Avnger said:
CritialGaming said:
CaitSeith said:
I mean. There is a spectrum, true, but it seems the cover doesn't reflect well where it is (otherwise probably it wouldn't be at Gamestop among the less lewd anime Switch games).
I dont understand what you mean by this? Are you implying that the Mature anime titty game shouldn't be sold at Gamestop where all the other mature games are sold? Are anime tits more mature than Red Dead Redemption, GTA, or Mortal Kombat? What are you saying?
[li] The cultural taboo around hyper-sexualized content in the West (and US in particular) is well-known. In fact, it's so well-known that I have a hard time seeing your post as anything other than being offended for the sake of being offended.
[li] RDR, GTA, and Mortal Kombat have 3 important qualities that push them beyond "mature anime titty game #675" in terms of general acceptance:
[li] They're games first and "violence simulators" (or whatever "double-standard" you're trying to be outraged about in your post) second while matg #675 is, generally, a softcore porn simulator first and a game second.
[li]They have massive advertising campaigns and/or pre-baked-in cultural acceptance from previous iterations.
[li]They're high-quality productions published and/or developed by brand-name companies.
1. I'm not offended, I just didn't understand the meaning to the original statement.
2. This makes no sense. Graphic violence is okay because the games are good? This all started because the person on twitter bought what they assumed would be a shallow titty anime game and ended up having a lot of fun with it, thus making it a good game. Any game that you have fun with is by default a good game (at least to you) right? Sure you might like a faulty game, but that doesn't mean the game is bad. For example if you have fun playing Fallout 76 or Anthem, they are good games to you.
You can say games like GTA, RDR, etc are games first but the aren't marketed that way. Mortal Kombat is marketed around the fatality system, not the greatness of the fighting engine. So to say they are advertises as games first and violence second is simply not true.
The point I'm making is that just cause a game is based around anime tits, or graphic violence, or felonious activity, doesn't mean it can't be a wonderfully valid gaming experience. As Gail found out after giving the anime boob game a chance. That's all I'm saying.
Neither kind of game is more valid than the other.