Let's play the superpower lottery!


Don't ask, or you won't know
Mar 16, 2011
Logic Manipulation....

the image of it is lolsy
(http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120216025342/powerlisting/images/thumb/6/6c/SlapHappy-780567.jpg/250px-SlapHappy-780567.jpg) laugh if you will

but yeah, at least I lucked a pony as a user...
even if it is pinkie... *shudder*


New member
May 13, 2010

Yeah, Desert Adaptation.

"The user can to survive in desert conditions, with the capability to go longer without water or food and to use it more efficiently (including reduced need for sustenance), skin or body systems which better deal with heat (reducing its intake, tolerating it, or getting rid of it) and cold of desert as well as the ever-present sand, and perhaps coloration close to the color of the desert environment."


Well whoop-de-fucking-do! \0/



New member
Apr 1, 2012
Chaos manipulation - User can control all the chaotic forces in the universe, allowing them to manipulate probability or manipulate and even shatter reality. They are able to chance, mutate, destroy or otherwise manipulate any matter, space/time, living beings, organizations or minds and spirits.

Alot of dark potential but I think I'd just use it mostly for the 'hilarity ensues' factor.

lord Claincy Ffnord

New member
Feb 23, 2012
black Earth Manipulation: 'User is able to manipulate the darker, destructive aspects of the earth, as well as powers associated with them. These include powers dealing with death, pollution and natural disasters, among others. '

Hmmm, not bad, would have liked something with practical non-destructive uses, ah well.


New member
Nov 20, 2009
Weapon Infusion

The ability to empower anything the user touches (usually a weapon) with energy, the elements or magic.

I shall infuse a butter knife with LIGHTNING! FEAR ME!


New member
Apr 7, 2011
Mysticism, with the powers to Manipulate/Create/Mimic Objects, Spirits,and Powers.

That sounds... Somewhat boring, since I hate all Superpowers that has with conjuring and/or mimic objects and people :/ *I love conjuring if I can conjure gigantic demonic beasts hell-bent on destroying the earth while still following my orders*


Positively Insane
Mar 14, 2011
Faery physiology.
"The power to use the abilities of faeries." What an incredibly nondescriptive description.

Hmmm, according to the wiki, people who weren't originally a faery tend to become a physical faery, whose powers include enhanced or supernatural condition, malleable anatomy, some form of immortality, flight and some forms of magic. Sounds awesome!
Dec 14, 2009
Froggy Slayer said:
Daystar Clarion said:

Do I win? :D
No, Daystar, you do not. For I have rerolled once more, and have gained the power of Dimensional Imprisonment! Have fun predicting the future when you're in the Phantom Zone!
Good luck being able to find me in order to imprison me :D

No social life said:
Daystar Clarion said:
KishinZero said:
TheNaut131 said:
KishinZero said:
TheNaut131 said:

So I can reverse powers, affecting their usefulness or strength and perhaps negate powers altogether...that's kinda lack luster but might be fun.

First off: Hey, God-like guys? You're pretty much fucked if you don't do the smart thing with your powers when you discover I exist.

Secondly: I'm gonna go through the thread and randomly reverse people's powers.

Sound okay? Okay.
I can negate peoples powers. So if you used it on me then I could give people powers. I smell a very successful business opportunity.
Might want to be careful there, someone could use their power to take their money back...unless you had someone there who could allow you to negate powers once again, just in case. But where would you find someone like that?

Are you proposing an alliance? If so then I would be willing to split the money however you see fit since you gave me the ability. Maybe I could eventually give someone the power that could beat Daystar! Victory is ours! Unless he would be willing to join us. It would certainly help, since he would know if they would be good or evil before I gave them powers.
Good luck with that.

If only there was some way of me knowing which person, when given powers, would be able to defeat me...

I can do that, Being Enlightened, I have a full understanding of everything and thus also can identify the required individual and I would also know how to give anyone any superpower or take it away.

Oh and Daystar, I would bee able to know the past, present and future, therefore I know how to get around that pesky super power of yours.
[sub]Enlightenment is a much more overpowered superpower than I initially thought.[/sub]
I imagine we'd cancel each other out.


New member
Mar 2, 2012
Tectonic Plate Manipulation - "The power to manipulate the tectonic plates under the Earth's crust. Sub-power of Earth Manipulation and Magma Manipulation."

The picture kinda sucks, just a picture of the Earth cut in half so you can see plates/magma/the core. Yeah so, I can live with this power just fine.


New member
Apr 29, 2010
Nature Manipulation - Sounded lame at first, but then realised how incredibly broad it is.
I think I would mainly use it to play Minecraft with the planet though.


New member
Dec 18, 2010
Electromagnetokinetic Combat. wo0t

The ability to infuse Electromagnetism in one's physical combat. A technique of Electromagnetism Manipulation and a variation of Elemental Combat.

Quite cool ;)

No social life

New member
Oct 27, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
True we probably would cancel each other out, however I would have a "chance" of defeating you, unlike anyone else with a superpower that can't bend space and time to their will.

Therefore by that logic I would be your only true nemesis.
Dec 14, 2009
No social life said:
Daystar Clarion said:
True we probably would cancel each other out, however I would have a "chance" of defeating you, unlike anyone else with a superpower that can't bend space and time to their will.

Therefore by that logic I would be your only true nemesis.
Well, other than the cheaters with god powers, but nobody likes them anyway :D


New member
Feb 15, 2011

The user can physically remove anyone or anything from a specific place. May stem from Angelic or Demonic Mimicry, one of the various types of Magic, or be accessed via a device. This power can also be associated to nothingness-manipulation and astral-trapping.

Hmm. Depending on the scope of the place I can banish things from, this could possibly land me a job dealing with toxic waste, or perhaps give me a lot of fun with creative uses.

No social life

New member
Oct 27, 2010
Daystar Clarion said:
No social life said:
Daystar Clarion said:
True we probably would cancel each other out, however I would have a "chance" of defeating you, unlike anyone else with a superpower that can't bend space and time to their will.

Therefore by that logic I would be your only true nemesis.
Well, other than the cheaters with god powers, but nobody likes them anyway :D
That is exactly what I meant, a true nemesis is not some one that can either kill you off on a whim or someone that you can kill off at a whim, there must be a stalemate.