ...