Let's Talk Top 5 RPG's


New member
Mar 25, 2015
While I am happy to see such a response in this thread, I feel like a lot of your have missed my point.

I see a lot of your lists have what I would call "Classics", games like Chrono Trigger, Zelda (which isn't an RPG in any sense of the word), and Final Fantasy 7.

Look I'm not denying that these are great games. Fantastic games, and it's your list. But I was hoping people would take another look at the RPG spectrum. Final Fantasy 7 is one of my top 5 favorite games of all time. But I can't call it the best RPG anymore. There have been countless games that have done what FF7 has done but better.

Try to remove the classics from your mind. Instead build on them. Take what you loved about those games and look into more recent history. Ask yourself if you have played any games that have taken the RPG formula and done it better than those past games.

What games have done the Final Fantasy thing, but better?
What about Pokemon or Chrono Trigger?


Elite Member
Jul 16, 2013
jademunky said:
5) Xenogears, yeah it is a JRPG, it is also mechanically fun, involves martial artists, Giant Robots and Giant Robots who also practice martial arts (because Japan). It also happens to have a 60-hour long story that spans 4000+ years that could only have also been written in Japan. Also it involves angsty teenagers using the power of friendship to kill (and thus liberate?)God.
That storyline was wack. I even read the Perfect Works translation back in the day to understand it better. The ending is like the protagonists as literal reincarnations of Jungian philosophical concepts(Lacan? *cough*) versus an immortal nanomachine colony who went bonkers after his unrequited love died and now wants to obliterate the human race by transcending it into a higher 'wave' existence through the resurrection of some ancient evil but eventually sees the errors of his ways by witnessing the power of love after having been merged with the female protagonist and letting her go which reminded him of his unrequited love and this enlightenment now sets him free to 'walk with god' into non-existence.

I was a major fan of Xenogears and actually hoped Xenosaga would have been a proper prequel which ofcourse was impossible considering Xenogears is (then) Squaresoft's IP and Xenosaga Bamco's. Also unfortunately with the Xenosaga series being cut short from 6 to 3 games due to disappointing sales we would never have definite closure. Still though I always wished Xenosaga would have ended with the departure of the Eldritch so that it looped back to Xenogears' intro scene bringing it full circle.

People who think Dark Souls lore is dense probably never played Xenogears. :p Still my most favorite JRPG after FF7.


New member
Feb 26, 2012
1. Mass Effect trilogy - much the same reasons as everyone. The characters, the world and the sensation of going around saving the galaxy.
2. DA:O - similar to the above.
3. Skyrim - Any game that can make "play for just an hour" turn into play for 3 hours is a good game in my book. There's definitely room for improvement but it has twice sucked me in (first time I bought it and the special edition) so I can't ignore it.
4. Harebrained's Shadowrun games - They nail the cyberpunk tone so well that I become more inclined to actually role-play as someone who would live in this world rather than as myself. The X-com-lite combat is enjoyable with all the different options between magic, robots, guns or slicing a guy's face with your cybernetic claws.
5. Modded Kotor 2 - Once you fix the issues with cut content and bugs there's a great game that takes a very interesting look at the Star Wars mythos.

Do note I have not played any of the Souls, Witcher, Deus Ex, Persona games or the new crop of crpgs to completion yet.


New member
Mar 7, 2012
I dunno how to really make a list because what constitutes an RPG has become so broadly defined. Souls games, Persona series, Bethesda and Bioware game all constitute as RPGs, yet they are such apple and oranges as far as both gaming and narrative experiences. Bloodborne is probably my favourite Soulsbourne game, but is probably the worst game as an actual RPG in that franchise. I can list a bunch of examples of those franchises that I've enjoyed and would end up on my list of favourites over the year, but I wouldn't even know how to begin to compare them or rank them, since I enjoy them in completely different ways from each other.

bjj hero

New member
Feb 4, 2009
CritialGaming said:
While I am happy to see such a response in this thread, I feel like a lot of your have missed my point.

I see a lot of your lists have what I would call "Classics", games like Chrono Trigger, Zelda (which isn't an RPG in any sense of the word), and Final Fantasy 7.

Look I'm not denying that these are great games. Fantastic games, and it's your list. But I was hoping people would take another look at the RPG spectrum. Final Fantasy 7 is one of my top 5 favorite games of all time. But I can't call it the best RPG anymore. There have been countless games that have done what FF7 has done but better.

Try to remove the classics from your mind. Instead build on them. Take what you loved about those games and look into more recent history. Ask yourself if you have played any games that have taken the RPG formula and done it better than those past games.

What games have done the Final Fantasy thing, but better?
What about Pokemon or Chrono Trigger?
The thing is, I feel like Ive been there and done that now. Ive been playing rpgs since before consoles were a thing. My favourite RPG is from 1993.

Im not playing RPGs anymore really. Ive played DA:O, ME and Witcher 2 but thats about it. The thought of another JRPG fills me with disgust. Ive played them to death over a good 20 years or so.

Im probably not the one to add new, innovative RPGs. Ill take secret of mana, phantasy star 4 or shiningforce instead.
Jan 19, 2016
#1 Dragon Age Origins (PC) - My intro to Bioware games. Got me back into PC gaming, and still my favourite game of all time.

#2 Witcher 3 (PC) - Takes what many other games have done before and does it all better.

#3 Bloodborne (PS4) - Incredible atmosphere and aesthetic, married to fantastic combat and an intriguing (if confusing) story. BB was the first time I "got" the Souls experience.

#4 World of Warcraft (PC) - Its longevity speaks for itself. The biggest and most successful MMO ever; I still play it daily, and still do progression raiding.

#5 Eye of the Beholder (Amiga) - Probably the first RPG I ever put serious hours into. I never did finish it (this was in the days before looking stuff up online), but the memories of playing it remain.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
KissingSunlight said:
South Park: The Stick of Truth: I played about half of this game. I stopped when it was becoming redundant.
I was really liking it a lot until I realized the enemies were powering up with my characters. It killed the sense of advancement for me. And the fun. I like a little challenge but when grinding in an RPG, part of the fun is you can now easily blow away earlier enemies. Not so here.

Skyrim: This game have been a pleasant diversion. However, it seems like something you would play when you have a lot of time on your hands. I may come back to it in the future.
Bored me until I discovered mods on PC. Then I had an unmitigated blast with it. It just got Game Informer's #1 RPG out of 100.

Fallout 3: This was a game I needed to play more consistently. I completely forgot what I learned in the tutorial. So, I ended up floundering around until I gave up.
Get back to it! In my all time top 10 anyway. I had the PS3 GOTY version and played for over 100 hours.

I'm playing 4 now. Not enjoying it quite as much but it is good too.

I've got KOTOR for PC. I have to give it a chance.


Elite Member
Mar 4, 2014
CritialGaming said:
While I am happy to see such a response in this thread, I feel like a lot of your have missed my point.

I see a lot of your lists have what I would call "Classics", games like Chrono Trigger, Zelda (which isn't an RPG in any sense of the word), and Final Fantasy 7.

Look I'm not denying that these are great games. Fantastic games, and it's your list. But I was hoping people would take another look at the RPG spectrum. Final Fantasy 7 is one of my top 5 favorite games of all time. But I can't call it the best RPG anymore. There have been countless games that have done what FF7 has done but better.

Try to remove the classics from your mind. Instead build on them. Take what you loved about those games and look into more recent history. Ask yourself if you have played any games that have taken the RPG formula and done it better than those past games.

What games have done the Final Fantasy thing, but better?
What about Pokemon or Chrono Trigger?
This doesn't really address me, since I didn't post any of those games on my list, but isn't the point of this to post personal favorites? If so, it's understandable that games considered to be classics would end up on a personal favorites list regardless.

Likewise, to answer your question at the end, I can't answer what games did "the Final Fantasy thing, but better," as I've only played FFX, where the closest RPG I can think of to that is Lord of the Rings: The Third Age, and FFX, for all its flaws, is still better than that game (which I did enjoy at the time actually). Can't comment on Chrono Trigger, whereas as for Pokemon, Gold/Silver/Crystal would probably come in at #11 on my top RPGs, no idea where Red/Blue/Yellow would. Didn't play beyond Gen 2.

If anything, I'm well aware that I haven't played many, if any of the 'classics' of the genre. Make of that what you will.


AccursedT- see you space cowboy
Jun 6, 2013
1. Dark Souls
2. FF7
3. Bloodborne
4. Persona 4
5. Nier Automata


I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
MysticSlayer said:
4). Paper Mario 64: Simple? Yes. But boy does it have plenty of charm!
You'd really rate 64 higher than The Thousand Year Door? How come? Not many people would do that.

CritialGaming said:
While I am happy to see such a response in this thread, I feel like a lot of your have missed my point.

I see a lot of your lists have what I would call "Classics", games like Chrono Trigger, Zelda (which isn't an RPG in any sense of the word), and Final Fantasy 7.

Look I'm not denying that these are great games. Fantastic games, and it's your list. But I was hoping people would take another look at the RPG spectrum. Final Fantasy 7 is one of my top 5 favorite games of all time. But I can't call it the best RPG anymore. There have been countless games that have done what FF7 has done but better.

Try to remove the classics from your mind. Instead build on them. Take what you loved about those games and look into more recent history. Ask yourself if you have played any games that have taken the RPG formula and done it better than those past games.

What games have done the Final Fantasy thing, but better?
What about Pokemon or Chrono Trigger?
This doesn't make any sense. Why would you ask people to list their top 5 RPGs "of all time" and then get upset with them when they don't leave out their favorite games because you don't think they are that good anymore. If you didn't want older games, you should have restricted the thread to "from the last 10 years" or something like that.


New member
May 7, 2016
1: Jagged Alliance 2
2: Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar
3: Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark Savant
4: Wasteland
5: Ultima 5: Warriors of Destiny


Nascent Orca
Jun 21, 2012
Drathnoxis said:
MysticSlayer said:
4). Paper Mario 64: Simple? Yes. But boy does it have plenty of charm!
You'd really rate 64 higher than The Thousand Year Door? How come? Not many people would do that.

CritialGaming said:
While I am happy to see such a response in this thread, I feel like a lot of your have missed my point.

I see a lot of your lists have what I would call "Classics", games like Chrono Trigger, Zelda (which isn't an RPG in any sense of the word), and Final Fantasy 7.

Look I'm not denying that these are great games. Fantastic games, and it's your list. But I was hoping people would take another look at the RPG spectrum. Final Fantasy 7 is one of my top 5 favorite games of all time. But I can't call it the best RPG anymore. There have been countless games that have done what FF7 has done but better.

Try to remove the classics from your mind. Instead build on them. Take what you loved about those games and look into more recent history. Ask yourself if you have played any games that have taken the RPG formula and done it better than those past games.

What games have done the Final Fantasy thing, but better?
What about Pokemon or Chrono Trigger?
This doesn't make any sense. Why would you ask people to list their top 5 RPGs "of all time" and then get upset with them when they don't leave out their favorite games because you don't think they are that good anymore. If you didn't want older games, you should have restricted the thread to "from the last 10 years" or something like that.
I'm currently replaying System Shock 2. First time since the early 2000s, well before Bioshock 1. It used to be one of my favourite RPGs. Now I'm getting to the stage where I think its little better than a COD progression system. I can recognise that even Skyrim's RPG is far superior than System Shock and a lot of complaints about Bioshock's lack of RPGness stems from System Shock. I think this would an example of what Critical is talking about. I don't know how you would do that unless you actually replayed them though.

Wrex Brogan

New member
Jan 28, 2016
CritialGaming said:
While I am happy to see such a response in this thread, I feel like a lot of your have missed my point.

I see a lot of your lists have what I would call "Classics", games like Chrono Trigger, Zelda (which isn't an RPG in any sense of the word), and Final Fantasy 7.

Look I'm not denying that these are great games. Fantastic games, and it's your list. But I was hoping people would take another look at the RPG spectrum. Final Fantasy 7 is one of my top 5 favorite games of all time. But I can't call it the best RPG anymore. There have been countless games that have done what FF7 has done but better.

Try to remove the classics from your mind. Instead build on them. Take what you loved about those games and look into more recent history. Ask yourself if you have played any games that have taken the RPG formula and done it better than those past games.

What games have done the Final Fantasy thing, but better?
What about Pokemon or Chrono Trigger?
I dunno about you man, but classic for me is the good ol' NES days, and compared to them Final Fantasy VII really did shake up the formula for everything RPG. Yeah there's been a lot of more modern games that have played with the formula - Final Fantasy itself has screwed around with it quite a bit too - but going 'All time' FFVII is still a solid staple on the list of favourite RPGs given how much I enjoyed, and still enjoy, playing it.

I will say that Xenoblade Chronicles nearly knocked it off my list though, since I enjoyed the hell out of that one and it also did quite a lot of different things with the RPG formula. Lost a lot of points on the sidequests however - I like my sidequests to be a little better crafted than a shotgun-scattering of a few hundred pick-up/kill quests. That also inexplicably have you fighting level 87 monsters in a level 16 zone. Kinda gets stuck in 6th after that, appropriate level-balancing of side missions is more important than it looks.

[sub]And besides, didn't you put Horizon Zero Dawn as one of yours? Can't criticize Zelda when that's on your list, eh? :p[/sub]


New member
Oct 15, 2009
1 - Knights of the Old Republic
2 - Dragon Age Origins PC
3 - Planetscape Torment
4 - Mass Effect
5 - Diablo 2


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Since everyone's already said my fave RPG's (Neverwinter Nights, Skyrim, and Guild Wars) I think I'll break the mold here and say,

Final Fantasy - Which one, you say? That one. The very first one. And what was supposed to be the last too. I've seen a lot of the Final Fantasy stories, but the one that stole me away the most... Was the first. Specifically the climax/ending. The development story for it was epic as well, and it has the honor of one of the best video game titles. The big problem with it though (and it is a very huge one) is the combat. It's soooo old and dated. And the entire middle section of it drags, being packed to the brim with boring ass fetch quests. Definitely a game that is in dire need of a remake. Fuck VII. There, I said it. I want the first one remade from the ground up. THE Final Fantasy.

Minecraft - Needs no explanation. Play it with Mystcraft. Seriously, PLAY MYSTCRAFT. The mod author is a self-admitted algorithm genius.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Drathnoxis said:
This doesn't make any sense. Why would you ask people to list their top 5 RPGs "of all time" and then get upset with them when they don't leave out their favorite games because you don't think they are that good anymore. If you didn't want older games, you should have restricted the thread to "from the last 10 years" or something like that.
I never said "all time". In fact I purposely issued this as a challenge to people to look at some of those "classic" games and think about more recent games that did things better. Better graphics, better writing, better mechanics, just better. I wanted people to think outside their comfort zone and look at things in a different way, perhaps giving credit to games that they wouldn't outwise give the credit too.

If you want all time. My list would be as follows:
1. Final Fantasy7
2. Xenogears
3. Rogue Galaxy
4. World of Warcraft
5. The Witcher 3


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Arnoxthe1 said:
Since everyone's already said my fave RPG's (Neverwinter Nights, Skyrim, and Guild Wars) I think I'll break the mold here and say,

Final Fantasy - Which one, you say? That one. The very first one. And what was supposed to be the last too. I've seen a lot of the Final Fantasy stories, but the one that stole me away the most... Was the first. Specifically the climax/ending. The development story for it was epic as well, and it has the honor of one of the best video game titles. The big problem with it though (and it is a very huge one) is the combat. It's soooo old and dated. And the entire middle section of it drags, being packed to the brim with boring ass fetch quests. Definitely a game that is in dire need of a remake. Fuck VII. There, I said it. I want the first one remade from the ground up. THE Final Fantasy.

Minecraft - Needs no explanation. Play it with Mystcraft. Seriously, PLAY MYSTCRAFT. The mod author is a self-admitted algorithm genius.
You are simply just wrong here. :p. You can't roll up into my thread and diss FF7 bro. Them is fighting words. Actually now that I think about it. The first game was pretty good...but nah...FF7 bro. All the way! :)

Minecraft actually does need an explanation for me. Number one, it isn't an RPG in any sense. The base game has no story, no level up mechanics, nothing that can classify it as an RPG in any way. Additionally I do not believe a game deserves any top places in any list if you need outside mods to make it good/great. This is why I don't like people praising SKyrim and talking about how awesome the modding community is. If it is the mods that make a game great then the game itself isn't good, only the mod is good. So I can't count it.


New member
Mar 25, 2015
Wrex Brogan said:
[sub]And besides, didn't you put Horizon Zero Dawn as one of yours? Can't criticize Zelda when that's on your list, eh? :p[/sub]
Zelda, especially the older games, are not rpg's. They just aren't. Not saying they aren't really good games, but they aren't rpgs. Where are the level up mechanics? Where is the gear customization? The different variety of spells? The only Zelda that even comes close is Breath of the Wild, but that's not even that close either because the customized equipment breaks so it isn't customized as much as it is merely being rotated around constantly. Though there are outfits that provide different buffs and such, so that gets it close.

Horizon on the other hand, does have these mechanics throughout the game. Alloy levels up, has customizable skills, equipment, and different styles of combat depending on your spec. In addition it has a much stronger story focus than any Zelda game ever, and a much more interesting open world than even something like Elder Scrolls games has.

That's just my opinion on it, and how I justify Horizon being a top 5 RPG.


New member
Feb 3, 2010
Smithnikov said:
1: Jagged Alliance 2
2: Ultima 4: Quest of the Avatar
3: Wizardry 7: Crusaders of the Dark Savant
4: Wasteland
5: Ultima 5: Warriors of Destiny
Sir, I love your list and in many ways feel like it makes you my new best friend, but I take serious umbrage with your inclusion of the wholly excellent Jagged Alliance 2 as "an RPG". It is clearly a turn based tactical game with mild RPG elements. This reckless genre blending will not stand, sir! It will not stand!

CritialGaming said:
While I am happy to see such a response in this thread, I feel like a lot of your have missed my point.
Maybe a little bit, but due to technical advancements alone any list following that criteria would be hopelessly subject to recency bias and not very interesting.

Rather, better to look at games that were hugely influential and/or groundbreaking in their time. Ultima IV made more waves in the industry than Kindgoms of Amular, despite the latter having wildly superior production values. How do you balance those two things against one another? You probably don't have a quarter of the games you have today without the Ultima Series, or Baldur's Gate. They formed the building blocks that everything you love about modern RPGs was constructed on. The hell I'm gonna leave them off a "best of" list.


Any Color you like
Jul 19, 2007
1. Gothic 1 and 2
2. Diablo 2
3. Pillars of Eternity
4. Dragon Quest 7
5. Vampire: Bloodlines