To answer your question: It's simplicity itself: Their called CASH-INS; sub-whores (and no, I don't call them 'whores' because they're girls, that's just the way the term goes); or, to put it plainly, attention-seekers. She knows she's female, and she knows that that'll get her attention from all the macho twats out there, who only come in contact with girls on buses and on public places, so she uses that to get a lot of subs, become a YT partner, and start getting ad revenue money. See? Simple.
It sounds as though I'm ragging on these chicks, but I'm really not. They're not to blame for their success (not fully, at least). It's we, the idiot male gamers who leap on to anything that has breasts and can talk, who are to blame. And yeah, I understand that it's enjoyable to see Ms. Hotty-Asian McHotpants be hot and talk about games at the same time, but then we shouldn't complain when we're called out for being douchy, sexist douche-nozzles because that's exactly what we are. In my opinion, both parties are to blame here, and the sooner we start ignoring them, the better it'll be.
As Yahtzee once put it(and I'm paraphrasing): The nerd is a tiresomely-predictable creature, to whom the promise of boobies is like something, something I forgot, go check out one of the two Tomb Raider reviews, and you'll hear it yourself. But he had a point. We're way too predictable and thus easily-exploitable. If only we'd grow a brain and stop acting like kids every time we witness a person with an xx chromosome playing games. But alas...
It sounds as though I'm ragging on these chicks, but I'm really not. They're not to blame for their success (not fully, at least). It's we, the idiot male gamers who leap on to anything that has breasts and can talk, who are to blame. And yeah, I understand that it's enjoyable to see Ms. Hotty-Asian McHotpants be hot and talk about games at the same time, but then we shouldn't complain when we're called out for being douchy, sexist douche-nozzles because that's exactly what we are. In my opinion, both parties are to blame here, and the sooner we start ignoring them, the better it'll be.
As Yahtzee once put it(and I'm paraphrasing): The nerd is a tiresomely-predictable creature, to whom the promise of boobies is like something, something I forgot, go check out one of the two Tomb Raider reviews, and you'll hear it yourself. But he had a point. We're way too predictable and thus easily-exploitable. If only we'd grow a brain and stop acting like kids every time we witness a person with an xx chromosome playing games. But alas...