Leaked Metal Gear: Rising Trailer Outs Platinum as Developer [UPDATED]

Aurora Firestorm

New member
May 1, 2008

This looks really *neat*, but what on Earth does it have to do with Metal Gear, besides Raiden and what looked like a Ray in there? And what happened to Raiden's voice? Does he have the same voice actor? Will this be part of Metal Gear canon in any way?

Also, nitpick, the combat looks choppy. Raiden doesn't move smoothly. I hope they fix that up before the release. The enemies don't take hard blows; it looks like the sword passes right through them. The camera is twitchy, or it looks like it is.


New member
Feb 1, 2008
itsausernamewhatofit said:
I was much more excited about Metal Gear Solid: Rising than this. I find it kind of sad that they have to reboot a game that never came out.
I mean look this trailer screams MGS and has awesome looking swordplay:
Exactly. Too awesome for them to figure out how to make it challenging with predator stealth.

Personally I would've had a 'volume of fire' percentage (like camo) where you can't deflect more than a certain amount, or you have reduced mobility, so heavy guns from cyborgs may be 30% per target firing whilst regular AKs might only be 5-10%, so taking on all enemies at once is suicidal but picking off individual targets is good as long as you're facing them.

Also, Metal Gear Ac!d... nothing like the MGS series guys and less MGS than this is (seeing as the story is after the penultimate I'll just take it as non-canon).