LoadingReadyRun: Ways to Fall Asleep


New member
Jan 7, 2010
Wolveria said:
Anyone else notice that Paul was probably raped at least twice in that video? First in the hypnosis scene where the guy puts a wig on him, the second was the roofy in the club. Poor Paul...
Aww c'mon.
Nothing says comedy like implied sexual assault!!!


Oh...and i'll concur with the other posters above me.

Kathleen can read to me in bed too!

But until then, i've spliced together every instance of her in past episodes of LRR, ENN and Phailhause on a continual audio loop. Not perfect but it'll have to do...

....for now.....

' )

"Hey Kathleen...does this rag smell like chloroform to you?"

Great work guys.


New member
Dec 30, 2009
Simple, funny and very cute.

The friends willing to toss sheep for you (and very nice rhythm they had going) are precious indeed.

I laughed so hard at the roofie-lunge.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Haha, anything read by Ben Stein would cause sleepiness. That part cracked me up big time.

Milk bath was... I dunno how to describe that. You won't see me doing that any time soon, though.


Unskippable, LRR, Feed Dump
Nov 13, 2008
Digikid said:
Matt_LRR said:
Digikid said:
Hate to tell you but that Turkey thing is most definitely NOT A MYTH. Get your facts straight.
Actually, we did. There is trypophan in turkey, and tryptophan is a chemical that makes you sleepy. However, the actual quantity of tryptophan in turkey is too low to have any affect on a person after a single meal (no matter how much you crammed downn on thanksgiving). You get sleepy after eating a huge turkey dinner because you're stuffed so full of food your body needs time to digest.

You'd be sleepy if you ate that much of anything, it has nothing to do with the turkey itself.

Sorry but still untrue. I have seen and experienced this myself. Some people just have a single serving and afterwards are still falling asleep.

Science is not always correct....as a matter of fact is is only right about 40% of the time.
You're talking a big game by just outright saying that Matt is "untrue".

Here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tryptophan#Turkey_meat_and_drowsiness
With references and everything.

pigmy wurm

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Digikid said:
Still untrue. I speak from experience.
What was your experience, you ate a single drumstick and fell into a comma? If not I doubt it could be anything that would be that conclusive. You eat stuff, your body needs time to metabolize, you get tired, it happens.


Unskippable, LRR, Feed Dump
Nov 13, 2008
Digikid said:
Still untrue. I speak from experience.
So do we, dude.
Just because you had a differing experience to what has been proven doesn't make the facts "untrue".

You gonna keep trolling?


New member
Dec 29, 2007
GrahamS said:
Digikid said:
Still untrue. I speak from experience.
So do we, dude.
Just because you had a differing experience to what has been proven doesn't make the facts "untrue".

You gonna keep trolling?
Maaaaybe.... :p :p :p :p :p

All I am saying is that science is NOT always right. Take it or leave it. Your choice.

People that always think that science is always right are only proving how gullible they are and are doomed to fail.

Just setting the facts straight here gentlemen.

Eric the Orange

Gone Gonzo
Apr 29, 2008
Digikid said:
GrahamS said:
Digikid said:
Still untrue. I speak from experience.
So do we, dude.
Just because you had a differing experience to what has been proven doesn't make the facts "untrue".

You gonna keep trolling?
Maaaaybe.... :p :p :p :p :p

All I am saying is that science is NOT always right. Take it or leave it. Your choice.

People that always think that science is always right are only proving how gullible they are and are doomed to fail.

Just setting the facts straight here gentlemen.
So your personal experience, witch has many uncontrolled variables, is more accurate than lab tests that have all variables controlled and quantified. By that logic you can prove anything. for example lets say I slipped and hit my head on the wall while sitting after that dazed I found a $20 under a chair. By your logic hitting your head on the wall causes good luck.

But people can skew test and data to prove what they want if they are so inclined. But that doesn't mean that by believing what someone else says makes you gullible. Despite the fact that I wasn't born back then I believe that WWII happened. But I didn't experience it first hand but that doesn't make it any less true.


Dec 14, 2004
Digikid said:
Maaaaybe.... :p :p :p :p :p

All I am saying is that science is NOT always right. Take it or leave it. Your choice.

People that always think that science is always right are only proving how gullible they are and are doomed to fail.

Just setting the facts straight here gentlemen.
GrahamS said:
You're talking a big game by just outright saying that Matt is "untrue".

Here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tryptophan#Turkey_meat_and_drowsiness
With references and everything.
Just wanted to let you both know... I wrote that wikipedia page and created those facts while drunk last Thanksgiving. My bad.


Residential Idiot
Oct 24, 2008
LOL the Milk thing was kind of disturbing and I have to say that I loved the Eternal Sonata joke! A great nod to us Unskippable fans and also people that find the game boring :p