Lets talk about Girls that play video games


The Night Zombie
Sep 8, 2009
Trilligan said:
SonicKoala said:
[font color=red][/font]
I liked your post so much I borrowed it for another thread. Extremely well said. Thank you and/or sorry.
I noticed - And you are very welcome, I'm both happy and humbled that you found my point relevant enough to post elsewhere. So, thank you.


New member
Jun 18, 2012
Vault101 said:
Nieroshai said:
My fiancee worked at Gamestop, and was hit on all the time. She enjoys games as much as I do, but simply thinks of it as a pastime, not a lifestyle she has to impress people with via swag and advertising herself as p***y that can play COD with you.
honestly...who does think of it as a lifestyle? aside from the hardcore 24/7 MMO players I don't see how it is or should be a lifestyle
Well, personally, I think it's a matter of passion. Videogames are pretty much my life and soul. Not I don't have a life outside of that, but they're easily the biggest part of my life.

Captha: mushy peas. Eww.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Torrasque said:
Disclaimer: Obviously not all female gamers are like this. I know many female gamers that don't identify themselves as girl gamers, they just enjoy games
and thats another thing..where do you draw the line? am I not allowed to mentioned my gender much like "don't ask, don't tell?" (exageration I know, but still)

if I have the [i/]audacity[/i] to be attractive like that girl in the video will everything I do automatically get branded as "gurl gamer!"?

because (sorry cant use audio) the fact that she has a set up like this shows she's at least not a "I play angry birds and played COD on my boyfrend xbox once" type,

is she doing it for attention? well I don't know, somone said in the comments people asked for it

Clearing the Eye

New member
Jun 6, 2012
Chemical Alia said:
It's because they're kids, and this is the kind of stupid shit that kids do. This should be pretty obvious.

krazykidd said:
I just wanna see some girls in tournaments that is all . THAT is what will impress me. I know there are girl gamers out there . So what ? Anyone can play video games , just comon ladies show up at tournaments will you please? And not as spectators .Participate , and beat these guys , and show the world you are here.
Lol, how about if we make them instead? There's not too many of those, either.
You trying to make us all feel old? >_>


New member
Mar 30, 2011
I headshoot everyone the same and 'noob' conveniently works for both genders...


I cant deny I treat women differentelly, not just because hormones make me, but also: Contrary to common belief men and women are actualy different! Just like in real life there are differences in what I call them and what I expect them to do.

That does not mean I appreciate it when people start pasting the game chat full of cheesy pickup lines or when the whole game suddenly stops because half the server feels like trying to reproduce through their internet cable.

tl;dr: I play games to shoot at people, not to (cencored). But lets not fool oursleves, unconciously (or not) we still try to show off before the opposite gender.


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Vault101 said:
Torrasque said:
Disclaimer: Obviously not all female gamers are like this. I know many female gamers that don't identify themselves as girl gamers, they just enjoy games
and thats another thing..where do you draw the line? am I not allowed to mentioned my gender much like "don't ask, don't tell?" (exageration I know, but still)

if I have the [i/]audacity[/i] to be attractive like that girl in the video will everything I do automatically get branded as "gurl gamer!"?

because (sorry cant use audio) the fact that she has a set up like this shows she's at least not a "I play angry birds and played COD on my boyfrend xbox once" type,

is she doing it for attention? well I don't know, somone said in the comments people asked for it
I draw the line where the girl is obviously using it to gain attention.
When I say "I have several female gamer friends", I don't use that as a "woah now, I have girl gamer friends, so I'm OBVIOUSLY not sexist". I hate people that immediately throw up that kind of defence as if it makes everything they say perfectly reasonable and not inflammatory at all. I say that I have several female gamer friends because they are my proof that there are girls that play games and don't go out of their way to get attention. 2 of them are perfectly fine being called guys and will only correct people when directly asked.

I remember one time when this new person was applying to get into my guild, right at the beginning of their application, they had "I am a girl". This struck us as odd because gender wasn't asked of applicants. When some of us inquired about it, the girl said "I've had problems with some guilds where they denied my application once they found out I was a girl". That was silly, but perfectly fine. Most of the time when a girl would join in on our raids and be new to the guild, there'd be a few minutes (or a few encounters, depending on how vocal everyone was being) where everyone would poke fun at the new girl being a girl, but I just considered it normal ribbing. Everyone new went through that.
Another application a few months later, was an applicant that insisted on doing a verbal interview. She got it because she knew one of the officers, and a few of us non-officers were in vent at the time. Right at the start she busted out her SoCal valley girl voice (something that many of us knew as the "I am trying to sound sexy" voice) and the officer interviewing her just laughed. Throughout the interview, it seemed like she wanted us to let her in based on the fact that she was a girl, rather than the fact that she was a good healer. What I find ironic, is that when the officers convened to decide whether she'd get in or not, the 2 girl officers immediately shot her down. The other officers didn't object because they didn't like her gear and skill set up, but I still find it funny that the 2 girls (which you'd think would want another girl in a male saturated game) didn't want anything to deal with her.

Mr. GameBrain

New member
Aug 10, 2009
The way I see it, is just to assume everyone is male/gender neutral.
Gamers should be judged on their tastes and their skill, not on what set of genitals they have.

There are vocal minorities on both ends that sour both end's reputations. Its as simple as that.

I see both XxXSnipaz420XxX and SuperMegaAwesomeKittyGrrrl as idiots, and my mind won't be convinced otherwise unless they show some good taste or skill.

Sure, you can be attracted to a gal, but keep that to yourself. No one wants to see you gush over someone or give them "special treatment".
What they want is someone to compete/co-operate with. -_-


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Vault101 said:
Nieroshai said:
My fiancee worked at Gamestop, and was hit on all the time. She enjoys games as much as I do, but simply thinks of it as a pastime, not a lifestyle she has to impress people with via swag and advertising herself as p***y that can play COD with you.
honestly...who does think of it as a lifestyle? aside from the hardcore 24/7 MMO players I don't see how it is or should be a lifestyle
We wouldn't be having this conversation if people didn't. Honestly, this site wouldn't exist if people didn't make escapism the central focus of their lives. I have heard all too many gamers want a girl just because he thinks she might be a gamer too. Wanting a girlfriend with similar hobbies is one thing, but this goes beyond that to objectification of someone just because of a hobby. People moan about friendzoning and how the guy's just being a sore loser, but in this issue all of a sudden this isn't a thing.


New member
Dec 29, 2009
the vast majority of female gamers dont make a big deal about the fact that they play video games. you have probably played with many many many female gamers without even knowing it. most female gamers dont make their gender a big deal, in fact many even try to hide it because we know that guys will make it seem like a big deal, when it really really isnt. i cant speak for all girls but i certainly dont like being hit on by random guys (especially since i dont like guys) and i dont like people babysitting me or treating me as though being a girl means im less skilled at video games. these arent thing all guys have done, but certainly things a lot of guy gamers have done (in my experience). The girls who make "im a girl, look at me!" are probably either not real gamers or just want attention. heres the thing though, there are plenty of male gamers who do room tours or talk about their gaming setup, and have thousands, even millions, of views. this girl didnt seem to be making a big deal about the fact that shes a female. this video doesnt really seem any different from videos ive seen from pete dorr, and i havent seen anyone commenting on his videos about how people are only watching because hes a guy

Mr. GameBrain

New member
Aug 10, 2009
00slash00 said:
the vast majority of female gamers dont make a big deal about the fact that they play video games. you have probably played with many many many female gamers without even knowing it. most female gamers dont make their gender a big deal, in fact many even try to hide it because we know that guys will make it seem like a big deal, when it really really isnt. i cant speak for all girls but i certainly dont like being hit on by random guys (especially since i dont like guys) and i dont like people babysitting me or treating me as though being a girl means im less skilled at video games. these arent thing all guys have done, but certainly things a lot of guy gamers have done (in my experience). The girls who make "im a girl, look at me!" are probably either not real gamers or just want attention. heres the thing though, there are plenty of male gamers who do room tours or talk about their gaming setup, and have thousands, even millions, of views. this girl didnt seem to be making a big deal about the fact that shes a female. this video doesnt really seem any different from videos ive seen from pete dorr, and i havent seen anyone commenting on his videos about how people are only watching because hes a guy
I'm going to have to run around youtube going "Pecs or GTFO!" now! XD

OR "Get back to the Shed and make me a table!"

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
Clearing the Eye said:
Chemical Alia said:
It's because they're kids, and this is the kind of stupid shit that kids do. This should be pretty obvious.

krazykidd said:
I just wanna see some girls in tournaments that is all . THAT is what will impress me. I know there are girl gamers out there . So what ? Anyone can play video games , just comon ladies show up at tournaments will you please? And not as spectators .Participate , and beat these guys , and show the world you are here.
Lol, how about if we make them instead? There's not too many of those, either.
You trying to make us all feel old? >_>
Never do I feel so old as when people don't seem to realize that a lot of the stupidity they regularly witness is the result of being young and immature, and a pretty expected part of growing up in one way or another.

This makes me feel old pretty often v:


New member
Jan 8, 2010
1) Most female gamers don?t actually do this, it?s just you don?t notice them. Yes they are fucking annoying and some are only doing to get attention. It's sad that this shit actually works.

2) Since a lot of people assume everyone they talk to in an online game is male, assume every girl they meet isn?t into gaming, are still hell bent on denying female gamers are actually common or insist they only play games like the Sims, think all girls are incompent when it comes to anything related to technology or think that all female gamers are either unattractive and/or are tomboys. Is it surprising that some girls feel the need to broadcast the fact that they game and are not like that? Especially when ?female gamers aren?t a significant market? is use as a defence every time people take issue with the way females in games are portrayed or how games are marketed.

3) You get accused of being an attention whore for everything. Update a facebook status with something gaming related? You?re an attention whore. Have a gamer tag that is in any way feminine? You?re an attention whore. Use a mic? You?re an attention whore. Correct someone who refers to you as he or just don?t lie when asked if you?re male or female? Obviously you?re an attention whore. Apparently to be a ?real girl gamer? you have to stick your head in the sand and pretend to be male.

4) Did we really need another of these?

Edit: after watching the whole video I would hardly class that as grrl gamer attention whoring. A lot of guys have made videos of their setups too and it was requested. So see point 3.

Clearing the Eye

New member
Jun 6, 2012
Chemical Alia said:
Clearing the Eye said:
Chemical Alia said:
It's because they're kids, and this is the kind of stupid shit that kids do. This should be pretty obvious.

krazykidd said:
I just wanna see some girls in tournaments that is all . THAT is what will impress me. I know there are girl gamers out there . So what ? Anyone can play video games , just comon ladies show up at tournaments will you please? And not as spectators .Participate , and beat these guys , and show the world you are here.
Lol, how about if we make them instead? There's not too many of those, either.
You trying to make us all feel old? >_>
Never do I feel so old as when people don't seem to realize that a lot of the stupidity they regularly witness is the result of being young and immature, and a pretty expected part of growing up in one way or another.

This makes me feel old pretty often v:
It makes it worse that I'm listening to Joy Division and other such music published in the 70's.

You know shit's bad when a twenty-year-old feels, lol.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Torrasque said:
]I draw the line where the girl is obviously using it to gain attention.
When I say "I have several female gamer friends", I don't use that as a "woah now, I have girl gamer friends, so I'm OBVIOUSLY not sexist". I hate people that immediately throw up that kind of defence as if it makes everything they say perfectly reasonable and not inflammatory at all.
I agree there

[quote/]I say that I have several female gamer friends because they are my proof that there are girls that play games and don't go out of their way to get attention. 2 of them are perfectly fine being called guys and will only correct people when directly asked.[/quote]
yeah...its kind of silly though that we need to "prove" things...which isnt helped by "omg god guys have you ever seen a gamer girl?}

I'm not exactally familiar with WOW but I didnt know guilds and rading was such serious buisness

also are the majority of girls healers?

[quote/] What I find ironic, is that when the officers convened to decide whether she'd get in or not, the 2 girl officers immediately shot her down. The other officers didn't object because they didn't like her gear and skill set up, but I still find it funny that the 2 girls (which you'd think would want another girl in a male saturated game) didn't want anything to deal with her.[/quote]

well I figured that would be pretty obvious why....she obviously thourght she could get through based on her gender alone...and the other two were like "yeah...no"


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
DementedSheep said:
1)3) You get accuses of being an attention whore for everything. Update a facebook status with something gaming related? You?re an attention whore. Have a gamer tag that is in any way feminine? You?re an attention whore. Use a mic? You?re an attention whore. Correct someone who refers to you as he or just don?t lie when asked if you?re male or female? Obviously you?re an attention whore. Apparently to be a ?real girl gamer? you have to stick your head in the sand and pretend to be male.

4) Did we really need another of these?
and god help you if you have the nerve to be attractive


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Phasmal said:
Oh do we freaking have to?

I am a girl that plays games. So when people ask me on a game if I am a girl, I say yes. Or if a reference is made that makes it clear I am a girl, I confirm it.
This alone has gotten me accusations of `showing off` (which I totally don't understand).
The only special treatment I have gotten from male gamers is harrassment. And yet I'm constantly hearing about how dudes apparently bend over backwards for female gamers.

Why do you CARE so much if a few girls enjoy attention that males give them freely? Nobody's being cheated there.

You don't need to identify as a male gamer because people will automatically assume that's what you are when you say `gamer`, which is why I say I am a `girl gamer`. What is the big deal.
I actually care, mostly because A: I hate when people try to manipulate me (which some are) and B, I hate when others get easily manipulated (which some guys will be). It has cost me hard-earned loot in MMORPGs, guild-spots and raid-spots.
It's special treatment, it's unfair, and it's honestly sexist. It may or may not be bad for women in general to be still be treated like they are on a pedestal, just because they have boobs, but I really don't care about that. What annoys me is that I know some (not all, but some), that activlely use their "I'm a girl"-tactic to manipulate people, and it fucking bothers me.
Just because you are a sad, lone and pathetic person that manages to get manipulated by a few nice words over a microphone, doesn't mean it's the right thing to do.

Though, if said girl isn't even trying, it's just the guys I hate. The stupid, stupid guys.

Chemical Alia

New member
Feb 1, 2011
Clearing the Eye said:
This makes me feel old pretty often v:
It makes it worse that I'm listening to Joy Division and other such music published in the 70's.

You know shit's bad when a twenty-year-old feels, lol.[/quote]

Haha, I still got ten years on you AND I saw Friends on Nick at Night last week DDD:


New member
Aug 6, 2010
Vault101 said:
Torrasque said:
]I draw the line where the girl is obviously using it to gain attention.
When I say "I have several female gamer friends", I don't use that as a "woah now, I have girl gamer friends, so I'm OBVIOUSLY not sexist". I hate people that immediately throw up that kind of defence as if it makes everything they say perfectly reasonable and not inflammatory at all.
I agree there

[quote/]I say that I have several female gamer friends because they are my proof that there are girls that play games and don't go out of their way to get attention. 2 of them are perfectly fine being called guys and will only correct people when directly asked.
yeah...its kind of silly though that we need to "prove" things...which isnt helped by "omg god guys have you ever seen a gamer girl?}

I'm not exactally familiar with WOW but I didnt know guilds and rading was such serious buisness

also are the majority of girls healers?

[quote/] What I find ironic, is that when the officers convened to decide whether she'd get in or not, the 2 girl officers immediately shot her down. The other officers didn't object because they didn't like her gear and skill set up, but I still find it funny that the 2 girls (which you'd think would want another girl in a male saturated game) didn't want anything to deal with her.[/quote]

well I figured that would be pretty obvious why....she obviously thourght she could get through based on her gender alone...and the other two were like "yeah...no"[/quote]I'll be brief in my explanation:

There are basically 2 kinds of guilds in WoW: casual guilds and serious guilds. The casual guilds are where people do dungeons, leveling, and hang out together. Its basically a group of friends to do stuff with. Most of the guilds in WoW are casual guilds. Serious guilds do all of that, but focus on raiding. The world's "best" guilds have a very rigorous application process to get the best of the best applying to their guild. Most of the things that they check for don't actually filter out good players from bad ones, but that is a different topic I don't feel like getting into. In short, the better the guild (raid progression wise) the harder it is to get into said guild. Mine was 3rd on the server (so it was alright) and we had a pretty laidback application process, but we still covered out bases to make sure people weren't getting free loot then running off with our hard earned shinies.

In my guild, we had 5 girls, and 3 of them healed. The other 2 had healing offspecs, or a toon that was ready to heal if needed. I'm pretty sure most of the healers in MMO's are female, but its hard to say. I know alliance side had an overwhelming majority of female healers. Most girls didn't like to tank. Out of all the girls I knew in WoW, only 1 tanked, and she fucking loved it. Most of the other ones preferred healing or dps.

That makes sense. The girls would be more likely to pick up on the "she's trying to use her boobs to get her loot" thing since most guys are blinded by boobs. I guess it is the same as a guy trying to get in because how much he can bench; which would be absolutely hilarious imo.


New member
Jan 2, 2012
i just roll my eyes when people bring up my gender while i'm gaming, although i get as much attention from being female as i do for being Australian, it's weird really... anyway, Thankfully I don't cop a lot of the sexism or pigheaded attitudes you find on the internet.

I think the girls who go out of their way to say they're a "girl gamer" really get up my nose, they are setting themselves up for the sexist comments and pigheadedness and then they go "OMG people are SO rude!" blah, blah, blah, and overreact and all female gamers get labelled for it.

Oh, by the way, krazykidd, I do enter gaming tournaments, regularly.