Let's play the superpower lottery!


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Sound conversion:
The power to absorb sound and convert it into various forms of energy

So what do I get if I convert Justin Bieber and One Direction CDs? Instant death to those near me of just the ability to attract tons of teenage girls?


New member
Jan 6, 2010
"Remote Teleportation" (= I can teleport other objects).
Pretty neat I guess, but I just wanted to fly :(


New member
May 20, 2011
Drakmorg said:
Wow, that's just...more useless than anything I could actually come up with on my own.
Besides, I'm agnostic, how does that even work?
Being agnostic doesn't mean that you can't believe in ghost (who posses people to in some religions/folks believing)
Also, tony stark have meat two god, and is still agnostic.
Capitan america did the same, and is still monoteist.
Hulk too. And he still doesn't give a crap.

It doesn actually matter what you believe in, it matter what there is in your dimmension: no ghost or demon? It is like not having power.
Dimension whit the being of cristian mhytology? Incredibly usefull power. You can't understand how good it's, try watch supernatural. Basically demon can't touch you, as the door of heel must be open for them to come out whit their own body. And you can stiil believe that they are not supernatural being but some high tecnological thing.

Froggy Slayer

New member
Jul 13, 2012
Soods said:
"Remote Teleportation" (= I can teleport other objects).
Pretty neat I guess, but I just wanted to fly :(
If you teleport really fast in the air, you could probably create the effect of flight.


New member
Jun 13, 2011

I got Astrological Physiology which allows me to tap the energies of astrological planets im not sure exactly what it does as the users are the Sailor Senshi (and now me ofc) from Sailor Moon apparently and I have never watched that show.

I hope I dont have to wear the uniform for these powers to work though.

EDIT: lol just tried again and got superpower prehensile tail a tail that can be used to grip things er maybe being a sailor scout isnt so bad after all


New member
Aug 11, 2011
Eye power manipulation

I'm fine with that, it's fairly broad and I get x-ray vision at the very least


New member
May 23, 2010

Property manipulation.
Seems appropriate, considering I came up with a sort of magic like this for my tabletop campaign.

When I clicked again I got shard manipulation.
"User can gather stray particles or ambient energy, shape them into fragments and control them"

Very appropriate in combination with Property manipulation.

Froggy Slayer

New member
Jul 13, 2012
Daystar Clarion said:

Do I win? :D
No, Daystar, you do not. For I have rerolled once more, and have gained the power of Dimensional Imprisonment! Have fun predicting the future when you're in the Phantom Zone!


New member
Jun 12, 2011
*random page*
*Angel Soul [http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Angel_Soul]*
...wat? What even is that? What the f**k does any of that mean? How is that even a superpower? I call bullsh*t.
*random page*
*Technoorganic Physiology [http://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Technorganic_Physiology]*

No social life

New member
Oct 27, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
KishinZero said:
TheNaut131 said:
KishinZero said:
TheNaut131 said:

So I can reverse powers, affecting their usefulness or strength and perhaps negate powers altogether...that's kinda lack luster but might be fun.

First off: Hey, God-like guys? You're pretty much fucked if you don't do the smart thing with your powers when you discover I exist.

Secondly: I'm gonna go through the thread and randomly reverse people's powers.

Sound okay? Okay.
I can negate peoples powers. So if you used it on me then I could give people powers. I smell a very successful business opportunity.
Might want to be careful there, someone could use their power to take their money back...unless you had someone there who could allow you to negate powers once again, just in case. But where would you find someone like that?

Are you proposing an alliance? If so then I would be willing to split the money however you see fit since you gave me the ability. Maybe I could eventually give someone the power that could beat Daystar! Victory is ours! Unless he would be willing to join us. It would certainly help, since he would know if they would be good or evil before I gave them powers.
Good luck with that.

If only there was some way of me knowing which person, when given powers, would be able to defeat me...

I can do that, Being Enlightened, I have a full understanding of everything and thus also can identify the required individual and I would also know how to give anyone any superpower or take it away.

Oh and Daystar, I would bee able to know the past, present and future, therefore I know how to get around that pesky super power of yours.
[sub]Enlightenment is a much more overpowered superpower than I initially thought.[/sub]
Jan 13, 2012
"Hmmm..... lets see here *clicks link*...... I'm gonna get a crap one aren't I? *Clicks random page*....*waiting*.... oh, the page has loaded, what lame power do I get...... Creation, fuck yeah! I'm god."

Aidan Goldthorpe

New member
Dec 17, 2010

Power Absorption

The power to steal some or all of the supernatural powers and abilities from others and make them one?s own.

Can I still be omnipotent now?
pffh said:

Well I guess I won since as my first act I'll remove omnipotence as a possible superpower for others.

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
I got Kinetic Energy Absorption.
The user is able to absorb kinetic energy, the energy created by movement and use it in various ways, such as augmenting their strength and regeneration of their bodies.
Sounds like a pretty good win to me.
Dec 14, 2009
Asuka Soryu said:
Daystar Clarion said:
Froggy Slayer said:
Daystar Clarion said:

The user has instinctive knowledge of events before they happen, and often knows an enemy's every move and intention before said enemy even decides them.

Do I win? :D
Just because you know that something will happen doesn't mean you can act on it. You might know that a guy is going to shoot you, but won't be able to dodge the bullet.
If I know where thy're going to aim, of course I can :D
Ah, but if they themselves are immensely faster then you, even if you try to avoid by knowing, they can alter before you can move your body and strike you down. :3 Reminds me of when Lee kicked Sasuke's ass, despite Sasuke's eyes letting him see Lee's full movements in slow motion.
You don't get how prescience works do you :D

I'd know that. It doesn't just let me see a person's attack before they do it, but also all possible futures. If I knew someone was too fast for me to beat, I wouldn't be in a situation where they can beat me in the first place :D


New member
Aug 5, 2012
I got Spacial Slicing
-The ability to slice through space itself.
Ok.....Pretty cool except I don't go to space